2017-08-01 18:03:48 +02:00
2017-08-01 22:51:03 +02:00
2017-08-01 18:03:48 +02:00
A bibliography item in a bibTeX database, based on a dictionary of
strings to values. It is parameterized by a symbol `S` giving the
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type of the item (`:article` etcetera). A `b::Citation` supports
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`b[key]` access to retrieve the data and in general acts like
a dictionary from `String` to `String`.
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struct Citation{S} <: Associative{String,String}
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Citation{S}() where {S} = Citation{S}(Dict{String,String}())
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function Citation!(data::Dict{String,String})
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S = Symbol(pop!(data, "__type__"))
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return Citation{S}(data)
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Base.similar(b::Citation{S}) where {S} = Citation{S}(Dict{String,String}())
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Base.rehash!(b::Citation, n=length(b.data)) = begin Base.rehash!(b.data, n); b; end
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Base.sizehint!(b::Citation, n) = begin sizehint!(b.data, n); b; end
Base.empty!(b::Citation) = begin empty!(b.data); b; end
Base.copy(b::Citation{S}) where {S} = Citation{S}(copy(b.data))
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Base.get(b::Citation, k::AbstractString, default) = get(b.data, String(k), default)
Base.getindex(b::Citation, k::AbstractString) = getindex(b.data, String(k))
function Base.setindex!(b::Citation, v::AbstractString, k::AbstractString)
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b.data[String(k)] = String(v)
return b
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Base.start(b::Citation) = start(b.data)
Base.done(b::Citation, i) = done(b.data, i)
Base.next(b::Citation, i) = next(b.data, i)
Base.length(b::Citation) = length(b.data)
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2017-08-01 22:51:03 +02:00
function Base.show{S}(io::IO, b::Citation{S})
print(io, "Citation{:$S}(", length(b), " entries)")
2017-08-01 18:03:48 +02:00
# TODO: add Base.show text/plain and text/markdown for formatted citation