struct QGramIterator{S <: Union{AbstractString, AbstractVector}} s::S # Collection q::Int # Length of Qgram end Base.length(qgram::QGramIterator) = max(length(qgram.s) - qgram.q + 1, 0) # q-grams of AbstractString function Base.iterate(qgram::QGramIterator{<: AbstractString}, state = (1, nextind(qgram.s, 0, qgram.q))) istart, iend = state iend > ncodeunits(qgram.s) && return nothing element = SubString(qgram.s, istart, iend) nextstate = nextind(qgram.s, istart), nextind(qgram.s, iend) element, nextstate end Base.eltype(qgram::QGramIterator{SubString{S}}) where {S} = SubString{S} Base.eltype(qgram::QGramIterator{S}) where {S <: AbstractString} = SubString{S} #q-grams of AbstractVector # Alternatively, I could also use partition in IterTools but it creates a vector for each iteration # so it does not seem to be worth it. function Base.iterate(qgram::QGramIterator{<: AbstractVector}, state = firstindex(qgram.s)) state + qgram.q - 1 > lastindex(qgram.s) && return nothing view(qgram.s, state:(state + qgram.q - 1)), state + 1 end Base.eltype(qgram::QGramIterator{<: AbstractVector}) = typeof(first(qgram)) """ Return an iterator on the q-gram of a string ### Arguments * `s` iterator * `q::Integer`: length of q-gram ## Examples ```julia for x in qgrams("hello", 2) println(x) end ``` """ qgrams(s::Union{AbstractString, AbstractVector}, q::Integer) = QGramIterator(s, q) qgrams(s, q::Integer) = QGramIterator(collect(s), q) # For two iterators x1 and x2, that define a length and eltype method, # this returns a dictionary which, for each element in x1 or x2, # returns a tuple with the numbers of times it appears in x1 and x2 function count_map(s1, s2) K = promote_type(eltype(s1), eltype(s2)) d = Dict{K, Tuple{Int, Int}}() sizehint!(d, length(s1) + length(s2)) # I use a faster way to change a dictionary key # see setindex! in for x1 in s1 index = Base.ht_keyindex2!(d, x1) if index > 0 d.age += 1 @inbounds d.keys[index] = x1 @inbounds d.vals[index] = (d.vals[index][1] + 1, 0) else @inbounds Base._setindex!(d, (1, 0), x1, -index) end end for x2 in s2 index = Base.ht_keyindex2!(d, x2) if index > 0 d.age += 1 @inbounds d.keys[index] = x2 @inbounds d.vals[index] = (d.vals[index][1], d.vals[index][2] + 1) else @inbounds Base._setindex!(d, (0, 1), x2, -index) end end return d end abstract type QGramDistance <: SemiMetric end """ QGram(q::Int) Creates a QGram metric. The distance corresponds to ``||v(s1, q) - v(s2, q)||`` where ``v(s, q)`` denotes the vector on the space of q-grams of length q, that contains the number of times a q-gram appears for the string s """ struct QGram <: QGramDistance q::Int end function (dist::QGram)(s1, s2) ((s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing)) && return missing itr = values(count_map(qgrams(s1, dist.q), qgrams(s2, dist.q))) n = 0 for (n1, n2) in itr n += abs(n1 - n2) end n end """ Cosine(q::Int) Creates a Cosine metric. The distance corresponds to `` 1 - v(s1, q).v(s2, q) / ||v(s1, q)|| * ||v(s2, q)||`` where ``v(s, q)`` denotes the vector on the space of q-grams of length q, that contains the number of times a q-gram appears for the string s """ struct Cosine <: QGramDistance q::Int end function (dist::Cosine)(s1, s2) ((s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing)) && return missing itr = values(count_map(qgrams(s1, dist.q), qgrams(s2, dist.q))) norm1, norm2, prodnorm = 0, 0, 0 for (n1, n2) in itr norm1 += n1^2 norm2 += n2^2 prodnorm += n1 * n2 end 1.0 - prodnorm / (sqrt(norm1) * sqrt(norm2)) end """ Jaccard(q::Int) Creates a Jaccard metric. The distance corresponds to ``1 - |Q(s1, q) ∩ Q(s2, q)| / |Q(s1, q) ∪ Q(s2, q))|`` where ``Q(s, q)`` denotes the set of q-grams of length n for the string s """ struct Jaccard <: QGramDistance q::Int end function (dist::Jaccard)(s1, s2) ((s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing)) && return missing itr = values(count_map(qgrams(s1, dist.q), qgrams(s2, dist.q))) ndistinct1, ndistinct2, nintersect = 0, 0, 0 for (n1, n2) in itr ndistinct1 += n1 > 0 ndistinct2 += n2 > 0 nintersect += (n1 > 0) & (n2 > 0) end 1.0 - nintersect / (ndistinct1 + ndistinct2 - nintersect) end """ SorensenDice(q::Int) Creates a SorensenDice metric The distance corresponds to ``1 - 2 * |Q(s1, q) ∩ Q(s2, q)| / (|Q(s1, q)| + |Q(s2, q))|)`` where ``Q(s, q)`` denotes the set of q-grams of length n for the string s """ struct SorensenDice <: QGramDistance q::Int end function (dist::SorensenDice)(s1, s2) ((s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing)) && return missing itr = values(count_map(qgrams(s1, dist.q), qgrams(s2, dist.q))) ndistinct1, ndistinct2, nintersect = 0, 0, 0 for (n1, n2) in itr ndistinct1 += n1 > 0 ndistinct2 += n2 > 0 nintersect += (n1 > 0) & (n2 > 0) end 1.0 - 2.0 * nintersect / (ndistinct1 + ndistinct2) end """ Overlap(q::Int) Creates a Overlap metric The distance corresponds to ``1 - |Q(s1, q) ∩ Q(s2, q)| / min(|Q(s1, q)|, |Q(s2, q)|)`` where ``Q(s, q)`` denotes the set of q-grams of length n for the string s """ struct Overlap <: QGramDistance q::Int end function (dist::Overlap)(s1, s2) ((s1 === missing) | (s2 === missing)) && return missing itr = values(count_map(qgrams(s1, dist.q), qgrams(s2, dist.q))) ndistinct1, ndistinct2, nintersect = 0, 0, 0 for (n1, n2) in itr ndistinct1 += n1 > 0 ndistinct2 += n2 > 0 nintersect += (n1 > 0) & (n2 > 0) end 1.0 - nintersect / min(ndistinct1, ndistinct2) end