Update edit.jl

matthieugomez 2020-02-19 08:35:17 -05:00
parent 26dd1c7427
commit 5e11cd19c9
1 changed files with 38 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -114,11 +114,17 @@ end
Creates the DamerauLevenshtein metric
Creates the restricted DamerauLevenshtein metric
The DamerauLevenshtein distance is the minimum number of operations (consisting of insertions,
deletions or substitutions of a single character, or transposition of two adjacent characters)
required to change one string into the other.
The restricted distance differs slightly from the classic Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm by imposing
the restriction that no substring is edited more than once. So for example, "CA" to "ABC" has an edit
distanceof 2 by a complete application of Damerau-Levenshtein, but a distance of 3 by this method that
uses the optimal string alignment algorithm.
struct DamerauLevenshtein <: SemiMetric end
@ -134,57 +140,55 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2, max_dist = nothing)
k == len1 && return len2 - k
v = collect(1:(len2-k))
w = similar(v)
i2_start = k + 1
i2_end = len2
if max_dist !== nothing
offset = 1 + max_dist - (len2 - len1)
i2_start = 1
i2_end = max_dist
i1 = 0
current = i1
prevch1 = first(s1)
prevch2 = first(s2)
prevch1, prevch2 = first(s1), first(s2)
for ch1 in s1
i1 += 1
i1 <= k && continue
left = i1 - k - 1
current = i1 - k
current = left + 1
nextTransCost = 0
if max_dist !== nothing
i2_start += (i1 > offset) ? 1 : 0
i2_end = min(i2_end + 1, len2)
i2_start += (i1 > 1 + max_dist - (len2 - len1)) ? 1 : 0
i2_end += (i2_end < len2) ? 1 : 0
i2 = 0
for ch2 in s2
i2 += 1
if (i2 <= k) || ((max_dist !== nothing) && !(i2_start <= i2 <= i2_end))
prevch2 = ch2
above = current
thisTransCost = nextTransCost
nextTransCost = w[i2 - k]
# cost of diagonal (substitution)
w[i2 - k] = current = left
# left now equals current cost (which will be diagonal at next iteration)
left = v[i2 - k]
if ch1 != ch2
# insertion
if left < current
current = left
# deletion
if above < current
current = above
current += 1
if (i1 > 1 + k) & (i2 > 1 + k) & (ch1 == prevch2) & (prevch1 == ch2)
thisTransCost += 1
if thisTransCost < current
current = thisTransCost
# no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - maxDistance cells (lower right diag is i1 - (len2 - len1)) and the upper left diagonal + max_dist cells (upper left is i1)
if (i2_start <= i2) && (i2 <= i2_end)
above = current
thisTransCost = nextTransCost
nextTransCost = w[i2 - k]
# cost of diagonal (substitution)
w[i2 - k] = current = left
# left now equals current cost (which will be diagonal at next iteration)
left = v[i2 - k]
if ch1 != ch2
# insertion
if left < current
current = left
# deletion
if above < current
current = above
current += 1
if (i1 > 1 + k) & (i2 > 1 + k) & (ch1 == prevch2) & (prevch1 == ch2)
thisTransCost += 1
if thisTransCost < current
current = thisTransCost
v[i2 - k] = current
v[i2 - k] = current
prevch2 = ch2
max_dist !== nothing && v[i1 - k + len2 - len1] > max_dist && return max_dist + 1