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2016-12-23 09:54:48 +01:00
#Default options
const defaultParams =
Dict{Symbol,Any}(:storeresults => false,
:doc_number => 0,
:chunk_defaults =>
2016-12-23 09:54:48 +01:00
:echo=> true,
:results=> "markup",
:hold => false,
:fig=> true,
:include=> true,
:eval => true,
:tangle => true,
:cache => false,
:fig_cap=> nothing,
#Size in inches
:fig_width => 6,
:fig_height => 4,
:fig_path=> "figures",
:dpi => 96,
:term=> false,
:display => false,
:prompt => "\njulia> ",
2018-07-27 09:42:14 +02:00
:label=> nothing,
2016-12-23 09:54:48 +01:00
:wrap=> true,
:line_width => 75,
:engine=> "julia",
#:option_AbstractString=> "",
#Defined in formats
:fig_ext => nothing,
:fig_pos=> nothing,
:fig_env=> nothing,
:out_width=> nothing,
:out_height=> nothing,
2019-02-27 09:15:56 +01:00
2016-12-23 09:54:48 +01:00
#This one can be changed at runtime, initially a copy of defaults
const rcParams = deepcopy(defaultParams)
#Parameters set per document
const docParams =Dict{Symbol,Any}(
:fig_path=> nothing,
:fig_ext => nothing,
`set_chunk_defaults(opts::Dict{Symbol, Any})`
Set default options for code chunks, use get_chunk_defaults
to see the current values.
e.g. set default dpi to 200 and fig_width to 8
julia> set_chunk_defaults(Dict{Symbol, Any}(:dpi => 200, fig_width => 8))
function set_chunk_defaults(opts::Dict{Symbol, Any})
merge!(rcParams[:chunk_defaults], opts)
return nothing
Get default options used for code chunks.
function get_chunk_defaults()
Restore Weave.jl default chunk options
function restore_chunk_defaults()
rcParams[:chunk_defaults] = defaultParams[:chunk_defaults]
merge!(rcParams[:chunk_defaults], docParams)
return nothing
getvalue(d::Dict, key , default) = haskey(d, key) ? d[key] : default
Parse document options from document header
function parse_header_options(doc::WeaveDoc)
args = getvalue(doc.header, "options", Dict())
doctype = getvalue(args, "doctype", :auto)
informat = getvalue(args, "informat", :auto)
out_path = getvalue(args, "out_path", "doc")
out_path == ":pwd" && (out_path = :pwd)
mod = Symbol(getvalue(args, "mod", :sandbox))
fig_path = getvalue(args, "fig_path", "figures")
fig_ext = getvalue(args, "fig_ext", nothing)
cache_path = getvalue(args, "cache_path", "cache")
cache = Symbol(getvalue(args, "cache", :off))
throw_errors = getvalue(args, "throw_errors", false)
template = getvalue(args, "template", nothing)
highlight_theme = getvalue(args, "highlight_theme", nothing)
css = getvalue(args, "css", nothing)
pandoc_options = getvalue(args, "pandoc_options", String[])
latex_cmd = getvalue(args, "latex_cmd", "xelatex")
return (doctype, informat, out_path, args, mod, fig_path, fig_ext,
cache_path, cache, throw_errors, template, highlight_theme, css,
pandoc_options, latex_cmd)