Merge pull request #355 from JunoLab/avi/refactorformatters

refactor formatters.jl
Shuhei Kadowaki 2020-05-30 22:14:38 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5b959a972c
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 253 additions and 299 deletions

View File

@ -27,15 +27,11 @@ end
take2string!(io) = String(take!(io)) take2string!(io) = String(take!(io))
""" """
list_out_formats() list_out_formats(io = stdout)
List supported output formats List supported output formats
""" """
function list_out_formats() list_out_formats(io = stdout) = for (k, v) in FORMATS; println(io, string(k, ": ", v.formatdict[:description])); end
for format in keys(formats)
println(string(format, ": ", formats[format].description))
""" """
tangle(source::AbstractString; kwargs...) tangle(source::AbstractString; kwargs...)
@ -228,7 +224,7 @@ weave(doc::AbstractString, doctype::Union{Symbol,AbstractString}; kwargs...) =
weave(doc; doctype = doctype, kwargs...) weave(doc; doctype = doctype, kwargs...)
function specific_options!(weave_options, doctype) function specific_options!(weave_options, doctype)
fmts = keys(formats) fmts = keys(FORMATS)
for (k,v) in weave_options for (k,v) in weave_options
if k in fmts if k in fmts
k == doctype && merge!(weave_options, v) k == doctype && merge!(weave_options, v)
@ -335,7 +331,7 @@ include("display_methods.jl")
include("reader/reader.jl") include("reader/reader.jl")
include("run.jl") include("run.jl")
include("cache.jl") include("cache.jl")
include("formatters.jl") include("formats.jl")
include("format.jl") include("format.jl")
include("pandoc.jl") include("pandoc.jl")
include("converter.jl") include("converter.jl")

View File

@ -1,185 +1,71 @@
# so dirty, refactor # TODO:
# - 1. do assertions for definition mandatory fields in `@define_format` macro
using Printf # - 2. implement fallback format/rendering functions in format.jl
# - 3. export this as public API
struct Tex abstract type WeaveFormat end
description::AbstractString const FORMATS = Dict{String,WeaveFormat}()
macro define_format(type_name, supertype = :WeaveFormat)
return quote
@assert $(supertype) <: WeaveFormat "$($(supertype)) should be subtype of WeaveFormat"
struct $(type_name) <: $(supertype)
end end
# TODO: do some assertion for necessary fields of `formatdict`
register_format!(format_name::AbstractString, format::WeaveFormat) = push!(FORMATS, format_name => format)
const tex = Tex( # HTML
"Latex with custom code environments", # ----
:codestart => "\\begin{juliacode}",
:codeend => "\\end{juliacode}",
:outputstart => "\\begin{juliaout}",
:outputend => "\\end{juliaout}",
:termstart => "\\begin{juliaterm}",
:termend => "\\end{juliaterm}",
:fig_ext => ".pdf",
:extension => "tex",
:out_width => "\\linewidth",
:fig_env => "figure",
:fig_pos => "htpb",
:doctype => "tex",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
const texminted = Tex( @define_format JMarkdown2HTML
"Latex using minted for highlighting", register_format!("md2html", JMarkdown2HTML(Dict(
Dict{Symbol,Any}( :description => "Julia markdown to html",
:codestart => :codestart => "\n",
"\\begin{minted}[mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em]{julia}", :codeend => "\n",
:codeend => "\\end{minted}", :outputstart => "<pre class=\"output\">",
:outputstart => :outputend => "</pre>\n",
"\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape, frame = leftline]{text}", :fig_ext => ".png",
:outputend => "\\end{minted}", :mimetypes => [
:termstart => "image/png",
"\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\footnotesize, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape]{jlcon}", "image/jpg",
:termend => "\\end{minted}", "image/svg+xml",
:fig_ext => ".pdf", "text/html",
:extension => "tex", "text/markdown",
:out_width => "\\linewidth", "text/plain",
:fig_env => "figure", ],
:fig_pos => "htpb", :extension => "html",
:doctype => "texminted", )))
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
struct Pandoc @define_format Pandoc2HTML
description::AbstractString register_format!("pandoc2html", Pandoc2HTML(Dict(
formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} :description => "Markdown to HTML (requires Pandoc 2)",
end :codestart => "\n",
:codeend => "\n",
:outputstart => "\n",
:outputend => "\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:mimetypes => [
const pandoc = Pandoc(
"Pandoc markdown",
:codestart => "~~~~{.julia}",
:codeend => "~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n",
