package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.miband.operations; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic; import; import android.widget.Toast; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.UUID; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.R; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.devices.miband.MiBandFWHelper; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.devices.miband.MiBandService; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.TransactionBuilder; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.actions.SetDeviceBusyAction; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.actions.SetProgressAction; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.miband.MiBandSupport; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.CheckSums; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.GB; public class UpdateFirmwareOperation extends AbstractMiBandOperation { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdateFirmwareOperation.class); private final Uri uri; private boolean firmwareInfoSent = false; private byte[] newFirmware; private boolean rebootWhenBandReady = false; public UpdateFirmwareOperation(Uri uri, MiBandSupport support) { super(support); this.uri = uri; } @Override protected void doPerform() throws IOException { MiBandFWHelper mFwHelper = new MiBandFWHelper(uri, getContext()); String mMac = getDevice().getAddress(); String[] mMacOctets = mMac.split(":"); int newFwVersion = mFwHelper.getFirmwareVersion(); int oldFwVersion = getSupport().getDeviceInfo().getFirmwareVersion(); int checksum = (Integer.decode("0x" + mMacOctets[4]) << 8 | Integer.decode("0x" + mMacOctets[5])) ^ CheckSums.getCRC16(mFwHelper.getFw()); sendFirmwareInfo(oldFwVersion, newFwVersion, mFwHelper.getFw().length, checksum); firmwareInfoSent = true; newFirmware = mFwHelper.getFw(); //the firmware will be sent by the notification listener if the band confirms that the metadata are ok. } private void done() { operationFinished(); unsetBusy(); } @Override public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) { UUID characteristicUUID = characteristic.getUuid(); if (MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_NOTIFICATION.equals(characteristicUUID)) { handleNotificationNotif(characteristic.getValue()); } else { super.onCharacteristicChanged(gatt, characteristic); } } /** * React to unsolicited messages sent by the Mi Band to the MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_NOTIFICATION * characteristic, * These messages appear to be always 1 byte long, with values that are listed in MiBandService. * It is not excluded that there are further values which are still unknown. *

* Upon receiving known values that request further action by GB, the appropriate method is called. * * @param value */ private void handleNotificationNotif(byte[] value) { if (value.length != 1) { LOG.error("Notifications should be 1 byte long."); getSupport().logMessageContent(value); return; } switch (value[0]) { case MiBandService.NOTIFY_FW_CHECK_SUCCESS: if (firmwareInfoSent && newFirmware != null) { if (sendFirmwareData(newFirmware)) { rebootWhenBandReady = true; } else { //TODO: the firmware transfer failed, but the miband should be still functional with the old firmware. What should we do? GB.toast(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_updateproblem_do_not_reboot), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR); done(); } firmwareInfoSent = false; newFirmware = null; } break; case MiBandService.NOTIFY_FW_CHECK_FAILED: GB.toast(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_metadata_updateproblem), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR); firmwareInfoSent = false; newFirmware = null; done(); break; case MiBandService.NOTIFY_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_SUCCESS: if (rebootWhenBandReady) { GB.toast(getContext(), getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_update_complete_rebooting), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO); GB.updateInstallNotification(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_update_complete), false, 100, getContext()); getSupport().onReboot(); rebootWhenBandReady = false; } done(); break; case MiBandService.NOTIFY_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FAILED: //TODO: the firmware transfer failed, but the miband should be still functional with the old firmware. What should we do? GB.toast(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_updateproblem_do_not_reboot), Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.ERROR); GB.updateInstallNotification(getContext().getString(R.string.updatefirmwareoperation_write_failed), false, 0, getContext()); rebootWhenBandReady = false; done(); break; default: getSupport().logMessageContent(value); break; } } /** * Prepare the MiBand to receive the new firmware data. * Some information about the new firmware version have to be pushed to the MiBand before sending * the actual firmare. *

* The Mi Band will send a notification after receiving these data to confirm if the metadata looks good to it. * * @param currentFwVersion * @param newFwVersion * @param newFwSize * @param checksum * @see MiBandSupport#handleNotificationNotif */ private void sendFirmwareInfo(int currentFwVersion, int newFwVersion, int newFwSize, int checksum) throws IOException { byte[] fwInfo = new byte[]{ MiBandService.COMMAND_SEND_FIRMWARE_INFO, (byte) currentFwVersion, (byte) (currentFwVersion >> 8), (byte) (currentFwVersion >> 16), (byte) (currentFwVersion >> 24), (byte) newFwVersion, (byte) (newFwVersion >> 8), (byte) (newFwVersion >> 16), (byte) (newFwVersion >> 24), (byte) newFwSize, (byte) (newFwSize >> 8), (byte) checksum, (byte) (checksum >> 8) // (byte) (checksum >> 8), // (byte) 0 // TEST, only for Mi1S! }; TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("send firmware info"); builder.add(new SetDeviceBusyAction(getDevice(), getContext().getString(R.string.updating_firmware), getContext())); builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_CONTROL_POINT), fwInfo); builder.queue(getQueue()); } /** * Method that uploads a firmware (fwbytes) to the MiBand. * The firmware has to be splitted into chunks of 20 bytes each, and periodically a COMMAND_SYNC comand has to be issued to the MiBand. *

* The Mi Band will send a notification after receiving these data to confirm if the firmware looks good to it. * * @param fwbytes * @return whether the transfer succeeded or not. Only a BT layer exception will cause the transmission to fail. * @see MiBandSupport#handleNotificationNotif */ private boolean sendFirmwareData(byte fwbytes[]) { int len = fwbytes.length; final int packetLength = 20; int packets = len / packetLength; byte fwChunk[] = new byte[packetLength]; int firmwareProgress = 0; try { TransactionBuilder builder = performInitialized("send firmware packet"); for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++) { fwChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(fwbytes, i * packetLength, i * packetLength + packetLength); builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FIRMWARE_DATA), fwChunk); firmwareProgress += packetLength; if ((i > 0) && (i % 50 == 0)) { builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_CONTROL_POINT), new byte[]{MiBandService.COMMAND_SYNC}); builder.add(new SetProgressAction("Firmware update in progress", true, (int) (((float) firmwareProgress) / len * 100), getContext())); }"Firmware update progress:" + firmwareProgress + " total len:" + len + " progress:" + (int) (((float) firmwareProgress) / len * 100)); } if (!(len % packetLength == 0)) { byte lastChunk[] = new byte[len % packetLength]; lastChunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(fwbytes, packets * packetLength, len); builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_FIRMWARE_DATA), lastChunk); firmwareProgress += len % packetLength; }"Firmware update progress:" + firmwareProgress + " total len:" + len + " progress:" + (firmwareProgress / len)); if (firmwareProgress >= len) { builder.write(getCharacteristic(MiBandService.UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_CONTROL_POINT), new byte[]{MiBandService.COMMAND_SYNC}); } else { GB.updateInstallNotification("Firmware write failed", false, 0, getContext()); } builder.queue(getQueue()); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Unable to send fw to MI", ex); GB.updateInstallNotification("Firmware write failed", false, 0, getContext()); return false; } return true; } }