Merge pull request #244 from sebastianpech/disable-unicode-escape

Add argument to weave function to disable unicode escape
Sebastian Pfitzner 2019-10-21 19:48:29 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3d673d0338
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 72 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -76,14 +76,17 @@ Weave an input document to output file.
* `cache_path`: where of cached output will be saved.
* `cache`: controls caching of code: `:off` = no caching, `:all` = cache everything,
`:user` = cache based on chunk options, `:refresh`, run all code chunks and save new cache.
* `throw_errors` if `false` errors are included in output document and the whole document is
* `throw_errors`: if `false` errors are included in output document and the whole document is
executed. if `true` errors are thrown when they occur.
* `template` : Template (file path) or MustacheTokens for md2html or md2tex formats.
* `highlight_theme` : Theme (Highlights.AbstractTheme) for used syntax highlighting
* `css` : CSS (file path) used for md2html format
* `pandoc_options` = String array of options to pass to pandoc for `pandoc2html` and
* `template`: Template (file path) or MustacheTokens for md2html or md2tex formats.
* `highlight_theme`: Theme (Highlights.AbstractTheme) for used syntax highlighting
* `css`: CSS (file path) used for md2html format
* `pandoc_options`: String array of options to pass to pandoc for `pandoc2html` and
`pandoc2pdf` formats e.g. ["--toc", "-N"]
* `latex_cmd` the command used to make pdf from .tex
* `latex_cmd`: the command used to make pdf from .tex
* `latex_keep_unicode`: if set to true (default is false), do not convert unicode characters to their
respective latex representation. This is especially useful if a font and tex-engine with support for unicode
characters are used.
**Note:** Run Weave from terminal and not using IJulia, Juno or ESS, they tend to mess with capturing output.
@ -95,12 +98,13 @@ function weave(source ; doctype = :auto,
throw_errors = false,
template = nothing, highlight_theme = nothing, css = nothing,
pandoc_options = String[]::Array{String},
latex_cmd = "xelatex")
latex_cmd = "xelatex",latex_keep_unicode=false)
doc = read_doc(source, informat)
doctype == :auto && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
doc.doctype = doctype
# Read args from document header, overrides command line args
if haskey(doc.header, "options")
(doctype, informat, out_path, args, mod, fig_path, fig_ext,
@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ function weave(source ; doctype = :auto,
mod = mod,
out_path=out_path, args = args,
fig_path = fig_path, fig_ext = fig_ext, cache_path = cache_path, cache=cache,
throw_errors = throw_errors)
throw_errors = throw_errors,latex_keep_unicode=latex_keep_unicode)
formatted = format(doc)
outname = get_outname(out_path, doc)

View File

@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ function format_chunk(chunk::DocChunk, formatdict, docformat::JMarkdown2tex)
ioformat!(io, out)
return uc2tex(String(take!(out)))
formatdict[:keep_unicode] || return uc2tex(String(take!(out)))
return String(take!(out))
function format_chunk(chunk::DocChunk, formatdict, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML)
@ -262,7 +263,10 @@ function format_output(result::AbstractString, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML)
function format_output(result::AbstractString, docformat::JMarkdown2tex)
return uc2tex(result, true)
# Highligts has some extra escaping defined, eg of $, ", ...
result_escaped = sprint( (io, x) -> Highlights.Format.escape(io, MIME("text/latex"), x, charescape=true), result)
docformat.formatdict[:keep_unicode] || return uc2tex(result_escaped, true)
return result_escaped
function format_code(result::AbstractString, docformat)
@ -272,7 +276,8 @@ end
function format_code(result::AbstractString, docformat::JMarkdown2tex)
highlighted = highlight(MIME("text/latex"), strip(result),
Highlights.Lexers.JuliaLexer, docformat.formatdict[:theme])
return uc2tex(highlighted)
docformat.formatdict[:keep_unicode] || return uc2tex(highlighted)
return highlighted
#return "\\begin{minted}[mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em]{julia}\n$result\n\\end{minted}\n"

View File

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ const tex = Tex("Latex with custom code environments",
:fig_env=> "figure",
:fig_pos => "htpb",
:doctype => "tex",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"]
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
const texminted = Tex("Latex using minted for highlighting",
@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ const texminted = Tex("Latex using minted for highlighting",
:fig_env=> "figure",
:fig_pos => "htpb",
:doctype => "texminted",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"]
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
struct Pandoc
@ -147,7 +149,8 @@ const md2tex = JMarkdown2tex("Julia markdown to latex", Dict{Symbol,Any}(
:out_width => "\\linewidth",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "image/jpg", "text/latex",
"text/markdown", "text/plain"],
:doctype=> "md2tex"))
:doctype=> "md2tex",
struct MultiMarkdown

View File

@ -26,13 +26,18 @@ Run code chunks and capture output from parsed document.
function; doctype = :auto,
mod::Union{Module, Symbol} = :sandbox, out_path=:doc,
args=Dict(), fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing,
cache_path = "cache", cache = :off, throw_errors=false)
cache_path = "cache", cache = :off, throw_errors=false, latex_keep_unicode=false)
#cache :all, :user, :off, :refresh
doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path)
doctype == :auto && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
doc.doctype = doctype
doc.format = formats[doctype]
if (haskey(doc.format.formatdict, :keep_unicode))
doc.format.formatdict[:keep_unicode] = latex_keep_unicode
isdir(doc.cwd) || mkpath(doc.cwd)
if occursin("2pdf", doctype) && cache == :off

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Some inline output
(*@\HLJLnf{println}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLs{"Testing output"}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*)

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@ -112,3 +112,42 @@ ldoc =, doctype = "md2tex")
mdoc =, doctype = "github")
@test mdoc.chunks[1].rich_output == "\n\n### Small markdown sample\n\n**Hello** from `code` block.\n\n"
@test mdoc.chunks[2].rich_output == "\n\n* one\n* two\n* three\n\n"
# Test disable escaping of unicode
content = """
# Test chunk
dchunk = Weave.DocChunk(content, 1, 1)
pformat = Weave.formats["md2tex"]
f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, pformat.formatdict, pformat)
@test f == "\\section{Test chunk}\n\\ensuremath{\\alpha}\n\n"
pformat.formatdict[:keep_unicode] = true
f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, pformat.formatdict, pformat)
@test f == "\\section{Test chunk}\nα\n\n"
function doc_from_string(str)
parsed = Weave.parse_doc(str,"markdown")
header = Weave.parse_header(parsed[1])
doc_content = """
α = 10
parsed = doc_from_string(doc_content)
ldoc =, doctype = "md2tex")
@test occursin(Weave.uc2tex("α"),Weave.format(ldoc))
@test !occursin("α",Weave.format(ldoc))
parsed = doc_from_string(doc_content)
ldoc =, doctype = "md2tex",latex_keep_unicode=true)
@test occursin("α",Weave.format(ldoc))
@test !occursin(Weave.uc2tex("α"),Weave.format(ldoc))