simplify RatcliffObershelp + add Partial{Ratcliff} test

matthieugomez 2021-09-10 14:38:41 -04:00
parent 3e5ce898f7
commit f75a10852d
4 changed files with 72 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using StringDistances, Random
using Revise, StringDistances, Random
x = map(Random.randstring, rand(5:25,500_000))
y = map(Random.randstring, rand(5:25,500_000))
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ function g(dist, x, y)
@time f(Hamming(), x, y);
@time f(Jaro(), x, y);
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ end
@time f(DamerauLevenshtein(), x, y, min_score = 0.8);
# 0.08
@time f(RatcliffObershelp(), x, y);
# 1.35s
# 0.8s

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@ -42,26 +42,28 @@ function (dist::Jaro)(s1, s2)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
# Note: if both are empty, formula in Wikipedia gives 1, but it makes more sense to set it to s1 == s2
len2 == 0 && return Float64(s1 == s2)
# If both iterators empty, formula in Wikipedia gives 1, but it makes more sense to set it to s1 == s2
len2 > 0 || return Float64(s1 == s2)
d = max(0, div(len2, 2) - 1)
flag = fill(false, len2)
ch1_match = Vector{eltype(s1)}()
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
# for each character in s1, greedy search of matching character in s2 within a distance d
if (i2 >= i1 - d) && (i2 <= i1 + d) && (ch1 == ch2) && !flag[i2]
i2 >= i1 - d || continue
i2 <= i1 + d || break
if ch1 == ch2 && !flag[i2]
flag[i2] = true
push!(ch1_match, ch1)
# m counts number matching characters
m = length(ch1_match)
if m == 0
if isempty(ch1_match)
return 1.0
# m counts number matching characters
m = length(ch1_match)
# t/2 counts number transpositions
t = 0
i1 = 0
@ -134,11 +136,11 @@ function (dist::Levenshtein)(s1, s2)
v = collect(1:(len2-k))
current = 0
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
i1 <= k && continue
i1 > k || continue
left = current = i1 - k - 1
dist.max_dist !== nothing && (value_lb = left - 1)
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
i2 <= k && continue
i2 > k || continue
@inbounds above, current, left = current, left, v[i2 - k]
if ch1 != ch2
current = min(current, above, left) + 1
@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2)
prevch1, prevch2 = first(s1), first(s2)
current = 0
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
i1 <= k && (prevch1 = ch1 ; continue)
i1 > k || (prevch1 = ch1 ; continue)
left = i1 - k - 1
current = left + 1
nextTransCost = 0
@ -201,17 +203,17 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2)
i2_end += i2_end < len2
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
i2 <= k && (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
i2 > k || (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
# no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - max distance cells
#lower right diag is i1 - (len2 - len1)) and the upper left diagonal + dist.max_dist cells (upper left is i1)
(dist.max_dist !== nothing) && !(i2_start <= i2 - k - 1 < i2_end) && (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
dist.max_dist !== nothing && !(i2_start <= i2 - k - 1 < i2_end) && (prevch2 = ch2 ; continue)
@inbounds above, current, left = current, left, v[i2 - k]
@inbounds w[i2 - k], nextTransCost, thisTransCost = current, w[i2 - k], nextTransCost
# left now equals current cost (which will be diagonal at next iteration)
if ch1 != ch2
current = min(left, current, above) + 1
# never happens at i2 = k + 1 because then the two previous characters were equal
if (i1 - k - 1 > 0) && (i2 - k - 1 > 0) && (ch1 == prevch2) && (prevch1 == ch2)
if i1 - k - 1 > 0 && i2 - k - 1 > 0 && ch1 == prevch2 && prevch1 == ch2
thisTransCost += 1
current = min(current, thisTransCost)
@ -240,58 +242,52 @@ struct RatcliffObershelp <: SemiMetric end
function (dist::RatcliffObershelp)(s1, s2)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
n_matched = sum(last.(matching_blocks(s1, s2)))
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
n_matched = length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, 1, len1, len2)
len1 + len2 == 0 ? 0.0 : 1 - 2 * n_matched / (len1 + len2)
function matching_blocks(s1, s2)
matching_blocks!(Set{Tuple{Int, Int, Int}}(), s1, s2, 1, 1)
function matching_blocks!(x::Set{Tuple{Int, Int, Int}}, s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer)
n1, n2, len = longest_common_pattern(s1, s2)
function length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer, end1::Integer, end2::Integer)
end1 >= start1 || return 0
end2 >= start2 || return 0
j1, j2, len = longest_common_pattern(s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2)
# exit if there is no common substring
len == 0 && return x
# add the info of the common to the existing set
push!(x, (n1 + start1 - 1, n2 + start2 - 1, len))
# add the longest common substring that happens before
matching_blocks!(x, _take(s1, n1 - 1), _take(s2, n2 - 1), start1, start2)
# add the longest common substring that happens after
matching_blocks!(x, _drop(s1, n1 + len - 1), _drop(s2, n2 + len - 1),
start1 + n1 + len - 1, start2 + n2 + len - 1)
return x
len == 0 && return 0
# add the length of the longest common substring that happens before
len += length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, start1, start2, j1 - 1, j2 - 1)
# add the length of the longest common substring that happens after
len += length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, j1 + len, j2 + len, end1, end2)
return len
_take(s, n::Integer) = Base.Iterators.take(s, n)
_take(s::StringWithLength, n::Integer) = StringWithLength(SubString(s, firstindex(s), nextind(s, 0, n)), n)
_drop(s, n::Integer) = Base.Iterators.drop(s, n)
_drop(s::StringWithLength, n::Integer) = StringWithLength(SubString(s, nextind(s, 0, n + 1), lastindex(s)), length(s) - n)
function longest_common_pattern(s1, s2)
if length(s1) > length(s2)
start2, start1, len = longest_common_pattern(s2, s1)
function longest_common_pattern(s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2)
if end1 - start1 > end2 - start2
j2, j1, len = longest_common_pattern(s2, s1, start2, start1, end2, end1)
start1, start2, len = 0, 0, 0
p = zeros(Int, length(s2))
j1, j2, len = 0, 0, 0
# p[i2-start2+1] stores the startingindex of the longest
# common pattern up to i2 with prevch1 as last matching character
p = zeros(Int, end2 - start2 + 1)
for (i1, ch1) in enumerate(s1)
oldp = 0
i1 >= start1 || continue
i1 <= end1 || break
oldj2 = 0
for (i2, ch2) in enumerate(s2)
newp = 0
if ch1 == ch2
newp = oldp > 0 ? oldp : i2
currentlength = i2 - newp + 1
if currentlength > len
start1, start2, len = i1 - currentlength + 1, newp, currentlength
i2 >= start2 || continue
i2 <= end2 || break
if ch1 != ch2
newj2 = 0
newj2 = oldj2 > 0 ? oldj2 : i2
newlen = i2 - newj2 + 1
if newlen > len
j1, j2, len = i1 - newlen + 1, newj2, newlen
p[i2], oldp = newp, p[i2]
p[i2 - start2 + 1], oldj2 = newj2, p[i2 - start2 + 1]
return start1, start2, len
return j1, j2, len

