some support for dynamic YAML `weave` configuration

Shuhei Kadowaki 2020-05-17 11:42:19 +09:00
parent 6d1732247a
commit 101b170ea6
3 changed files with 55 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -71,6 +71,17 @@ options:
- configurations specified within the YAML header have higher precedence than those specified via `weave` keyword arguments
- chunk options specified within each chunk have higher precedence than the global global chunk options specified within the YAML header
!!! warning
As opposed to metadata, _most_ of those configuration options can't be given dynamically (i.e. can't be via inline code),
since they are needed for evaluation of chunks themselves.
But some configuration options that are needed "formatting" document can still be given dynamically:
- `template`
- `css`
- `highlight_theme`
- `pandoc_options`
- `latex_cmd`
See also: [`weave`](@ref)
## Format Specific Options

View File

@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Weave an input document to output file.
* `:refresh` runs all code chunks and save new cache
- `throw_errors::Bool = false`: If `false` errors are included in output document and the whole document is executed. If `true` errors are thrown when they occur
- `template::Union{Nothing,AbstractString,Mustache.MustacheTokens} = nothing`: Template (file path) or `Mustache.MustacheTokens`s for `md2html` or `md2tex` formats
- `highlight_theme::Union{Nothing,Type{<:Highlights.AbstractTheme}} = nothing`: Theme used for syntax highlighting (defaults to `Highlights.Themes.DefaultTheme`)
- `css::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing`: Path of a CSS file used for md2html format
- `highlight_theme::Union{Nothing,Type{<:Highlights.AbstractTheme}} = nothing`: Theme used for syntax highlighting (defaults to `Highlights.Themes.DefaultTheme`)
- `pandoc_options::Vector{<:AbstractString} = String[]`: `String`s of options to pass to pandoc for `pandoc2html` and `pandoc2pdf` formats, e.g. `["--toc", "-N"]`
- `latex_cmd::AbstractString = "xelatex"`: The command used to make PDF file from .tex
- `latex_keep_unicode::Bool = false`: If `true`, do not convert unicode characters to their respective latex representation. This is especially useful if a font and tex-engine with support for unicode characters are used
@ -110,18 +110,19 @@ function weave(
cache::Symbol = :off,
throw_errors::Bool = false,
template::Union{Nothing,AbstractString,Mustache.MustacheTokens} = nothing,
highlight_theme::Union{Nothing,Type{<:Highlights.AbstractTheme}} = nothing,
css::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
highlight_theme::Union{Nothing,Type{<:Highlights.AbstractTheme}} = nothing,
pandoc_options::Vector{<:AbstractString} = String[],
latex_cmd::AbstractString = "xelatex",
latex_keep_unicode::Bool = false,
doc = WeaveDoc(source, informat)
# overwrites given options with header options, which have more precedence
# - support format specific option specification
# - fix paths relative to `source`
# run document
# ------------
# overwrites options with those specified in header, that are needed for running document
# NOTE: these YAML options can NOT be given dynamically
weave_options = get(doc.header, WEAVE_OPTION_NAME, Dict())
if !isempty(weave_options)
doctype = get(weave_options, "doctype", doctype)
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ function weave(
if out_path == ":doc" || out_path == ":pwd"
normpath(dirname(source), out_path)
normpath(dirname(source), out_path) # resolve relative to this document
@ -143,27 +144,11 @@ function weave(
cache_path = get(weave_options, "cache_path", cache_path)
cache = Symbol(get(weave_options, "cache", cache))
throw_errors = get(weave_options, "throw_errors", throw_errors)
if haskey(weave_options, "template")
template = weave_options["template"]
template isa AbstractString && (template = normpath(dirname(source), template))
if haskey(weave_options, "css")
css = weave_options["css"]
css isa AbstractString && (css = normpath(dirname(source), css))
highlight_theme = get(weave_options, "highlight_theme", highlight_theme)
pandoc_options = get(weave_options, "pandoc_options", pandoc_options)
latex_cmd = get(weave_options, "latex_cmd", latex_cmd)
latex_keep_unicode = get(weave_options, "latex_cmd", latex_keep_unicode)
latex_keep_unicode = get(weave_options, "latex_keep_unicode", latex_keep_unicode)
isnothing(template) || (doc.template = template)
isnothing(highlight_theme) || (doc.highlight_theme = highlight_theme)
# isnothing(theme) || (doc.theme = theme) # Reserved for themes
isnothing(css) || (doc.css = css)
doc = run_doc(
doctype = doctype,
mod = mod,
out_path = out_path,
@ -176,13 +161,38 @@ function weave(
latex_keep_unicode = latex_keep_unicode,
# format document
# ---------------
# overwrites options with those specified in header, that are needed for formatting document
# NOTE: these YAML options can be given dynamically
if !isempty(weave_options)
if haskey(weave_options, "template")
template = weave_options["template"]
# resolve relative to this document
template isa AbstractString && (template = normpath(dirname(source), template))
if haskey(weave_options, "css")
css = weave_options["css"]
# resolve relative to this document
css isa AbstractString && (css = normpath(dirname(source), css))
highlight_theme = get(weave_options, "highlight_theme", highlight_theme)
pandoc_options = get(weave_options, "pandoc_options", pandoc_options)
latex_cmd = get(weave_options, "latex_cmd", latex_cmd)
isnothing(template) || (doc.template = template)
isnothing(highlight_theme) || (doc.highlight_theme = highlight_theme)
# isnothing(theme) || (doc.theme = theme) # Reserved for themes
isnothing(css) || (doc.css = css)
formatted = format(doc)
outname = get_outname(out_path, doc)
open(io->write(io,formatted), outname, "w")
# Special for that need external programs
# document generation via external programs
doctype = doc.doctype
if doctype == "pandoc2html"
mdname = outname

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@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
using Mustache, Highlights, .WeaveMarkdown, Markdown, Dates, Pkg
using REPL.REPLCompletions: latex_symbols
function format(doc::WeaveDoc)
formatted = String[]
docformat = doc.format
function format(doc)
format = doc.format
# Complete format dictionaries with defaults
formatdict = docformat.formatdict
formatdict = format.formatdict
get!(formatdict, :termstart, formatdict[:codestart])
get!(formatdict, :termend, formatdict[:codeend])
get!(formatdict, :out_width, nothing)
@ -14,17 +13,18 @@ function format(doc::WeaveDoc)
get!(formatdict, :fig_pos, nothing)
get!(formatdict, :fig_env, nothing)
docformat.formatdict[:cwd] = doc.cwd # pass wd to figure formatters
docformat.formatdict[:theme] = doc.highlight_theme
formatdict[:cwd] = doc.cwd # pass wd to figure formatters
formatdict[:theme] = doc.highlight_theme
formatted = String[]
for chunk in copy(doc.chunks)
result = format_chunk(chunk, formatdict, docformat)
result = format_chunk(chunk, formatdict, format)
push!(formatted, result)
formatted = join(formatted, "\n")
# Render using a template if needed
return render_doc(formatted, doc)