rmv max_dist as internal field

matthieugomez 2021-09-13 09:14:02 -04:00
parent d0ac1b48e9
commit cf1d578bf6
7 changed files with 256 additions and 294 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ using Distances
import StatsAPI: pairwise, pairwise!
abstract type StringSemiMetric <: SemiMetric end
abstract type StringMetric <: Metric end
const StringDistance = Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}
(dist::StringDistance)(s1, s2; max_dist = nothing) = dist(s1, s2)
function Distances.result_type(dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}, s1::Type, s2::Type)
T = typeof(dist("", ""))
if (Missing <: s1) | (Missing <: s2)
@ -17,10 +19,8 @@ Distances.result_type(dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}, s1, s2) = res
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ include("fuzzywuzzy.jl")
# edit distances

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@ -5,18 +5,15 @@ Creates the Hamming distance
The Hamming distance is defined as the number of characters that do not match
struct Hamming{V <: Union{Int, Nothing}} <: StringMetric
Hamming() = Hamming(nothing)
struct Hamming <: StringMetric end
function (dist::Hamming{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
function (dist::Hamming)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
out = abs(length(s2) - length(s1))
for (ch1, ch2) in zip(s1, s2)
out += ch1 != ch2
if T <: Int
out > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
out > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
return out
@ -118,22 +115,20 @@ Creates the Levenshtein distance
The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of operations (consisting of insertions, deletions,
substitutions of a single character) required to change one string into the other.
struct Levenshtein{V <: Union{Int, Nothing}} <: StringMetric
Levenshtein() = Levenshtein(nothing)
struct Levenshtein <: StringMetric end
## Source: http://blog.softwx.net/2014/12/optimizing-levenshtein-algorithm-in-c.html
# Return max_dist + 1 if distance higher than max_dist
# to differentiate distance equal to max_dist or not, which is important for find fctions.
function (dist::Levenshtein{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
function (dist::Levenshtein)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
if len1 > len2
s1, s2 = s2, s1
len1, len2 = len2, len1
if T <: Int
len2 - len1 > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
len2 - len1 > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
# prefix common to both strings can be ignored
k = common_prefix(s1, s2)
@ -144,7 +139,7 @@ function (dist::Levenshtein{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
i1 > k || continue
left = current = i1 - k - 1
if T <: Int
if max_dist !== nothing
value_lb = left - 1
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
@ -153,17 +148,17 @@ function (dist::Levenshtein{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
if ch1 != ch2
current = min(current, above, left) + 1
if T <: Int
if max_dist !== nothing
value_lb = min(value_lb, left)
@inbounds v[i2 - k] = current
if T <: Int
value_lb > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
value_lb > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
if T <: Int
current > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
current > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1 )
return current
@ -183,22 +178,19 @@ end
uses the optimal string alignment algorithm. In particular, the restricted distance does not satisfy
the triangle inequality.
struct OptimalStringAlignement{V <: Union{Int, Nothing}} <: StringSemiMetric
OptimalStringAlignement() = OptimalStringAlignement(nothing)
struct OptimalStringAlignement <: StringSemiMetric end
## http://blog.softwx.net/2015/01/optimizing-damerau-levenshtein_15.html
# Return max_dist + 1 if distance higher than max_dist
function (dist::OptimalStringAlignement{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
function (dist::OptimalStringAlignement)(s1, s2; max_dist::Union{Integer, Nothing} = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
if len1 > len2
s1, s2 = s2, s1
len1, len2 = len2, len1
if T <: Int
len2 - len1 > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
len2 - len1 > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
k = common_prefix(s1, s2)
k == len1 && return len2 - k
@ -206,28 +198,25 @@ function (dist::OptimalStringAlignement{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
w = similar(v)
prevch1, prevch2 = first(s1), first(s2)
current = 0
if T <: Int
if max_dist !== nothing
i2_start = 0
i2_end = dist.max_dist
i2_end = max_dist
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
i1 > k || (prevch1 = ch1 ; continue)
left = i1 - k - 1
current = left + 1
nextTransCost = 0
if T <: Int
i2_start += i1 - k - 1 + len2 - len1 > dist.max_dist
if max_dist !== nothing
i2_start += i1 - k - 1 + len2 - len1 > max_dist
i2_end += i2_end < len2
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
i2 > k || (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
# no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - max distance cells
# lower right diag is i1 - (len2 - len1)) and the upper left diagonal + dist.max_dist cells (upper left is i1)
if T <: Int
if !(i2_start <= i2 - k - 1 < i2_end)
prevch2 = ch2
# lower right diag is i1 - (len2 - len1)) and the upper left diagonal + max_dist cells (upper left is i1)
if max_dist !== nothing
(i2_start <= i2 - k - 1 < i2_end) || (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
@inbounds above, current, left = current, left, v[i2 - k]
@inbounds w[i2 - k], nextTransCost, thisTransCost = current, w[i2 - k], nextTransCost
@ -241,13 +230,13 @@ function (dist::OptimalStringAlignement{T})(s1, s2) where {T}
@inbounds v[i2 - k] = current
prevch2 = ch2
if T <: Int
v[i1 - k + len2 - len1] > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
v[i1 - k + len2 - len1] > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
prevch1 = ch1
if T <: Int
current > dist.max_dist && return dist.max_dist + 1
if max_dist !== nothing
current > max_dist && return Int(max_dist + 1)
return current

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@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
compare(s1, s2, dist)
return a similarity score between 0 and 1 for the strings `s1` and
`s2` based on the distance `dist`.
