matthieugomez 2019-12-13 09:14:36 -05:00
parent 2e99f85c21
commit e4f50dcda7
2 changed files with 19 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The package is registered in the [`General`](https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/
The function `compare` returns a similarity score between two strings. The function always returns a score between 0 and 1, with a value of 0 being completely different and a value of 1 being completely similar. Its syntax is:
compare(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString, ::StringDistance)
compare(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString, dist::StringDistance)
- Edit Distances
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ compare(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString, ::StringDistance)
- [Damerau-Levenshtein Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance) `DamerauLevenshtein()`
- [RatcliffObershelp Distance](https://xlinux.nist.gov/dads/HTML/ratcliffObershelp.html) `RatcliffObershelp()`
- Q-gram distances compare the set of all substrings of length `q` in each string.
- QGram Distance `Qgram(q)`
- [Cosine Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity) `Cosine(q)`
- [Jaccard Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index) `Jaccard(q)`
- [Overlap Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlap_coefficient) `Overlap(q)`
- [Sorensen-Dice Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8rensen%E2%80%93Dice_coefficient) `SorensenDice(q)`
- QGram Distance `Qgram(q::Int)`
- [Cosine Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity) `Cosine(q::Int)`
- [Jaccard Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index) `Jaccard(q::Int)`
- [Overlap Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlap_coefficient) `Overlap(q::Int)`
- [Sorensen-Dice Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8rensen%E2%80%93Dice_coefficient) `SorensenDice(q::Int)`
- The package includes distance "modifiers", that can be applied to any distance.
@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ Some examples:
compare("martha", "marhta", Jaro())
compare("martha", "marhta", Winkler(Jaro()))
compare("william", "williams", QGram(2))
compare("william", "williams", Winkler(QGram(2)))
compare("New York Yankees", "Yankees", Levenshtein())
compare("New York Yankees", "Yankees", Partial(Levenshtein()))
compare("mariners vs angels", "los angeles angels at seattle mariners", Jaro())
compare("mariners vs angels", "los angeles angels at seattle mariners", TokenSet(Jaro()))
compare("mariners vs angels", "los angeles angels at seattle mariners", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp()))
compare("martha", "marhta", QGram(2))
compare("martha", "marhta", Winkler(QGram(2)))
compare("martha", "marhta", Levenshtein())
compare("martha", "marhta", Partial(Levenshtein()))
compare("martha", "marhta", Jaro())
compare("martha", "marhta", TokenSet(Jaro()))
compare("martha", "marhta", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp()))
In case the word order does not matter, a good distance is `TokenMax(Levenshtein())`
In case the word order does not matter, a good distance is `TokenMax(Levenshtein())` (see [fuzzywuzzy](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/)).
## Find
- `findmax` returns the value and index of the element in `itr` with the highest similarity score with `x`. Its syntax is:
- `findmax` returns the value and index of the element in `itr` with the highest similarity score with `s`. Its syntax is:
findmax(x::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
findmax(s::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
- `findall` returns the indices of all elements in `itr` with a similarity score with `x` higher than a minimum value (default to 0.8). Its syntax is:
- `findall` returns the indices of all elements in `itr` with a similarity score with `s` higher than a minimum value (default to 0.8). Its syntax is:
findall(x::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)
findall(s::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8)
The functions `findmax` and `findall` are particularly optimized for `Levenshtein` and `DamerauLevenshtein` distances (as well as their modifications via `Partial`, `TokenSort`, `TokenSet`, or `TokenMax`).

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@ -11,19 +11,17 @@ The function is optimized for `Levenshtein` and `DamerauLevenshtein` distances
function Base.findmax(s::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0)
vmin = Threads.Atomic{typeof(min_score)}(min_score)
vs = [0.0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
xs = eltype(itr)["" for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
is = [0 for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
Threads.@threads for i in collect(keys(itr))
v = compare(s, itr[i], dist; min_score = vmin[])
v_old = Threads.atomic_max!(vmin, v)
if v >= v_old
vs[Threads.threadid()] = v
xs[Threads.threadid()] = itr[i]
is[Threads.threadid()] = i
i = argmax(vs)
is[i] == 0 ? (nothing, nothing) : (xs[i], is[i])
is[i] == 0 ? (nothing, nothing) : (itr[is[i]], is[i])