:outputstart => "~~~~",
:outputend => "~~~~\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:out_width => nothing,
:extension => "md",
# Prefer png figures for markdown conversion, svg doesn't work with latex
:mimetypes =>
["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/svg+xml", "text/markdown", "text/plain"],
:doctype => "pandoc",
struct Pandoc2HTML # PDF and Tex
description::AbstractString # -----------
const pdoc2html = Pandoc2HTML( @define_format JMarkdown2tex
"Markdown to HTML (requires Pandoc 2)", let t = JMarkdown2tex(Dict(
Dict{Symbol,Any}( :description => "Julia markdown to latex",
:codestart => "\n",
:codeend => "\n",
:outputstart => "\n",
:outputend => "\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:mimetypes => [
:doctype => "pandoc2html",
struct GitHubMarkdown
const github = GitHubMarkdown(
"GitHub markdown",
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:mimetypes =>
["image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/jpg", "text/markdown", "text/plain"],
:doctype => "github",
Formatter for Hugo:
When `uglyURLs` is `false`, prepend figure path by `..`.
struct Hugo
const hugo = Hugo(
"Hugo markdown (using shortcodes)",
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:doctype => "hugo",
# Julia markdown
struct JMarkdown2HTML
const md2html = JMarkdown2HTML(
"Julia markdown to html",
:codestart => "\n",
:codeend => "\n",
:outputstart => "<pre class=\"output\">",
:outputend => "</pre>\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:mimetypes => [
:extension => "html",
:doctype => "md2html",
# Julia markdown
struct JMarkdown2tex
const md2tex = JMarkdown2tex(
"Julia markdown to latex",
:codestart => "", :codestart => "",
:codeend => "", :codeend => "",
:outputstart => "\\begin{lstlisting}", :outputstart => "\\begin{lstlisting}",
@ -195,14 +81,160 @@ const md2tex = JMarkdown2tex(
"text/markdown", "text/markdown",
"text/plain", "text/plain",
], ],
:doctype => "md2tex",
:keep_unicode => false, :keep_unicode => false,
), ))
) register_format!("md2pdf", t)
register_format!("md2tex", t)
struct MultiMarkdown @define_format Tex
description::AbstractString register_format!("tex", Tex(Dict(
formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} :description => "Latex with custom code environments",
:codestart => "\\begin{juliacode}",
:codeend => "\\end{juliacode}",
:outputstart => "\\begin{juliaout}",
:outputend => "\\end{juliaout}",
:termstart => "\\begin{juliaterm}",
:termend => "\\end{juliaterm}",
:fig_ext => ".pdf",
:extension => "tex",
:out_width => "\\linewidth",
:fig_env => "figure",
:fig_pos => "htpb",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
register_format!("texminted", Tex(Dict(
:description => "Latex using minted for highlighting",
:codestart =>
"\\begin{minted}[mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em]{julia}",
:codeend => "\\end{minted}",
:outputstart =>
"\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape, frame = leftline]{text}",
:outputend => "\\end{minted}",
:termstart =>
"\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\footnotesize, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape]{jlcon}",
:termend => "\\end{minted}",
:fig_ext => ".pdf",
:extension => "tex",
:out_width => "\\linewidth",
:fig_env => "figure",
:fig_pos => "htpb",
:mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"],
:keep_unicode => false,
# pandoc
# ------
@define_format Pandoc
let p = Pandoc(Dict(
:description => "Pandoc markdown",
:codestart => "~~~~{.julia}",
:codeend => "~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n",
:outputstart => "~~~~",
:outputend => "~~~~\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:out_width => nothing,
:extension => "md",
# Prefer png figures for markdown conversion, svg doesn't work with latex
:mimetypes =>
["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/svg+xml", "text/markdown", "text/plain"],
register_format!("pandoc", p)
register_format!("pandoc2pdf", p)
# markdown
# --------
@define_format GitHubMarkdown
register_format!("github", GitHubMarkdown(Dict(
:description => "GitHub markdown",
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:mimetypes =>
["image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/jpg", "text/markdown", "text/plain"],
@define_format Hugo
register_format!("hugo", Hugo(Dict(
:description => "Hugo markdown (using shortcodes)",
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:uglyURLs => false, # if `false`, prepend figure path by `..`
