# """ Clear the screen, print an error message, and kill the program """ # function die(msg) # write(STDOUT, "\x1b[2J") # write(STDOUT, "\x1b[H") # error(msg) # end ########## # CURSOR # ########## mutable struct Cursor x::Int y::Int rx::Int end ########## # EDITOR # ########## "Editor instance" mutable struct Editor "row view offset" rowoff::Int "column view offset" coloff::Int "terminal width" width::Int "terminal height" height::Int "currently edited file" filename::String "current status message" statusmsg::String "time reaining to display status" status_time::Float64 "true if the buffer has been edited" dirty::Bool "if true, the key input loop will exit" quit::Bool "the cursor position" csr::Cursor "the test buffer" rows::Rows "terminal hosting this editor" term::Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal "used by commands to store variables" params::Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}} end """create a new editor with default params""" function Editor() rowoff = 0 coloff = 0 width = 0 height = 0 filename = "" statusmsg = "" status_time = 0 dirty = false quit = false csr = Cursor(1,1,1) rows = Rows() term = Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal(get(ENV, "TERM", @static is_windows() ? "" : "dumb"), STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR) params = Dict{Symbol, Dict{Symbol, Any}}() Editor(rowoff, coloff, width, height, filename, statusmsg, status_time, dirty, quit, csr, rows, term, params) end ################### # FILE OPERATIONS # ################### """ Open a file and read the lines into the ed.rows array """ function editorOpen(ed::Editor, filename::String) try filename = expanduser(filename) # If no file exists, create it !isfile(filename) && open(filename, "w") do f end open(filename, "r") do file clearRows(ed.rows) for line in eachline(file) appendRow(ed.rows, line) end ed.filename = filename ed.csr.x = 1 ed.csr.y = 1 ed.dirty = false end catch Exception e setStatusMessage(ed, "Cannot open file $filename") end end function editorOpen(ed::Editor) if ed.dirty confirm = editorPrompt(ed, "There are unsaved changes. Open another file? [y/n]: ") if confirm != "y" setStatusMessage(ed, "Open aborted") return end end filename = editorPrompt(ed, "Open file: ") filename = expand(filename) if filename != "" editorOpen(ed, filename) else setStatusMessage(ed, "Open aborted") end end """ Save the buffer to the file using the current file name """ function editorSave(ed::Editor) editorSave(ed, "") end """ Save the contents of the file buffer to disc """ function editorSave(ed::Editor, path::String) prev_filename = ed.filename try if path == "" if ed.filename == "" ed.filename = editorPrompt(ed, "Save as: ") if ed.filename == "" setStatusMessage(ed, "Save aborted") return end end else ed.filename = expand(path) end open(ed.filename, "w") do f write(f, rowsToString(ed.rows)) end setStatusMessage(ed, "File saved: $(ed.filename)") ed.dirty = false catch Exception # There was an error saving, restore original filename ed.filename = prev_filename setStatusMessage(ed, "Unable to save: $(ed.filename)") end end ########## # VISUAL # ########## """ Given an arrow input, move the cursor """ function moveCursor(ed::Editor, key::UInt32) if key == ARROW_LEFT if ed.csr.x > 1 ed.csr.x -= 1 elseif ed.csr.y > 1 # At start of line, move to end of prev line ed.csr.y -= 1 ed.csr.x = 1+length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars) end elseif key == ARROW_RIGHT onrow = ed.csr.y <= length(ed.rows) if onrow && ed.csr.x <= length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars) ed.csr.x += 1 elseif ed.csr.y < length(ed.rows) && ed.csr.x == 1 + length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars) # At end of line, move to next line ed.csr.y += 1 ed.csr.x = 1 end elseif key == ARROW_UP ed.csr.y > 1 && (ed.csr.y -= 1) elseif key == ARROW_DOWN ed.csr.y < length(ed.rows) && (ed.csr.y += 1) end # Snap to end of line if we are further out rowlen = ed.csr.y < length(ed.rows)+1 ? length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars)+1 : 1 ed.csr.x > rowlen && (ed.csr.x = rowlen) end moveCursor(ed, key::Key) = moveCursor(ed, UInt32(key)) """ Scroll the screen based on the cursor position """ function scroll(ed::Editor) ed.csr.rx = 1 if ed.csr.y <= length(ed.rows) ed.csr.rx = renderX(ed.rows[ed.csr.y], ed.csr.x) end # Vertical scrolling if ed.csr.y < ed.rowoff+1 ed.rowoff = ed.csr.y-1 end if ed.csr.y >= ed.rowoff+1 + ed.height ed.rowoff = ed.csr.y - ed.height end # Horizontal scrolling if ed.csr.rx < ed.coloff+1 ed.coloff = ed.csr.rx end if ed.csr.rx >= ed.coloff+1 + ed.width ed.coloff = ed.csr.rx - ed.width end end function drawRows(ed::Editor, buf::IOBuffer) for y = 1:ed.height filerow = y + ed.rowoff y != 1 && write(buf, "\r\n") write(buf, "\x1b[K") # Clear line if filerow > length(ed.rows) if y == div(ed.height, 3) && ed.width > 40 && length(ed.rows) == 0 msg = "Acorn Editor" padding = div(ed.width - length(msg), 2) if padding > 0 write(buf, "~") padding -= 1 end while (padding -= 1) > 0 write(buf, " ") end write(buf, msg) else write(buf, "~"); end else len = length(ed.rows[filerow].render) - ed.coloff len = clamp(len, 0, ed.width) write(buf, ed.rows[filerow].render[1+ed.coloff : ed.coloff + len]) end end # Write a newline to prepare for status bar write(buf, "\r\n"); end function drawStatusBar(ed::Editor, buf::IOBuffer) write(buf, "\x1b[7m") # invert colors col = 1 # left padding write(buf, ' ') col += 1 # filename filestatus = string(ed.filename, ed.dirty ? " *" : "") for i = 1:min(div(ed.width,2), length(filestatus)) write(buf, filestatus[i]) col += 1 end linenum = string(ed.csr.y) while col < ed.width - length(linenum) write(buf, ' ') col += 1 end write(buf, linenum, ' ') write(buf, "\x1b[m") # uninvert colors # make line for message bar write(buf, "\r\n") end function drawStatusMessage(ed::Editor, buf::IOBuffer) write(buf, "\x1b[K") if time() - ed.status_time < 5.0 write(buf, ed.statusmsg[1:min(ed.width, length(ed.statusmsg))]) end end function setStatusMessage(ed::Editor, msg::String) ed.statusmsg = msg ed.status_time = time() end function refreshScreen(ed::Editor) # Update terminal size ed.height = Base.Terminals.height(ed.term) - 2 # status + msg bar = 2 ed.width = Base.Terminals.width(ed.term) scroll(ed) buf = IOBuffer() write(buf, "\x1b[?25l") # ?25l: Hide cursor write(buf, "\x1b[H") # H: Move cursor to top left drawRows(ed, buf) drawStatusBar(ed, buf) drawStatusMessage(ed, buf) @printf(buf, "\x1b[%d;%dH", ed.csr.y-ed.rowoff, ed.csr.rx-ed.coloff) write(buf, "\x1b[?25h") # ?25h: Show cursor write(STDOUT, String(take!(buf))) end function editorPrompt(ed::Editor, prompt::String; callback=nothing, buf::String="", showcursor::Bool=true) ::String while true statusmsg = string(prompt, buf) setStatusMessage(ed, string(prompt, buf)) refreshScreen(ed) if showcursor # Position the cursor at the end of the line @printf(STDOUT, "\x1b[%d;%dH", 999, length(statusmsg)+1) end c = Char(readKey()) if c == '\x1b' setStatusMessage(ed, "") callback != nothing && callback(ed, buf, c) return "" elseif c == '\r' if length(buf) != 0 setStatusMessage(ed, "") callback != nothing && callback(ed, buf, c) return buf end elseif UInt32(c) == BACKSPACE && length(buf) > 0 buf = buf[1:end-1] elseif !iscntrl(c) && UInt32(c) < 128 