Update normalize.jl

matthieugomez 2020-07-20 08:46:42 -07:00
parent f802f5fe1a
commit b0bd5eb47e
1 changed files with 36 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -172,51 +172,12 @@ function (dist::TokenSet)(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString, max_dist = 1.0
min(score_01, score_02, score_12)
Winkler(dist; p::Real = 0.1, threshold::Real = 0.7, maxlength::Integer = 4)
Creates the `Winkler{dist, p, threshold, maxlength}` distance.
`Winkler{dist, p, threshold, length)` normalizes the string distance `dist` and modify it to decrease the
distance between two strings, when their original distance is below some `threshold`.
The boost is equal to `min(l, maxlength) * p * dist` where `l` denotes the
length of their common prefix and `dist` denotes the original distance
struct Winkler{S <: SemiMetric} <: SemiMetric
p::Float64 # scaling factor. Default to 0.1
threshold::Float64 # boost threshold. Default to 0.7
maxlength::Integer # max length of common prefix. Default to 4
Winkler{S}(dist::S, p, threshold, maxlength) where {S <: SemiMetric} = new(dist, p, threshold, maxlength)
function Winkler(dist::SemiMetric; p = 0.1, threshold = 0.7, maxlength = 4)
p * maxlength <= 1 || throw("scaling factor times maxlength of common prefix must be lower than one")
dist = normalize(dist)
Winkler{typeof(dist)}(dist, 0.1, 0.7, 4)
normalize(dist::Winkler) = dist
function (dist::Winkler)(s1, s2, max_dist = 1.0)
# cannot do max_dist because of boosting threshold
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
if out <= 1 - dist.threshold
l = common_prefix(s1, s2)[1]
out -= min(l, dist.maxlength) * dist.p * out
out > max_dist ? 1.0 : out
Creates the `TokenMax{dist}` distance
`TokenMax{dist}` is the minimum of the base distance `normalize(dist)`,
`TokenMax{dist}` normalizes the distance `dist` and returns the minimum of the distance,
its [`Partial`](@ref) modifier, its [`TokenSort`](@ref) modifier, and its
[`TokenSet`](@ref) modifier, with penalty terms depending on string lengths.
@ -264,3 +225,38 @@ function (dist::TokenMax)(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString, max_dist = 1.0
out > max_dist ? 1.0 : out
Winkler(dist; p::Real = 0.1, threshold::Real = 0.7, maxlength::Integer = 4)
Creates the `Winkler{dist, p, threshold, maxlength}` distance.
`Winkler{dist, p, threshold, length)` normalizes the string distance `dist` and modify it to decrease the
distance between two strings, when their original distance is below some `threshold`.
The boost is equal to `min(l, maxlength) * p * dist` where `l` denotes the
length of their common prefix and `dist` denotes the original distance
struct Winkler{S <: SemiMetric} <: SemiMetric
p::Float64 # scaling factor. Default to 0.1
threshold::Float64 # boost threshold. Default to 0.7
maxlength::Integer # max length of common prefix. Default to 4
Winkler{S}(dist::S, p, threshold, maxlength) where {S <: SemiMetric} = new(dist, p, threshold, maxlength)
function Winkler(dist::SemiMetric; p = 0.1, threshold = 0.7, maxlength = 4)
p * maxlength <= 1 || throw("scaling factor times maxlength of common prefix must be lower than one")
dist = normalize(dist)
Winkler{typeof(dist)}(dist, 0.1, 0.7, 4)
normalize(dist::Winkler) = dist
function (dist::Winkler)(s1, s2, max_dist = 1.0)
# cannot do max_dist because of boosting threshold
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
if out <= 1 - dist.threshold
l = common_prefix(s1, s2)[1]
out -= min(l, dist.maxlength) * dist.p * out
out > max_dist ? 1.0 : out