matthieugomez 2020-09-28 14:57:42 -07:00
parent e6898f5274
commit b2399a0ef7
4 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ compare("martha", "martha", Levenshtein())
### Find
- `findclosest` returns the value and index of the element in `itr` with the lowest distance with `s`. Its syntax is:
- `findnearest` returns the value and index of the element in `itr` with the lowest distance with `s`. Its syntax is:
findclosest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
findnearest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
- `findall` returns the indices of all elements in `itr` with a similarity score with `s` higher than a minimum value (default to 0.8). Its syntax is:
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ compare("martha", "martha", Levenshtein())
findall(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)
The functions `findclosest` and `findall` are particularly optimized for `Levenshtein` and `DamerauLevenshtein` distances (as well as their modifications via `Partial`, `TokenSort`, `TokenSet`, or `TokenMax`).
The functions `findnearest` and `findall` are particularly optimized for `Levenshtein` and `DamerauLevenshtein` distances (as well as their modifications via `Partial`, `TokenSort`, `TokenSet`, or `TokenMax`).
## References

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@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ compare,

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
findclosest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0) -> (x, index)
findnearest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0) -> (x, index)
`findclosest` returns the value and index of the element of `itr` that has the
`findnearest` returns the value and index of the element of `itr` that has the
highest similarity score with `s` according to the distance `dist`.
It returns `(nothing, nothing)` if none of the elements has a similarity score
higher or equal to `min_score` (default to 0.0).
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ It is particularly optimized for [`Levenshtein`](@ref) and [`DamerauLevenshtein`
julia> using StringDistances
julia> s = "Newark"
julia> iter = ["New York", "Princeton", "San Francisco"]
julia> findclosest(s, iter, Levenshtein())
julia> findnearest(s, iter, Levenshtein())
("NewYork", 1)
julia> findclosest(s, iter, Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.9)
julia> findnearest(s, iter, Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.9)
(nothing, nothing)
function findclosest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
function findnearest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
min_score_atomic = Threads.Atomic{typeof(min_score)}(min_score)
scores = [0.0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
is = [0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ end
function Base.findmax(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
@warn "findmax(s, itr, dist; min_score) is deprecated. Use findclosest(s, itr, dist; min_score)"
findclosest(s, itr, dist; min_score = min_score)
@warn "findmax(s, itr, dist; min_score) is deprecated. Use findnearest(s, itr, dist; min_score)"
findnearest(s, itr, dist; min_score = min_score)
findall(s, itr , dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)

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@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test
# check find_best and find_all
@test findclosest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findclosest("New York", ["San Francisco", "NewYork", "Newark"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 2)
@test findclosest("New York", ["Newark", "San Francisco", "NewYork"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 3)
@test findnearest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findnearest("New York", ["San Francisco", "NewYork", "Newark"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 2)
@test findnearest("New York", ["Newark", "San Francisco", "NewYork"], Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 3)
@test findclosest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.99) == (nothing, nothing)
@test findclosest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Jaro()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findnearest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.99) == (nothing, nothing)
@test findnearest("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Jaro()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findall("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Levenshtein()) == [1]
@test findall("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Jaro()) == [1, 2]
@test findall("New York", ["NewYork", "Newark", "San Francisco"], Jaro(); min_score = 0.99) == Int[]
if VERSION >= v"1.2.0"
@test findclosest("New York", skipmissing(["NewYork", "Newark", missing]), Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findclosest("New York", skipmissing(Union{AbstractString, Missing}[missing, missing]), Levenshtein()) == (nothing, nothing)
@test findnearest("New York", skipmissing(["NewYork", "Newark", missing]), Levenshtein()) == ("NewYork", 1)
@test findnearest("New York", skipmissing(Union{AbstractString, Missing}[missing, missing]), Levenshtein()) == (nothing, nothing)
@test findall("New York", skipmissing(["NewYork", "Newark", missing]), Levenshtein()) == [1]
@test findall("New York", skipmissing(Union{AbstractString, Missing}[missing, missing]), Levenshtein()) == []