[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/matthieugomez/StringDistances.jl.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/matthieugomez/StringDistances.jl) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/matthieugomez/StringDistances.jl/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/matthieugomez/StringDistances.jl?branch=master) This Julia package computes various distances between AbstractStrings ## Installation The package is registered in the [`General`](https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General) registry and so can be installed at the REPL with `] add StringDistances`. ## Compare The function `compare` returns a similarity score between two strings. The function always returns a score between 0 and 1, with a value of 0 being completely different and a value of 1 being completely similar. Its syntax is: ```julia compare(s1::AbstractString, s2::AbstractString, dist::StringDistance) ``` - Edit Distances - [Jaro Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro%E2%80%93Winkler_distance) `Jaro()` - [Levenshtein Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) `Levenshtein()` - [Damerau-Levenshtein Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damerau%E2%80%93Levenshtein_distance) `DamerauLevenshtein()` - [RatcliffObershelp Distance](https://xlinux.nist.gov/dads/HTML/ratcliffObershelp.html) `RatcliffObershelp()` - Q-gram distances compare the set of all substrings of length `q` in each string. - QGram Distance `Qgram(q::Int)` - [Cosine Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity) `Cosine(q::Int)` - [Jaccard Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index) `Jaccard(q::Int)` - [Overlap Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlap_coefficient) `Overlap(q::Int)` - [Sorensen-Dice Distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8rensen%E2%80%93Dice_coefficient) `SorensenDice(q::Int)` - The package includes distance "modifiers", that can be applied to any distance. - [Winkler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaro%E2%80%93Winkler_distance) boosts the similary score of strings with common prefixes. The Winkler adjustment was originally defined for the Jaro similarity score but this package defines it for any string distance. - [Partial](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/) returns the maximal similarity score between the shorter string and substrings of the longer string. - [TokenSort](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/) adjusts for differences in word orders by reording words alphabetically. - [TokenSet](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/) adjusts for differences in word orders and word numbers by comparing the intersection of two strings with each string. - [TokenMax](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/) combines scores using the base distance, the `Partial`, `TokenSort` and `TokenSet` modifiers, with penalty terms depending on string lengths. Some examples: ```julia compare("martha", "marhta", Jaro()) compare("martha", "marhta", Winkler(Jaro())) compare("martha", "marhta", QGram(2)) compare("martha", "marhta", Winkler(QGram(2))) compare("martha", "marhta", Levenshtein()) compare("martha", "marhta", Partial(Levenshtein())) compare("martha", "marhta", Jaro()) compare("martha", "marhta", TokenSet(Jaro())) compare("martha", "marhta", TokenMax(RatcliffObershelp())) ``` A good distance to match strings composed of multiple words (like addresses) is `TokenMax(Levenshtein())` (see [fuzzywuzzy](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/)). ## Find - `findmax` returns the value and index of the element in `itr` with the highest similarity score with `s`. Its syntax is: ```julia findmax(s::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.0) ``` - `findall` returns the indices of all elements in `itr` with a similarity score with `s` higher than a minimum value (default to 0.8). Its syntax is: ```julia findall(s::AbstractString, itr, dist::StringDistance; min_score = 0.8) ``` The functions `findmax` and `findall` are particularly optimized for `Levenshtein` and `DamerauLevenshtein` distances (as well as their modifications via `Partial`, `TokenSort`, `TokenSet`, or `TokenMax`). ## Evaluate The function `compare` returns a similarity score: a value of 0 means completely different and a value of 1 means completely similar. In contrast, the function `evaluate` returns the litteral distance between two strings, with a value of 0 being completely similar. Some distances are between 0 and 1, while others are unbouded. ```julia compare("New York", "New York", Levenshtein()) #> 1.0 evaluate(Levenshtein(), "New York", "New York") #> 0 ``` ## References - [The stringdist Package for Approximate String Matching](https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2014-1/loo.pdf) Mark P.J. van der Loo - [fuzzywuzzy](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/fuzzywuzzy-fuzzy-string-matching-in-python/)