package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.devices.pebble; import android.widget.Toast; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.UUID; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.GBApplication; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.database.DBHandler; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.devices.SampleProvider; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.devices.pebble.HealthSampleProvider; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.model.ActivityKind; import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.util.GB; class DatalogSessionHealthSleep extends DatalogSession { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatalogSessionHealthSleep.class); public DatalogSessionHealthSleep(byte id, UUID uuid, int tag, byte item_type, short item_size) { super(id, uuid, tag, item_type, item_size); taginfo = "(health - sleep " + tag + " )"; } @Override public boolean handleMessage(ByteBuffer datalogMessage, int length) {"DATALOG " + taginfo + GB.hexdump(datalogMessage.array(), datalogMessage.position(), length)); switch (this.tag) { case 83: return handleMessage83(datalogMessage, length); case 84: return handleMessage84(datalogMessage, length); default: return false; } } private boolean handleMessage84(ByteBuffer datalogMessage, int length) { int initialPosition = datalogMessage.position(); int beginOfRecordPosition; short recordVersion; //probably short recordType; //probably: 1=sleep, 2=deep sleep if (0 != (length % itemSize)) return false;//malformed message? int recordCount = length / itemSize; SleepRecord84[] sleepRecords = new SleepRecord84[recordCount]; for (int recordIdx = 0; recordIdx < recordCount; recordIdx++) { beginOfRecordPosition = initialPosition + recordIdx * itemSize; datalogMessage.position(beginOfRecordPosition);//we may not consume all the bytes of a record recordVersion = datalogMessage.getShort(); if (recordVersion != 1) return false;//we don't know how to deal with the data TODO: this is not ideal because we will get the same message again and again since we NACK it datalogMessage.getShort();//throwaway, unknown recordType = datalogMessage.getShort(); sleepRecords[recordIdx] = new SleepRecord84(recordType, datalogMessage.getInt(), datalogMessage.getInt(), datalogMessage.getInt()); } return store84(sleepRecords);//NACK if we cannot store the data yet, the watch will send the sleep records again. } private boolean store84(SleepRecord84[] sleepRecords) { DBHandler dbHandler = null; SampleProvider sampleProvider = new HealthSampleProvider(); try { dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB(); int latestTimestamp = dbHandler.fetchLatestTimestamp(sampleProvider); for (SleepRecord84 sleepRecord : sleepRecords) { if (latestTimestamp < (sleepRecord.timestampStart + sleepRecord.durationSeconds)) return false; int activityType = sleepRecord.type == 2 ? sampleProvider.toRawActivityKind(ActivityKind.TYPE_DEEP_SLEEP) : sampleProvider.toRawActivityKind(ActivityKind.TYPE_LIGHT_SLEEP); dbHandler.changeStoredSamplesType(sleepRecord.timestampStart, (sleepRecord.timestampStart + sleepRecord.durationSeconds), activityType, sampleProvider); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.debug(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (dbHandler != null) { dbHandler.release(); } } return true; } private boolean handleMessage83(ByteBuffer datalogMessage, int length) { int initialPosition = datalogMessage.position(); int beginOfRecordPosition; short recordVersion; //probably if (0 != (length % itemSize)) return false;//malformed message? int recordCount = length / itemSize; SleepRecord83[] sleepRecords = new SleepRecord83[recordCount]; for (int recordIdx = 0; recordIdx < recordCount; recordIdx++) { beginOfRecordPosition = initialPosition + recordIdx * itemSize; datalogMessage.position(beginOfRecordPosition);//we may not consume all the bytes of a record recordVersion = datalogMessage.getShort(); if (recordVersion != 1) return false;//we don't know how to deal with the data TODO: this is not ideal because we will get the same message again and again since we NACK it sleepRecords[recordIdx] = new SleepRecord83(datalogMessage.getInt(), datalogMessage.getInt(), datalogMessage.getInt(), datalogMessage.getInt()); } return store83(sleepRecords);//NACK if we cannot store the data yet, the watch will send the sleep records again. } private boolean store83(SleepRecord83[] sleepRecords) { DBHandler dbHandler = null; SampleProvider sampleProvider = new HealthSampleProvider(); GB.toast("Deep sleep is supported only from firmware 3.11 onwards.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, GB.INFO); try { dbHandler = GBApplication.acquireDB(); int latestTimestamp = dbHandler.fetchLatestTimestamp(sampleProvider); for (SleepRecord83 sleepRecord : sleepRecords) { if (latestTimestamp < sleepRecord.bedTimeEnd) return false; dbHandler.changeStoredSamplesType(sleepRecord.bedTimeStart, sleepRecord.bedTimeEnd, sampleProvider.toRawActivityKind(ActivityKind.TYPE_LIGHT_SLEEP), sampleProvider); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.debug(ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (dbHandler != null) { dbHandler.release(); } } return true; } private class SleepRecord83 { int offsetUTC; //probably int bedTimeStart; int bedTimeEnd; int deepSleepSeconds; public SleepRecord83(int offsetUTC, int bedTimeStart, int bedTimeEnd, int deepSleepSeconds) { this.offsetUTC = offsetUTC; this.bedTimeStart = bedTimeStart; this.bedTimeEnd = bedTimeEnd; this.deepSleepSeconds = deepSleepSeconds; } } private class SleepRecord84 { int type; //1=sleep, 2=deep sleep int offsetUTC; //probably int timestampStart; int durationSeconds; public SleepRecord84(int type, int offsetUTC, int timestampStart, int durationSeconds) { this.type = type; this.offsetUTC = offsetUTC; this.timestampStart = timestampStart; this.durationSeconds = durationSeconds; } } }