### Examples
julia> compare("martha", "marhta", Levenshtein())
function compare(s1, s2, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.0)
1 - Normalized(dist)(s1, s2; max_dist = 1 - min_score)
findnearest(s, itr, dist::Union{StringMetric, StringSemiMetric}) -> (x, index)
@ -18,7 +34,7 @@ julia> findnearest(s, iter, Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.9)
(nothing, nothing)
function findnearest(s, itr, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.0)
function findnearest(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
min_score_atomic = Threads.Atomic{Float64}(min_score)
scores = [0.0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
is = [0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
@ -37,15 +53,15 @@ function findnearest(s, itr, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_sc
_preprocess(dist::AbstractQGramDistance, ::Missing) = missing
_preprocess(dist::AbstractQGramDistance, s) = QGramSortedVector(s, dist.q)
_preprocess(dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}, s) = s
_preprocess(dist::StringDistance, s) = s
function Base.findmax(s, itr, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.0)
function Base.findmax(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
@warn "findmax(s, itr, dist; min_score) is deprecated. Use findnearest(s, itr, dist; min_score)"
findnearest(s, itr, dist; min_score = min_score)
findall(s, itr , dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.8)
findall(s, itr , dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)
`findall` returns the vector of indices for elements of `itr` that have a
similarity score higher or equal than `min_score` according to the distance `dist`.
@ -66,7 +82,7 @@ julia> findall(s, iter, Levenshtein(); min_score = 0.9)
0-element Array{Int64,1}
function Base.findall(s, itr, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.8)
function Base.findall(s, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)
out = [Int[] for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
s = _preprocess(dist, s)
# need collect since @threads requires a length method

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@ -19,37 +19,37 @@ struct Partial{S <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
function (dist::Partial)(s1, s2)
function (dist::Partial)(s1, s2; max_dist = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
out = dist.dist(s1, s2; max_dist = max_dist)
max_dist0 = (max_dist !== nothing) ? min(max_dist, out) : out
((len1 == 0) | (len1 == len2)) && return out
for x in qgrams(s2, len1)
curr = dist.dist(s1, x)
curr = dist.dist(s1, x; max_dist = max_dist0)
out = min(out, curr)
max_dist0 = min(max_dist0, curr)
return out
function (dist::Partial{RatcliffObershelp})(s1, s2)
function (dist::Partial{T})(s1, s2; max_dist = nothing) where {T <: Union{RatcliffObershelp, Normalized{RatcliffObershelp}}}
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
len1 == len2 && return dist.dist(s1, s2)
out = 1.0
for r in matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, 1, len1, len2)
# Make sure the substring of s2 has length len1
s2_start = r[2] - r[1] + 1
s2_end = s2_start + len1 - 1
if s2_start < 1
s2_end += 1 - s2_start
s2_start += 1 - s2_start
elseif s2_end > len2
s2_start += len2 - s2_end
s2_end += len2 - s2_end
s2_start = 1
elseif s2_start + len1 - 1 > len2
s2_start += len2 - (s2_start + len1 - 1)
n_matched = length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, s2_start, len1, s2_end)
curr = 1 - 2 * n_matched / (len1 + s2_end - s2_start + 1)
n_matched = length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, s2_start, len1, s2_start + len1 - 1)
curr = 1 - 2 * n_matched / (len1 + len1)
out = min(out, curr)
return out
@ -74,10 +74,6 @@ function matching_blocks!(x::Set{Tuple{Int, Int, Int}}, p::Vector{Int}, s1, s2,
return x
function normalize(dist::Partial; max_dist = 1.0)
