module EditorConfig ############### ## Parameter ## ############### type Parameter{T} value::T validate::Union{Function, Void} desc::String # Used when calling help end validate(p::Parameter) = p.validate == nothing ? true : p.validate(p.value) function set(p::Parameter, x) old_val = p.value # Correct type? try p.value = x catch Exception p.value = old_val throw(ArgumentError("Invalid parameter assignment: $sym, $x")) end # Valid? if !validate(p) p.value = old_val throw(ArgumentError("Invalid parameter assignmnt: $sym, $x")) end end ############ ## CONFIG ## ############ const CONFIG = Dict{Symbol, Parameter}() function configSet(sym::Symbol, x) # Check if parameter exists if !(sym in keys(CONFIG)) throw(ArgumentError("No parameter named $sym")) end p = CONFIG[sym] set(p, x) CONFIG[sym] = p end configGet(sym::Symbol) = CONFIG[sym].value configDesc(sym::Symbol) = CONFIG[sym].desc configIsParam(sym::Symbol) = sym in keys(CONFIG) ################## ## KEY BINDINGS ## ################## const KEY_BINDINGS = Dict{UInt32, String}() function setKeyBinding(c::Char, s::String) KEY_BINDINGS[UInt32(c) & 0x1f] = s end function getKeyBinding(c::Char) get(KEY_BINDINGS, UInt32(c) & 0x1f, "") end isKeyBound(c::Char) = (UInt32(c) & 0x1f) in keys(KEY_BINDINGS) ######################## ## DEFAULT PARAMETERS ## ######################## CONFIG[:tab_stop] = Parameter{Int}(4, n-> n > 0 && n <= 16, "visual size of a tab in number of spaces") CONFIG[:expandtab] = Parameter{Bool}(false, nothing, "if true, use spaces instead of tabs when pressing ") CONFIG[:status_fullpath] = Parameter{Bool}(false, nothing, "show full path to current file") ########################## ## DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS ## ########################## setKeyBinding('s', "save") setKeyBinding('o', "open") setKeyBinding('f', "find") setKeyBinding('q', "quit") # # In juliarc: # # using Acorn # # # ## KEY_BINDINGS # #Acorn.addKeyBinding('f', "find") # Acorn.addKeyBinding('o', "open") # Acorn.addKeyBinding('s', "save") # # """ # bind f find # bind o open # bind s save # set tab_stop 4 # set expandtab true # """ # TODO: # hard/soft tabs # show hidden characters export configGet, configSet, configIsParam, configDesc, setKeyBinding, getKeyBinding, isKeyBound end #module