@define_format MultiMarkdown
register_format!("multimarkdown", MultiMarkdown(Dict(
:description => "MultiMarkdown",
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
# Rest
# ----
@define_format Rest
register_format!("rst", Rest(Dict(
:description => "reStructuredText and Sphinx",
:codestart => ".. code-block:: julia\n",
:codeend => "\n\n",
:outputstart => "::\n",
:outputend => "\n\n",
:indent => 4,
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "rst",
:out_width => "15 cm",
# Ansii
# -----
# asciidoc -b html5 -a source-highlighter=pygments ...
@define_format AsciiDoc
register_format!("asciidoc", AsciiDoc(Dict(
:description => "AsciiDoc",
:codestart => "[source,julia]\n--------------------------------------",
:codeend => "--------------------------------------\n\n",
:outputstart => "--------------------------------------",
:outputend => "--------------------------------------\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "txt",
:out_width => "600",
# TODO: move this functions where used
# ------------------------------------
using Printf
function md_length_to_latex(def, reference)
if occursin("%", def)
_def = tryparse(Float64, replace(def, "%" => ""))
_def == nothing && return def
perc = round(_def / 100, digits = 2)
return "$perc$reference"
return def
end end
function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML) function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML)
@ -244,69 +276,6 @@ function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML)
return result return result
end end
const multimarkdown = MultiMarkdown(
:codestart => "````julia",
:codeend => "````\n\n",
:outputstart => "````",
:outputend => "````\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "md",
:doctype => "github",
struct Rest
const rst = Rest(
"reStructuredText and Sphinx",
:codestart => ".. code-block:: julia\n",
:codeend => "\n\n",
:outputstart => "::\n",
:outputend => "\n\n",
:indent => 4,
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "rst",
:out_width => "15 cm",
:doctype => "rst",
struct AsciiDoc
# asciidoc -b html5 -a source-highlighter=pygments ...
const adoc = AsciiDoc(
:codestart => "[source,julia]\n--------------------------------------",
:codeend => "--------------------------------------\n\n",
:outputstart => "--------------------------------------",
:outputend => "--------------------------------------\n\n",
:fig_ext => ".png",
:extension => "txt",
:out_width => "600",
:doctype => "asciidoc",
function md_length_to_latex(def, reference)
if occursin("%", def)
_def = tryparse(Float64, replace(def, "%" => ""))
_def == nothing && return def
perc = round(_def / 100, digits = 2)
return "$perc$reference"
return def
function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Union{Tex,JMarkdown2tex}) function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Union{Tex,JMarkdown2tex})
fignames = chunk.figures fignames = chunk.figures
caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap]
@ -423,7 +392,7 @@ function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::GitHubMarkdown)
end end
function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Hugo) function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Hugo)
relpath = docformat.uglyURLs ? "" : ".." relpath = docformat.formatdict[:uglyURLs] ? "" : ".."