Partial(normalize(dist.dist; max_dist = max_dist))
@ -101,15 +97,10 @@ struct TokenSort{S <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
function (dist::TokenSort)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing})
function (dist::TokenSort)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing}; max_dist = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1 = join(sort!(split(s1)), " ")
s2 = join(sort!(split(s2)), " ")
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
function normalize(dist::TokenSort; max_dist = 1.0)
TokenSort(normalize(dist.dist; max_dist = max_dist))
f = s -> join(sort!(split(s)), " ")
dist.dist(f(s1), f(s2); max_dist = max_dist)
@ -135,7 +126,7 @@ struct TokenSet{S <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
function (dist::TokenSet)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing})
function (dist::TokenSet)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing}; max_dist = nothing)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
v1 = unique!(sort!(split(s1)))
v2 = unique!(sort!(split(s2)))
@ -143,18 +134,13 @@ function (dist::TokenSet)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{Abstract
s0 = join(v0, " ")
s1 = join(v1, " ")
s2 = join(v2, " ")
isempty(s0) && return dist.dist(s1, s2)
score_01 = dist.dist(s0, s1)
score_02 = dist.dist(s0, s2)
score_12 = dist.dist(s1, s2)
min(score_01, score_02, score_12)
isempty(s0) && return dist.dist(s1, s2; max_dist = max_dist)
out_01 = dist.dist(s0, s1; max_dist = max_dist)
out_02 = dist.dist(s0, s2; max_dist = max_dist)
out_12 = dist.dist(s1, s2; max_dist = max_dist)
min(out_01, out_02, out_12)
function normalize(dist::TokenSet; max_dist = 1.0)
TokenSet(normalize(dist.dist; max_dist = max_dist))
@ -173,44 +159,34 @@ julia> evaluate(TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp()), s1, s2)
struct TokenMax{S <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
struct TokenMax{S <: Normalized} <: StringSemiMetric
TokenMax(dist::SemiMetric; max_dist = 1.0) = TokenMax(dist, max_dist)
TokenMax(dist::Normalized) = TokenMax{typeof(dist)}(dist)
TokenMax(dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}) = TokenMax(Normalized(dist))
function (dist::TokenMax)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing})
function (dist::TokenMax)(s1::Union{AbstractString, Missing}, s2::Union{AbstractString, Missing}; max_dist = 1.0)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
max_dist = dist.max_dist
dist0 = normalize(dist.dist; max_dist = max_dist)
score = dist0(s1, s2)
min_score = min(max_dist, score)
unbase_scale = 0.95
dist0 = dist.dist
out = dist0(s1, s2; max_dist = max_dist)
max_dist = min(max_dist, out)
scale = 0.95
# if one string is much shorter than the other, use partial
if length(s2) >= 1.5 * length(s1)
partial_scale = length(s2) > (8 * length(s1)) ? 0.6 : 0.9
dist0 = normalize(dist0, max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / partial_scale)
score_partial = 1 - partial_scale * (1 - Partial(dist0)(s1, s2))
min_score = min(max_dist, score_partial)
dist0 = normalize(dist0, max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / (unbase_scale * partial_scale))
score_sort = 1 - unbase_scale * partial_scale * (1 - TokenSort(Partial(dist0))(s1, s2))
max_dist = min(max_dist, score_sort)
dist0 = normalize(dist0, max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / (unbase_scale * partial_scale))
score_set = 1 - unbase_scale * partial_scale * (1 - TokenSet(Partial(dist0))(s1, s2))
out = min(score, score_partial, score_sort, score_set)
dist0 = normalize(dist0, max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / unbase_scale)
score_sort = 1 - unbase_scale * (1 - TokenSort(dist0)(s1, s2))
max_dist = min(max_dist, score_sort)
dist0 = normalize(dist0, max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / unbase_scale)
score_set = 1 - unbase_scale * (1 - TokenSet(dist0)(s1, s2))