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@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ end
function (dist::Partial{RatcliffObershelp})(s1, s2)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
len1 == len2 && return dist.dist(s1, s2)
out = 1.0
for r in matching_blocks(s1, s2)
for r in matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, 1, len1, len2)
# Make sure the substring of s2 has length len1
s2_start = r[2] - r[1] + 1
s2_end = s2_start + len1 - 1
@ -49,13 +48,30 @@ function (dist::Partial{RatcliffObershelp})(s1, s2)
s2_start += len2 - s2_end
s2_end += len2 - s2_end
curr = dist.dist(s1, _slice(s2, s2_start - 1, s2_end))
n_matched = length_matching_blocks(s1, s2, 1, s2_start, len1, s2_end)
curr = 1 - 2 * n_matched / (len1 + s2_end - s2_start + 1)
out = min(out, curr)
return out
_slice(s, n1::Integer, n2::Integer) = Base.Iterators.take(Base.Iterators.drop(s, n1), n2 - n1)
_slice(s::StringWithLength, n1::Integer, n2::Integer) = SubString(s, nextind(s, 0, n1 + 1), nextind(s, 0, n2))
function matching_blocks(s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer, end1::Integer, end2::Integer)
matching_blocks!(Set{Tuple{Int, Int, Int}}(), s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2)
function matching_blocks!(x::Set{Tuple{Int, Int, Int}}, s1, s2, start1::Integer, start2::Integer, end1::Integer, end2::Integer)
j1, j2, len = longest_common_pattern(s1, s2, start1, start2, end1, end2)
# exit if there is no common substring
len == 0 && return x
# add the info of the common to the existing set
push!(x, (j1, j2, len))
# add the longest common substring that happens before
matching_blocks!(x, s1, s2, start1, start2, j1 - 1, j2 - 1)
# add the longest common substring that happens after
matching_blocks!(x, s1, s2, j1 + len, j2 + len, end1, end2)
return x

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using StringDistances, Unicode, Test
@test Partial(QGram(2))("martha", missing) === missing
@test Partial(Levenshtein())("martha", "marhta") == 2
@test Partial(RatcliffObershelp())("martha", "marhta") 0.16666666 atol = 1e-5
@test Partial(RatcliffObershelp())("martha", "marhtaXXX") 0.16666666 atol = 1e-5
@test Partial(RatcliffObershelp())("martha", missing) === missing
# TokenSort