add tests

matthieugomez 2019-08-17 15:46:22 -04:00
parent fc3fc17992
commit 06d8ef1831
5 changed files with 43 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ version = "0.4.0"
Distances = "b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7"
IterTools = "c8e1da08-722c-5040-9ed9-7db0dc04731e"
DataStructures = "864edb3b-99cc-5e75-8d2d-829cb0a9cfe8"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The package includes distance "modifiers", that can be applied to any distance.
#> 0.9538461538461539
- Modifiers from the Python library [fuzzywuzzy]( One difference with this Python library is that modifiers are defined for any distance, not just the levenshtein one.
- Modifiers from the Python library [fuzzywuzzy](, that can be applied to any distance.
- [Partial]( returns the maximal similarity score between the shorter string and substrings of the longer string.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module StringDistances
## Export
using DataStructures
import Base: eltype, length, iterate, ==, hash, isless, convert, show, @deprecate
import Distances: evaluate, Hamming, hamming, PreMetric, SemiMetric
import IterTools: chain

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@ -129,35 +129,24 @@ struct TokenSet{T <: PreMetric} <: PreMetric
function compare(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString, dist::TokenSet)
v0, v1, v2 = _separate!(split(s1), split(s2))
v0, v1, v2 = separate!(SortedSet(split(s1)), SortedSet(split(s2)))
s0 = join(v0, " ")
s1 = join(Iterators.flatten((v0, v1)), " ")
s2 = join(Iterators.flatten((v0, v2)), " ")
# otherwise compare("", "a", dist)== 1.0
isempty(s0) && return compare(s1, s2, dist.dist)
s1 = join(union(v0, v1), " ")
s2 = join(union(v0, v2), " ")
max(compare(s0, s1, dist.dist),
compare(s1, s2, dist.dist),
compare(s0, s2, dist.dist))
compare(s0, s2, dist.dist),
compare(s1, s2, dist.dist))
# separate 2 vectors in intersection, setdiff1, setdiff2 (all sorted)
function _separate!(v1::AbstractVector, v2::AbstractVector)
out = eltype(v1)[]
start = 1
i1 = 0
while i1 < length(v1)
i1 += 1
x = v1[i1]
i2 = searchsortedfirst(v2, x, start, length(v2), Base.Forward)
i2 > length(v2) && break
if i2 > 0 && v2[i2] == x
deleteat!(v1, i1)
deleteat!(v2, i2)
# separate 2 sets in intersection, setdiff1, setdiff2 (all sorted)
function separate!(v1::SortedSet, v2::SortedSet)
out = OrderedSet{eltype(v1)}()
for x in v1
if x in v2
pop!(v1, x)
pop!(v2, x)
push!(out, x)
i1 -= 1
start = i2
return out, v1, v2

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@ -69,13 +69,17 @@ s = "HSINCHUANG"
@test compare("New York Mets vs Atlanta Braves", "", TokenSort(RatcliffObershelp())) 0.0
@test compare("mariners vs angels", "", TokenSet(RatcliffObershelp())) 0.0
#@test compare("mariners vs angels", "", TokenSet(RatcliffObershelp())) ≈ 0.0
@test compare("mariners", "mariner", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp())) 0.933333333333333
#@test_approx_eq compare(TokenSort(RatcliffObershelp()), graphemeiterator("New York Mets vs Atlanta Braves"), graphemeiterator("Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets")) 1.0
#@test_approx_eq compare(TokenSet(RatcliffObershelp()),graphemeiterator("mariners vs angels"), graphemeiterator("los angeles angels of anaheim at seattle mariners")) 1.0 - 0.09090909090909094
#@test_approx_eq compare(TokenSort(RatcliffObershelp()), graphemeiterator("New York Mets vs Atlanta Braves"), graphemeiterator("")) 0.0
@ -92,5 +96,26 @@ s = "HSINCHUANG"
# test with fuzz ratio
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("为人子女者要堂堂正正做人,千万不可作奸犯科,致使父母蒙羞", "此前稍早些时候中国商务部发布消息称中美经贸高级别磋商双方牵头人通话中方就美拟9月1日加征关税进行了严正交涉。", RatcliffObershelp())) == 5
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("为人子女者要堂堂正正做人,千万不可作奸犯科,致使父母蒙羞", "此前稍早些时候中国商务部发布消息称中美经贸高级别磋商双方牵头人通话中方就美拟9月1日加征关税进行了严正交涉。", Partial(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 7
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 79
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow", Partial(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 88
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow", TokenSort(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 11
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "are mariner playing tomorrow", RatcliffObershelp())) == 39
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "are mariner playing tomorrow", Partial(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 88
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow", TokenSet(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 39
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow", TokenSet(Partial(RatcliffObershelp())))) == 88
# not exactly the same because tokenmax has uses the max of rounded tokenset etc
@test round(Int, 100 * compare("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp()))) == 52
#= Python code
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
fuzz.ratio("为人子女者要堂堂正正做人,千万不可作奸犯科,致使父母蒙羞", "此前稍早些时候中国商务部发布消息称中美经贸高级别磋商双方牵头人通话中方就美拟9月1日加征关税进行了严正交涉。")
fuzz.partial_ratio("为人子女者要堂堂正正做人,千万不可作奸犯科,致使父母蒙羞", "此前稍早些时候中国商务部发布消息称中美经贸高级别磋商双方牵头人通话中方就美拟9月1日加征关税进行了严正交涉。")
fuzz.WRatio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.partial_ratio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.token_sort_ratio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.token_set_ratio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.partial_token_set_ratio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.WRatio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.WRatio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")
fuzz.WRatio("mariners", "mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow mariner are playing tomorrow")