out = min(score, score_sort, score_set)
if len2 >= 1.5 * len1
dist0 = Partial(dist0)
pscale = 0.9
pout = 1 - pscale * (1 - dist0(s1, s2; max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / pscale))
out = min(out, pout)
max_dist = min(max_dist, pout)
scale *= pscale
out_sort = 1 - scale * (1 - TokenSort(dist0)(s1, s2; max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / scale))
max_dist = min(max_dist, out_sort)
out_set = 1 - scale * (1 - TokenSet(dist0)(s1, s2; max_dist = 1 - (1 - max_dist) / scale))
out = min(out, out_sort, out_set)
out > max_dist ? 1.0 : out
function normalize(dist::TokenMax; max_dist = 1.0)
TokenMax(dist.dist, max_dist)
Normalized(dist::TokenMax) = TokenMax(dist.dist)

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@ -1,35 +1,52 @@
struct Normalized{V <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
function (dist::Normalized{<: Union{Jaro, JaroWinkler, RatcliffObershelp}})(s1, s2)
Creates a normalized distance. The distance always return a Float64 between 0.0 and 1.0 (or a missing if one of the argument is missing)
### Examples
julia> s1 = "New York Mets vs Atlanta"
julia> s2 = "Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets"
julia> Levenshtein()(s1, s2)
julia> StringDistances.Normalized(Levenshtein())(s1, s2)
struct Normalized{T <: Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}} <: StringSemiMetric
Normalized(dist::Normalized) = dist
function (dist::Normalized)(s1, s2; max_dist = 1.0)
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
out > dist.max_dist ? 1.0 : out
max_dist !== nothing && out > max_dist && return 1.0
return out
function (dist::Normalized{<:Union{Hamming, DamerauLevenshtein}})(s1, s2)
function (dist::Normalized{<:Union{Hamming, DamerauLevenshtein}})(s1, s2; max_dist = 1.0)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
isempty(s1) && isempty(s2) && return 0.0
out = dist.dist(s1, s2) / length(s2)
out > dist.max_dist ? 1.0 : out
max_dist !== nothing && out > max_dist && return 1.0
return out
function (dist::Normalized{<:Union{Levenshtein{Nothing}, OptimalStringAlignement{Nothing}}})(s1, s2)
function (dist::Normalized{<:Union{Levenshtein, OptimalStringAlignement}})(s1, s2; max_dist = 1.0)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
isempty(s1) && isempty(s2) && return 0.0
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
if dist.dist isa Levenshtein
d = Levenshtein(ceil(Int, len2 * dist.max_dist))(s1, s2)
if max_dist === nothing || max_dist == 1.0
d = dist.dist(s1, s2)
d = OptimalStringAlignement(ceil(Int, len2 * dist.max_dist))(s1, s2)
d = dist.dist(s1, s2; max_dist = ceil(Int, len2 * max_dist))
out = d / len2
out > dist.max_dist ? 1.0 : out
max_dist !== nothing && out > max_dist && return 1.0
return out
function (dist::Normalized{<:AbstractQGramDistance})(s1, s2)
function (dist::Normalized{<:AbstractQGramDistance})(s1, s2; max_dist = 1.0)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
# When string length < q for qgram distance, returns s1 == s2
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
@ -40,41 +57,6 @@ function (dist::Normalized{<:AbstractQGramDistance})(s1, s2)
out = dist.dist(s1, s2)
out > dist.max_dist ? 1.0 : out
Creates a normalized distance. The distance always return a Float64 between 0.0 and 1.0 (or a missing if one of the argument is missing)
### Examples
julia> s1 = "New York Mets vs Atlanta"
julia> s2 = "Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets"
julia> Levenshtein()(s1, s2)
julia> StringDistances.normalize(Levenshtein())(s1, s2)
normalize(dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; max_dist = 1.0) = Normalized{typeof(dist)}(dist, max_dist)
normalize(dist::Normalized; max_dist = 1.0) = Normalized(dist.dist, max_dist)
compare(s1, s2, dist)
return a similarity score between 0 and 1 for the strings `s1` and
`s2` based on the distance `dist`.
