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package nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.actions;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCallback;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
import nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.service.btle.BtLEAction;
* Invokes a write operation on a given GATT characteristic.
* The result status will be made available asynchronously through the
* {@link BluetoothGattCallback}
public class WriteAction extends BtLEAction {
private final byte[] value;
public WriteAction(BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, byte[] value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean run(BluetoothGatt gatt) {
int properties = getCharacteristic().getProperties();
//TODO: expectsResult should return false if PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE is true, but this yelds to timing issues
if ((properties & BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE) > 0 || ((properties & BluetoothGattCharacteristic.PROPERTY_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE) > 0)) {
if (getCharacteristic().setValue(value)) {
return gatt.writeCharacteristic(getCharacteristic());
return false;
public boolean expectsResult() {
return true;