Update edit.jl

matthieugomez 2021-09-11 14:40:03 -04:00
parent eb55591a46
commit fc27c9faec
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -247,8 +247,10 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2)
(s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing) && return missing
s1, s2 = reorder(s1, s2)
len1, len2 = length(s1), length(s2)
# da[ch1] will store last spotted position of ch1 in s1
da = Dict{eltype(s1), Int}()
sizehint!(da, len1)
# dist[i1+1, i2+1] will store the distance between Iterators.take(s1, i1) and Iterators.take(s2, i2)
distm = zeros(Int, len1 + 1, len2 + 1)
distm[:, 1] = 0:len1
distm[1, :] = 0:len2
@ -261,7 +263,6 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2)
@inbounds pre = min(distm[i1, i2] + !match,
distm[i1 + 1, i2] + 1,
distm[i1, i2 + 1] + 1)
# let us now consider transposition.
# avoid lookup if we already know transposition won't be chosen
j1 = ((i1 == 1) | (j2 == 0) | (i2 - j2 >= pre) | match) ? 0 : get(da, ch2, 0)
@inbounds distm[i1 + 1, i2 + 1] = (j1 == 0) ? pre : min(pre, distm[j1, j2] + (i1 - j1 - 1) + 1 + (i2 - j2 - 1))
@ -269,7 +270,6 @@ function (dist::DamerauLevenshtein)(s1, s2)
j2 = i2
# da[ch1] is last spotted position of ch1 in s1
da[ch1] = i1
return distm[end, end]