
64 lines
2.3 KiB

.. 2>/dev/null
names ()
echo -e "\n exit;\n**Contributors (sorted by number of commits):**\n";
git log --all --format='%aN:%aE' | sed 's/' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{ct[$2]+=1;if (length($1) > length(e[$2])) {e[$2]=$1}}END{for (i in e) { n[e[i]]=i;c[e[i]]+=ct[i] }; for (a in n) print c[a]"\t* "a" <"n[a]">";}' | sort -n -r | cut -f 2-
quine ()
echo ".. 2>/dev/null";
declare -f names | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*/ /';
declare -f quine | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*/ /';
echo -e " quine\n";
echo -e "\nAnd all the Transifex translators, which I cannot automatically list, at the moment.\n\n*To update the contributors list just run this file with bash*"
**Contributors (sorted by number of commits):**
* Andreas Shimokawa <>
* Carsten Pfeiffer <>
* Daniele Gobbetti <>
* Julien Pivotto <>
* Steffen Liebergeld <>
* Lem Dulfo <>
* Sergey Trofimov <>
* JohnnySun <>
* Uwe Hermann <>
* Gergely Peidl <>
* 0nse <>
* Christian Fischer <>
* Normano64 <>
* Ⲇⲁⲛⲓ Φi <>
* xzovy <>
* xphnx <>
* Tarik Sekmen <>
* Szymon Tomasz Stefanek <>
* Roman Plevka <>
* rober <>
* Nicolò Balzarotti <>
* Natanael Arndt <>
* Marc Schlaich <>
* kevlarcade <>
* Kevin Richter <>
* Kasha <>
* Ivan <>
* Gilles MOREL <>
* Gilles Émilien MOREL <>
* Chris Perelstein <>
* Carlos Ferreira <>
* atkyritsis <>
* andre <>
* Alexey Afanasev <>
* 6arms1leg <>
And all the Transifex translators, which I cannot automatically list, at the moment.
*To update the contributors list just run this file with bash*