### Examples
julia> compare("martha", "marhta", Levenshtein())
function compare(s1, s2, dist::Union{StringSemiMetric, StringMetric}; min_score = 0.0)
1 - normalize(dist, max_dist = 1 - min_score)(s1, s2)
max_dist !== nothing && out > max_dist && return 1.0
return out

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@ -2,161 +2,162 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
@testset "Distances" begin
@testset "Hamming" begin
@test evaluate(Hamming(), "martha", "marhta") 2
@test evaluate(Hamming(), "es an ", " vs an") 6
@test evaluate(Hamming(), [1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 1
@inferred evaluate(Hamming(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Hamming(), "", missing))
@test Hamming()("martha", "marhta") 2
@test Hamming()("es an ", " vs an") 6
@test Hamming()([1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 1
@inferred Hamming()("", "")
@test ismissing(Hamming()("", missing))
@testset "Jaro" begin
@test evaluate(Jaro(), "martha", "marhta") 0.05555555555555547
@test evaluate(Jaro(), "es an ", " vs an") 0.2777777777777777
@test evaluate(Jaro(), " vs an", "es an ") 0.2777777777777777
@test evaluate(Jaro(), [1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 0.2222222222222222
@test evaluate(Jaro(), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == evaluate(Jaro(), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Jaro()("martha", "marhta") 0.05555555555555547
@test Jaro()("es an ", " vs an") 0.2777777777777777
@test Jaro()(" vs an", "es an ") 0.2777777777777777
@test Jaro()([1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 0.2222222222222222
@test Jaro()(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == Jaro()("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Jaro()(" vs an", "es an ") 0.2777777777777777
@test result_type(Jaro(), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(Jaro(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Jaro(), "", missing))
@inferred Jaro()("", "")
@test ismissing(Jaro()("", missing))
@testset "Levenshtein" begin
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "", "") == 0
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "abc", "") == 3
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "", "abc") == 3
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "bc", "abc") == 1
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "kitten", "sitting") == 3
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "saturday", "sunday") == 3
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "hi, my name is", "my name is") == 4
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "a cat", "an act") == 3
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), "alborgów", "amoniak") == 6
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) == 1
@test evaluate(Levenshtein(), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == evaluate(Levenshtein(), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Levenshtein()("", "") == 0
@test Levenshtein()("abc", "") == 3
@test Levenshtein()("", "abc") == 3
@test Levenshtein()("bc", "abc") == 1
@test Levenshtein()("kitten", "sitting") == 3
@test Levenshtein()("saturday", "sunday") == 3
@test Levenshtein()("hi, my name is", "my name is") == 4
@test Levenshtein()("a cat", "an act") == 3
@test Levenshtein()("alborgów", "amoniak") == 6
@test Levenshtein()([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) == 1
@test Levenshtein()(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == Levenshtein()("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Levenshtein()("", "abc") == 3
@test result_type(Levenshtein(), "hello", "world") == Int
@inferred evaluate(Levenshtein(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Levenshtein(), "", missing))
@inferred Levenshtein()("", "")
@test ismissing(Levenshtein()("", missing))
@testset "OptimalStringAlignement" begin
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "", "") == 0
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "abc", "") == 3
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "bc", "abc") == 1
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "fuor", "four") == 1
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "abcd", "acb") == 2
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "cape sand recycling ", "edith ann graham") == 17
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "jellyifhs", "jellyfish") == 2
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "ifhs", "fish") == 2
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "a cat", "an act") == 2
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "a cat", "an abct") == 4
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "a cat", "a tc") == 3
@test OptimalStringAlignement(2)("abcdef", "abcxyf") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("", "") == 0
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("abc", "") == 3
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("bc", "abc") == 1
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("fuor", "four") == 1
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("abcd", "acb") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("cape sand recycling ", "edith ann graham") == 17
