#define VERSION "1.00" #define N 9 #define USERNAME_LENGTH 10 #include #include #include #include #include void restoregrid (); void menu (); void play (); void start (); void move_ptr (int direction); void nolow (); void settings (); void ranking (); void rules (); void printm (); int win (); int matrix[N][N] = {0}; int my_x; int my_y; int moves; int grid; int gridset = 0; FILE *fp; int main () { srand (time(NULL)); fp = fopen ("roofus.txt", "a+"); if (fp == NULL) { printw ("Error opening file"); refresh(); }else{ restoregrid (); menu (); } fclose (fp); printw ("\n\n\n\nRoofus v%s", VERSION); refresh (); endwin(); return 0; } // restore last grid size void restoregrid () { int gridtemp, length; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, (length - 2), SEEK_SET); // go to grid size character gridtemp = fgetc(fp) - 48; // -48 to convert char in int if (gridtemp < 3 || gridtemp > 9) grid = 5; else grid = gridtemp; } void menu (){ int mode; initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, true); while (1) { clear(); printw ("~~~ ROOFUS ~~~\n\n[1] Play\n[2] Ranking\n[3] Settings\n[4] Rules\n[q] Quit\n\n"); refresh(); mode = getch(); switch (mode) { case 'q': return; case '1': play (); break; case '2': ranking (); break; case '3': settings (); break; case '4': rules (); break; } } /* return 0; */ } void play () { char user[USERNAME_LENGTH]; int direction; int exit = 0; int end = 0; char *text = malloc (sizeof (text) * N); moves = 0; clear(); my_x = grid / 2; my_y = grid / 2; start (); while (end == 0) { printw ("\nArrow to move, q to quit\n"); refresh(); direction = getch(); if (direction == 'q') { printw ("\nAre you sure? [y/n] "); refresh(); exit = getch(); if (exit == 'y') { return; } else { direction = '1'; getchar (); } } move_ptr (direction); printm (); end = win (); if (end != 0) { echo(); printw ("Enter your name: "); refresh(); getnstr(user, USERNAME_LENGTH); // read at most } } sprintf (text, "%li %d %s %d\n", time(NULL), moves, user, grid); refresh(); fputs (text, fp); free (text); return; } void start () { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < grid; i++) { for (j = 0; j < grid; j++) { matrix[i][j] = rand () % 19 + 1; } } nolow (); printm(); } void move_ptr (int direction) { int xinit = my_x, yinit = my_y; int stop = 0, del = 0; int i, j; // move_ptr pointer switch (direction) { case KEY_LEFT: if (my_x != 0) { my_x--; } else { stop = 1; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (my_x < grid - 1) { my_x++; } else { stop = 1; } break; case KEY_UP: if (my_y > 0) { my_y--; } else { stop = 1; } break; case KEY_DOWN: if(my_y < grid - 1) { my_y++; } else { stop = 1; } break; default: stop = 1; break; } if (stop == 0) { // change values if (direction == KEY_RIGHT) { for (j = my_x; j < grid; j++) { if (matrix[my_y][j] != 0) { matrix[my_y][j] = matrix[my_y][j] - matrix[yinit][xinit]; if (matrix[my_y][j] == 0) del = 1; if (matrix[my_y][j] < 0 && matrix[yinit][xinit] != 0) matrix[my_y][j] = -matrix[my_y][j]; } } } if (direction == KEY_LEFT) { for (j = 0; j < xinit; j++) { if (matrix[my_y][j] != 0) { matrix[my_y][j] = matrix[my_y][j] - matrix[my_y][xinit]; if (matrix[my_y][j] == 0) del = 1; if (matrix[my_y][j] < 0 && matrix[yinit][xinit] != 0) matrix[my_y][j] = - matrix[my_y][j]; } } } if (direction == KEY_UP){ for (i = my_y; i >= 0; i--) { if (matrix[i][my_x] != 0) { matrix[i][my_x] = matrix[i][my_x] - matrix[yinit][xinit]; if (matrix[i][my_x] == 0) del = 1; if (matrix[i][my_x] < 0 && matrix[yinit][xinit] != 0) matrix[i][my_x] = -matrix[i][my_x]; } } } if (direction == KEY_DOWN){ for (i = my_y; i < grid; i++) { if(matrix[i][my_x] != 0) { matrix[i][my_x] = matrix[i][my_x] - matrix[yinit][xinit]; if (matrix[i][my_x] == 0) del = 1; if (matrix[i][my_x] < 0 && matrix[yinit][xinit] != 0) matrix[i][my_x] = -matrix[i][my_x]; } } } if (del == 1) matrix[yinit][xinit] = 0; nolow (); moves++; } } // if 1 or 2 -> random number void nolow () { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < grid; i++) { for (j = 0; j < grid; j++) { if ( matrix[i][j] < 3 && matrix[i][j] > 0) matrix[i][j] = rand () % 10 - 10; } } } void settings () { int setting; int menu = 0; clear(); printw ("> Settings\n\n"); while (menu == 0) { printw ("Menu [q]\nGrid size? [3-9]"); refresh(); setting = getch(); switch (setting) { case 'q': menu = 1; break; case '3': grid = 3; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '4': grid = 4; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '5': grid = 5; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '6': grid = 6; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '7': grid = 7; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '8': grid = 8; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; case '9': grid = 9; gridset = 1; menu = 1; break; default: printw("Retry\n"); break; refresh(); } } } void ranking () { int i = 0, j; struct res { int moves; int grid; char user[10]; time_t res_time; }; struct res result[1000]; struct res temp; char *time_string[1000]; int grid_val = grid; int printed; rewind (fp); do { fscanf (fp, "%li %d %s %d", &result[i].res_time, &result[i].moves, result[i].user, &result[i].grid); i++; } while (result[i-1].moves > 0); for (i = 0; result[i].moves != 0; i++) { for (j = i + 1; result[j].moves != 0; j++) { if (result[i].moves > result[j].moves) { temp = result[i]; result[i] = result[j]; result[j] = temp; } } } do { clear(); if (grid_val >= 3 && grid_val <= 9) { printw ("Best results (%dx%d matrix):\n\n", grid_val, grid_val); refresh(); } else if (grid_val == 1) printw ("Best results:\n\n"); printed = 0; for (i = 0; result[i].moves != 0; i++) { if ((result[i].grid == grid_val || grid_val == 1) && printed < 9) { time_string[i] = ctime(&result[i].res_time); printw ("# %d - %3d moves\t- (%dx%d matrix) - %s\t- %s", printed + 1, result[i].moves, result[i].grid, result[i].grid, result[i].user, time_string[i]); refresh(); printed++; } } if (printed == 0) { printw ("Nothing to show...\n"); refresh(); } printw ("\nMenu [q]; To filter by matrix size [3-9]; No filter [1] "); refresh(); do { grid_val = getch() - '0'; // exit with 'q' - '0' } while ((grid_val < 3 || grid_val > 9) && grid_val != 1 && grid_val != 'q'-'0'); } while (grid_val != ('q'-'0')); } void rules () { clear(); printw ("> Rules\n\n"); printw ("Delete numbers on the table by moving the pointer.\n"); printw ("That's all you need to know\n"); refresh(); getch(); } // print matrix void printm () { int i, j; clear(); printw ("\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < grid; i++) { for (j = 0;j < grid; j++) { if (i == my_y && j == my_x) printw ("> "); if (matrix[i][j] != 0) printw ("%d\t", matrix[i][j]); else printw (" \t"); } printw ("\n\n"); } refresh(); } int win () { int i, j, count=0; for (i = 0; i < grid; i++) { for (j = 0; j < grid; j++) { if (matrix[i][j] == 0) count++; } } if (count >= grid * (grid - 1)) { printw ("\nYou win! Moves: %d\n", moves); refresh (); getchar (); return 1; }else{ printw ("\nYou still need to delete %d numbers. Moves: %d", grid * (grid - 1) - count, moves); refresh(); return 0; } }