buf = string(buf, c) end callback != nothing && callback(ed, buf, c) end end ############## ## Keyboard ## ############## function processKeypress(ed::Editor) c = readKey(); if c == ctrl_key('p') runCommand(ed) elseif (c == ARROW_LEFT || c == ARROW_UP || c == ARROW_RIGHT || c == ARROW_DOWN) moveCursor(ed, c) elseif c == PAGE_UP || c == PAGE_DOWN lines = ed.height while (lines-=1) > 0 moveCursor(ed, c == PAGE_UP ? ARROW_UP : ARROW_DOWN) end elseif c == HOME_KEY ed.csr.x = 0 elseif c == END_KEY ed.csr.y < length(ed.rows) && (ed.csr.x = length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars)) elseif c == UInt32('\r') editorInsertNewline(ed) elseif c == BACKSPACE editorDelChar(ed) elseif c == DEL_KEY moveCursor(ed, ARROW_RIGHT) editorDelChar(ed) elseif c == ctrl_key('l') # Refresh screen return elseif c == UInt32('\x1b') return elseif iscntrl(Char(c)) && isKeyBound(Char(c)) runCommand(ed, getKeyBinding(Char(c))) elseif c == UInt32('\t') editorInsertTab(ed) elseif !iscntrl(Char(c)) editorInsertChar(ed, c) end end ##################### # Editor Operations # ##################### function editorInsertChar(ed::Editor, c::UInt32) # The cursor is able to move beyond the last row ed.csr.y == length(ed.rows)+1 && appendRow(ed.rows, "") insertChar!(ed.rows[ed.csr.y], ed.csr.x, Char(c)) ed.csr.x += 1 ed.dirty = true end function editorInsertTab(ed::Editor) # The cursor is able to move beyond the last row ed.csr.y == length(ed.rows)+1 && appendRow(ed.rows, "") # Insert character(s) into the row data mv_fwd = insertTab!(ed.rows[ed.csr.y], ed.csr.x) ed.csr.x += mv_fwd ed.dirty = true end function editorDelChar(ed::Editor) ed.csr.y == length(ed.rows)+1 && return ed.csr.x == 1 && ed.csr.y == 1 && return if ed.csr.x > 1 deleteChar!(ed.rows[ed.csr.y], ed.csr.x -1) ed.csr.x -= 1 ed.dirty = true else # Move cursor to end of prev line ed.csr.x = 1+length(ed.rows[ed.csr.y-1].chars) appendRowString(ed.rows[ed.csr.y-1], ed.rows[ed.csr.y].chars) editorDelRow(ed, ed.csr.y) ed.csr.y -= 1 end end function editorInsertRow(ed::Editor, i::Int, str::String) row = Row(str) update!(row) insert!(ed.rows, i, row) end function editorInsertNewline(ed::Editor) if ed.csr.x == 1 editorInsertRow(ed, ed.csr.y, "") else row = ed.rows[ed.csr.y] before = row.chars[1:ed.csr.x-1] after = row.chars[ed.csr.x:end] editorInsertRow(ed, ed.csr.y + 1, after) row.chars = before update!(row) end ed.csr.y += 1 ed.csr.x = 1 end function editorDelRow(ed::Editor, i::Int) i < 1 || i > length(ed.rows) && return deleteat!(ed.rows, i) ed.dirty = true end function editorQuit(ed::Editor; force::Bool=false) if !force && ed.dirty setStatusMessage(ed, "File has unsaved changes. Save changes of use 'quit !' to quit anyway") else write(STDOUT, "\x1b[2J") write(STDOUT, "\x1b[H") ed.quit = true !isinteractive() && exit(0) end end ############ # COMMANDS # ############ function runCommand(ed::Editor) cmd = editorPrompt(ed, "> ") runCommand(ed, strip(cmd)) end function runCommand(ed::Editor, command_str::String) cmd_arr = split(command_str, ' ', limit=2) # Get the command cmd = strip(cmd_arr[1]) # Blank, do nothing cmd == "" && return # Command must be a valid identifier if !Base.isidentifier(cmd) setStatusMessage(ed, "'$sym' is not a valid command name") return end cmd_sym = Symbol(cmd) # Get arguments if there are any args = "" if length(cmd_arr) > 1 args = cmd_arr[2] end # If the command exists, run it if cmd_sym in keys(COMMANDS) # join(args): convert Substring to String runCommand(COMMANDS[cmd_sym], ed, join(args)) else setStatusMessage(ed, "'$sym' is not a valid command") end end function runCommand(c::Command, ed::Editor, args::String) c.cmd(ed, args) end