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("jellyifhs", "jellyfish") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("ifhs", "fish") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("a cat", "an act") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("a cat", "an abct") == 4
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("a cat", "a tc") == 3
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("abcdef", "abcxyf") == 2
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("abcdef", "abcxyf"; max_dist = 2) == 2
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), [1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) == 1
@test evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test OptimalStringAlignement()([1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) == 1
@test OptimalStringAlignement()(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == OptimalStringAlignement()("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test OptimalStringAlignement()("bc", "abc") == 1
@test result_type(OptimalStringAlignement(), "hello", "world") == Int
@inferred evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(OptimalStringAlignement(), "", missing))
@inferred OptimalStringAlignement()("", "")
@test ismissing(OptimalStringAlignement()("", missing))
@testset "DamerauLevenshtein" begin
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "", "") == 0
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "CA", "ABC") == 2
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "ABCDEF", "ABDCEF") == 1
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "ABCDEF", "BACDFE") == 2
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "ABCDEF", "ABCDE") == 1
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "a cat", "an act") == 2
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "a cat", "an abct") == 3
@test evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "a cat", "a tc") == 2
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("", "") == 0
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("CA", "ABC") == 2
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("ABCDEF", "ABDCEF") == 1
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("ABCDEF", "BACDFE") == 2
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("ABCDEF", "ABCDE") == 1
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("a cat", "an act") == 2
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("a cat", "an abct") == 3
@test DamerauLevenshtein()("a cat", "a tc") == 2
@test result_type(DamerauLevenshtein(), "hello", "world") == Int
@inferred evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(DamerauLevenshtein(), "", missing))
@inferred DamerauLevenshtein()("", "")
@test ismissing(DamerauLevenshtein()("", missing))
@testset "RatcliffObershelp" begin
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "dixon", "dicksonx") 1 - 0.6153846153846154
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "alexandre", "aleksander") 1 - 0.7368421052631579
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "pennsylvania", "pencilvaneya") 1 - 0.6666666666666
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "", "pencilvaneya") 1.0
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(),"NEW YORK METS", "NEW YORK MEATS") 1 - 0.962962962963
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "Yankees", "New York Yankees") 0.3913043478260869
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "New York Mets", "New York Yankees") 0.24137931034482762
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), [1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 1/3
@test evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test RatcliffObershelp()("dixon", "dicksonx") 1 - 0.6153846153846154
@test RatcliffObershelp()("alexandre", "aleksander") 1 - 0.7368421052631579
@test RatcliffObershelp()("pennsylvania", "pencilvaneya") 1 - 0.6666666666666
@test RatcliffObershelp()("", "pencilvaneya") 1.0
@test RatcliffObershelp()("NEW YORK METS", "NEW YORK MEATS") 1 - 0.962962962963
@test RatcliffObershelp()("Yankees", "New York Yankees") 0.3913043478260869
@test RatcliffObershelp()("New York Mets", "New York Yankees") 0.24137931034482762
@test RatcliffObershelp()([1, 2, 3], [1,2, 4]) 1/3
@test RatcliffObershelp()(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) == RatcliffObershelp()("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test RatcliffObershelp()("pennsylvania", "pencilvaneya") 1 - 0.6666666666666
@test result_type(RatcliffObershelp(), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), "", missing))
@inferred RatcliffObershelp()("", "")
@test ismissing(RatcliffObershelp()("", missing))
@testset "QGram" begin
@test evaluate(QGram(1), "abc", "abc") == 0
@test evaluate(QGram(1), "", "abc") == 3
@test evaluate(QGram(1), "abc", "cba") == 0
@test evaluate(QGram(1), "abc", "ccc") == 4
@test evaluate(QGram(4), "aü☃", "aüaüafs") == 4
@test evaluate(QGram(2), SubString("aü☃", 1, 4), SubString("aüaüafs", 1, 4)) == 2
@test evaluate(QGram(2), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) evaluate(QGram(2), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test QGram(1)("abc", "abc") == 0
@test QGram(1)("", "abc") == 3
@test QGram(1)("abc", "cba") == 0
@test QGram(1)("abc", "ccc") == 4
@test QGram(4)("aü☃", "aüaüafs") == 4
@test QGram(2)(SubString("aü☃", 1, 4), SubString("aüaüafs", 1, 4)) == 2
