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using Weave, Test
2019-03-11 12:39:21 +01:00
using Mustache
# Test parsing
doc = """
! println("Something")
Some markdown with inline stuff and `j code`
! Not julia code but `j show("is")`
pat = Weave.input_formats["markdown"].inline
ms = collect(eachmatch(pat, doc))
@test ms[1][2] == "println(\"Something\")"
@test ms[2][1] == "code"
@test ms[3][1] == "show(\"is\")"
chunk = Weave.parse_doc(doc, Weave.input_formats["markdown"])[1]
@test length(chunk.content) == 7
@test chunk.content[2].content == ms[1][2]
@test chunk.content[4].content == ms[2][1]
@test chunk.content[6].content == ms[3][1]
chunknw = Weave.parse_doc(doc, Weave.input_formats["noweb"])[1]
@test all([chunknw.content[i].content == chunk.content[i].content for i in 1:7])
2019-03-11 12:39:21 +01:00
# Test with document
tpl = mt"""
{{{ :body }}}
out = weave(joinpath(@__DIR__, "documents", "markdown_beamer.jmd"), doctype="md2html", template=tpl)
@test read(out, String) == read(out*".ref", String)
out = weave(joinpath(@__DIR__, "documents", "markdown_beamer.jmd"), doctype="md2tex", template=tpl)
@test read(out, String) == read(out*".ref", String)