@test QGram(2)(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) QGram(2)("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test QGram(1)("abc", "cba") == 0
@test result_type(QGram(1), "hello", "world") == Int
@test ismissing(evaluate(QGram(1), "", missing))
@inferred evaluate(QGram(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(QGram(1)("", missing))
@inferred QGram(1)("", "")
@testset "Cosine" begin
@test isnan(evaluate(Cosine(2), "", "abc"))
@test evaluate(Cosine(2), "abc", "ccc") 1 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Cosine(2), "leia", "leela") 0.7113249 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Cosine(2), [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) 0.5
@test evaluate(Cosine(2), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) evaluate(Cosine(2), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test isnan(Cosine(2)("", "abc"))
@test Cosine(2)("abc", "ccc") 1 atol = 1e-4
@test Cosine(2)("leia", "leela") 0.7113249 atol = 1e-4
@test Cosine(2)([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) 0.5
@test Cosine(2)(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) Cosine(2)("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Cosine(2)("leia", "leela") 0.7113249 atol = 1e-4
@test result_type(Cosine(2), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(Cosine(2), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Cosine(2), "", missing))
@inferred Cosine(2)("", "")
@test ismissing(Cosine(2)("", missing))
@testset "Jaccard" begin
@test evaluate(Jaccard(1), "", "abc") 1.0
@test evaluate(Jaccard(1), "abc", "ccc") 2/3 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Jaccard(2), "leia", "leela") 0.83333 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Jaccard(2), [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) 2/3 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Jaccard(2), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) evaluate(Jaccard(2), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Jaccard(1)("", "abc") 1.0
@test Jaccard(1)("abc", "ccc") 2/3 atol = 1e-4
@test Jaccard(2)("leia", "leela") 0.83333 atol = 1e-4
@test Jaccard(2)([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) 2/3 atol = 1e-4
@test Jaccard(2)(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) Jaccard(2)("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test Jaccard(2)("leia", "leela") 0.83333 atol = 1e-4
@test result_type(Jaccard(1), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(Jaccard(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Jaccard(1), "", missing))
@inferred Jaccard(1)("", "")
@test ismissing(Jaccard(1)("", missing))
@testset "SorensenDice" begin
@test evaluate(SorensenDice(1), "night", "nacht") 0.4 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(SorensenDice(2), "night", "nacht") 0.75 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(SorensenDice(2), graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) evaluate(SorensenDice(2), "alborgów", "amoniak")
@test SorensenDice(1)("night", "nacht") 0.4 atol = 1e-4
@test SorensenDice(2)("night", "nacht") 0.75 atol = 1e-4
@test SorensenDice(2)(graphemes("alborgów"), graphemes("amoniak")) SorensenDice(2)("alborgów", "amoniak")
@test SorensenDice(2)("night", "nacht") 0.75 atol = 1e-4
@test result_type(SorensenDice(1), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(SorensenDice(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(SorensenDice(1), "", missing))
@inferred SorensenDice(1)("", "")
@test ismissing(SorensenDice(1)("", missing))
@testset "Overlap" begin
@test evaluate(Overlap(1), "night", "nacht") 0.4 atol = 1e-4
@test evaluate(Overlap(1), "context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4
@test Overlap(1)("night", "nacht") 0.4 atol = 1e-4
@test Overlap(1)("context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4
@test Overlap(1)("context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4
@test result_type(Overlap(1), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(Overlap(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(Overlap(1), "", missing))
@inferred Overlap(1)("", "")
@test ismissing(Overlap(1)("", missing))
@testset "MorisitaOverlap" begin
# overlap for 'n', 'h', and 't' and 5 q-grams per string:
@test evaluate(MorisitaOverlap(1), "night", "nacht") == 0.4 # 1.0-((2*3)/(5*5/5 + 5*5/5))
@test MorisitaOverlap(1)("night", "nacht") == 0.4 # 1.0-((2*3)/(5*5/5 + 5*5/5))
# overlap for 'o', 'n', 2-overlap for 'c' and 't' and 7 unique q-grams in total so multiplicity vectors
# ms1 = [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0]
# ms2 = [2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1]
# sum(ms1 .* ms2) = 8, sum(ms1 .^ 2) = 9, sum(ms2 .^ 2) = 11, sum(ms1) = 7, sum(ms2) = 7
@test evaluate(MorisitaOverlap(1), "context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4 # 1.0-((2*8)/(9*7/7 + 11*7/7)) = 16/20
@test MorisitaOverlap(1)("context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4 # 1.0-((2*8)/(9*7/7 + 11*7/7)) = 16/20
@test MorisitaOverlap(1)("context", "contact") .2 atol = 1e-4
# Multiplicity vectors for 2-grams "co", "on", "nt", "te", "ex", "xt", "ta", "ac", "ct"
@ -166,17 +167,17 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
@test MorisitaOverlap(2)("context", "contact") == 0.5 # 1.0-((2*3)/(6*6/6 + 6*6/6))
@test result_type(MorisitaOverlap(1), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(MorisitaOverlap(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(MorisitaOverlap(1), "", missing))
@inferred MorisitaOverlap(1)("", "")
@test ismissing(MorisitaOverlap(1)("", missing))
@testset "NMD" begin
# m(s1) = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], m(s2) = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
@test evaluate(NMD(1), "night", "nacht") == 0.4 # (7-5)/5
@test NMD(1)("night", "nacht") == 0.4 # (7-5)/5
# ms1 = [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0]
# ms2 = [2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1]
@test evaluate(NMD(1), "context", "contact") 0.2857 atol = 1e-4 # ((2+1+1+2+1+1+1)-7)/(7)
@test NMD(1)("context", "contact") 0.2857 atol = 1e-4 # ((2+1+1+2+1+1+1)-7)/(7)
@test NMD(1)("context", "contact") 0.2857 atol = 1e-4
# ms1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
@test NMD(2)("context", "contact") == 0.5 # ((1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1)-6)/6
@test result_type(NMD(1), "hello", "world") == typeof(float(1))
@inferred evaluate(NMD(1), "", "")
@test ismissing(evaluate(NMD(1), "", missing))
@inferred NMD(1)("", "")
@test ismissing(NMD(1)("", missing))
@testset "QGramDict and QGramSortedVector counts qgrams" begin
@ -236,37 +237,37 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
for _ in 1:100
qlen = rand(2:5)
str1, str2 = partlyoverlappingstrings(6:100, Chars)
d = Jaccard(qlen)
dist = Jaccard(qlen)
qd1 = QGramDict(str1, qlen)
qd2 = QGramDict(str2, qlen)
@test evaluate(d, str1, str2) == evaluate(d, qd1, qd2)
@test dist(str1, str2) == dist(qd1, qd2)
qd1b = QGramDict(graphemes(str1), qlen)
qd2b = QGramDict(graphemes(str2), qlen)
@test evaluate(d, str1, str2) == evaluate(d, qd1b, qd2b)
@test dist(str1, str2) == dist(qd1b, qd2b)
qc1 = QGramSortedVector(str1, qlen)
qc2 = QGramSortedVector(str2, qlen)
@test evaluate(d, str1, str2) == evaluate(d, qc1, qc2)
@test dist(str1, str2) == dist(qc1, qc2)
qc1b = QGramSortedVector(graphemes(str1), qlen)
qc2b = QGramSortedVector(graphemes(str2), qlen)
@test evaluate(d, str1, str2) == evaluate(d, qc1b, qc2b)
@test dist(str1, str2) == dist(qc1b, qc2b)
@testset "QGram distance on short strings" begin
@test isnan(evaluate(Overlap(2), "1", "2"))
@test isnan(evaluate(Jaccard(3), "s1", "s2"))
@test isnan(evaluate(Cosine(5), "s1", "s2"))
@test isnan(Overlap(2)( "1", "2"))
@test isnan(Jaccard(3)("s1", "s2"))
@test isnan(Cosine(5)( "s1", "s2"))
@test !isnan(evaluate(Overlap(2), "s1", "s2"))
@test !isnan(evaluate(Jaccard(3), "st1", "st2"))
@test !isnan(evaluate(Cosine(5), "stri1", "stri2"))
@test !isnan(Overlap(2)( "s1", "s2"))
@test !isnan(Jaccard(3)("st1", "st2"))
@test !isnan(Cosine(5)( "stri1", "stri2"))
@test !isnan(evaluate(Jaccard(3), "st1", "str2"))
@test !isnan(evaluate(Jaccard(3), "str1", "st2"))
@test !isnan(Jaccard(3)("st1", "str2"))
@test !isnan(Jaccard(3)("str1", "st2"))
@testset "Differential testing of String, QGramDict, and QGramSortedVector" begin
@ -279,13 +280,13 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
# QGramDict gets same result as for standard string
qd1 = QGramDict(str1, qlen)
qd2 = QGramDict(str2, qlen)
expected = evaluate(dist, str1, str2)
@test expected == evaluate(dist, qd1, qd2)
expected = dist(str1, str2)
@test expected == dist(qd1, qd2)
# QGramSortedVector gets same result as for standard string
qc1 = QGramSortedVector(str1, qlen)
qc2 = QGramSortedVector(str2, qlen)
@test expected == evaluate(dist, qc1, qc2)
@test expected == dist(qc1, qc2)
@ -319,33 +320,30 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test, Random
(Cosine(2), [0.6000000 0.7763932 0.6220355 0.0741799 NaN NaN 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.6348516 0.6619383 0.1679497 1.0000000 0.9407651 0.5000000 1.0000000 0.7113249]))
# Test with R package StringDist
for x in solutions
t, solution = x
dist, solution = x
for i in eachindex(solution)
if isnan(evaluate(t, strings[i]...))
if isnan(dist(strings[i]...))
@test isnan(solution[i])
@test evaluate(t, strings[i]...) solution[i] atol = 1e-4
@test dist(strings[i]...) solution[i] atol = 1e-4
# test RatcliffObershelp
solution = [83, 73, 62, 93, 0, 100, 0, 33, 62, 71, 83, 27, 33, 78, 50, 67]
for i in eachindex(strings)
@test round(Int, (1 - evaluate(RatcliffObershelp(), strings[i]...)) * 100) solution[i] atol = 1e-4
@test round(Int, (1 - RatcliffObershelp()(strings[i]...)) * 100) solution[i] atol = 1e-4
# test max_dist
for i in eachindex(strings)
d = Levenshtein()(strings[i]...)
@test Levenshtein(d)(strings[i]...) == d
@test Levenshtein()(strings[i]...; max_dist = d) == d
d = OptimalStringAlignement()(strings[i]...)
@test OptimalStringAlignement(d)(strings[i]...) == d
@test OptimalStringAlignement()(strings[i]...; max_dist = d) == d
d = OptimalStringAlignement()("abcdef", "abcxyf")
@test OptimalStringAlignement(d)("abcdef", "abcxyf") == d
#= R test

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ end
compare("aüa", "aua", Levenshtein())
@test compare("ok", missing, Levenshtein()) === missing
compare("aüa", "aua", OptimalStringAlignement())
@test StringDistances.normalize(Partial(OptimalStringAlignement()))("ab", "cde") == 1.0
@test StringDistances.Normalized(Partial(OptimalStringAlignement()))("ab", "cde") == 1.0
@test compare("ab", "de", Partial(OptimalStringAlignement())) == 0
# RatcliffObershelp