function format_shortcode(index_and_fig) function format_shortcode(index_and_fig)
index, fig = index_and_fig index, fig = index_and_fig
if index > 1 if index > 1
@ -510,20 +479,3 @@ function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::AsciiDoc)
return result return result
end end
end end
# Add new supported formats here
const formats = Dict(
"tex" => tex,
"texminted" => texminted,
"pandoc" => pandoc,
"pandoc2html" => pdoc2html,
"pandoc2pdf" => pandoc,
"md2pdf" => md2tex,
"github" => github,
"hugo" => hugo,
"multimarkdown" => multimarkdown,
"rst" => rst,
"asciidoc" => adoc,
"md2html" => md2html,
"md2tex" => md2tex,

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function run_doc(
# cache :all, :user, :off, :refresh # cache :all, :user, :off, :refresh
doc.doctype = isnothing(doctype) ? (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source)) : doctype doc.doctype = isnothing(doctype) ? (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source)) : doctype
doc.format = deepcopy(formats[doctype]) doc.format = deepcopy(FORMATS[doctype])
doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path) doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path)
isdir(doc.cwd) || mkpath(doc.cwd) isdir(doc.cwd) || mkpath(doc.cwd)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ end
function run_chunk(chunk::CodeChunk, doc, report, mod) function run_chunk(chunk::CodeChunk, doc, report, mod)
result = eval_chunk(chunk, report, mod) result = eval_chunk(chunk, report, mod)
occursin("2html", report.formatdict[:doctype]) && (embed_figures!(result, report.cwd)) occursin("2html", doc.doctype) && (embed_figures!(result, report.cwd))
return result return result
end end
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ function run_inline(inline::InlineCode, doc::WeaveDoc, report::Report, SandBox::
merge!(chunk.options, options) merge!(chunk.options, options)
chunks = eval_chunk(chunk, report, SandBox) chunks = eval_chunk(chunk, report, SandBox)
occursin("2html", report.formatdict[:doctype]) && (embed_figures!(chunks, report.cwd)) occursin("2html", doc.doctype) && (embed_figures!(chunks, report.cwd))
output = chunks[1].output output = chunks[1].output
endswith(output, "\n") && (output = output[1:end-1]) endswith(output, "\n") && (output = output[1:end-1])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using Weave test_formatfigures(chunk, format) = Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.FORMATS[format])
using Test
# Make a dummy codehunk with figure # Make a dummy codehunk with figure
chunk = Weave.CodeChunk("plot(x)", 1, 1, "", Dict()) chunk = Weave.CodeChunk("plot(x)", 1, 1, "", Dict())
@ -7,43 +7,49 @@ options = merge(Weave.get_chunk_defaults(), chunk.options)
merge!(chunk.options, options) merge!(chunk.options, options)
chunk.figures = ["figs/figures_plot1.png"] chunk.figures = ["figs/figures_plot1.png"]
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.md2tex) == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "md2tex") == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.texminted) == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.pandoc) == "![](figs/figures_plot1.png)\\ \n\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "texminted") == "\\includegraphics{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.github) == "![](figs/figures_plot1.png)\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "pandoc") == "![](figs/figures_plot1.png)\\ \n\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.hugo) == "{{< figure src=\"../figs/figures_plot1.png\" >}}" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "github") == "![](figs/figures_plot1.png)\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.multimarkdown) == "![][figs/figures_plot1.png]\n\n[figs/figures_plot1.png]: figs/figures_plot1.png \n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "hugo") == "{{< figure src=\"../figs/figures_plot1.png\" >}}"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.md2html) == "<img src=\"figs/figures_plot1.png\" />\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "multimarkdown") == "![][figs/figures_plot1.png]\n\n[figs/figures_plot1.png]: figs/figures_plot1.png \n"
@test test_formatfigures(chunk, "md2html") == "<img src=\"figs/figures_plot1.png\" />\n"
chunk.options[:out_width] = "100%" chunk.options[:out_width] = "100%"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.adoc) == "image::figs/figures_plot1.png[width=100%]\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "asciidoc") == "image::figs/figures_plot1.png[width=100%]\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.rst) == ".. image:: figs/figures_plot1.png\n :width: 100%\n\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "rst") == ".. image:: figs/figures_plot1.png\n :width: 100%\n\n"
chunk.options[:fig_cap] = "Nice plot" chunk.options[:fig_cap] = "Nice plot"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\end{figure}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\end{figure}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.pandoc) == "![Nice plot](figs/figures_plot1.png){width=100%}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "pandoc") == "![Nice plot](figs/figures_plot1.png){width=100%}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.md2tex) == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\end{figure}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "md2tex") == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\end{figure}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.md2html) == "<figure>\n<img src=\"figs/figures_plot1.png\" width=\"100%\" />\n<figcaption>Nice plot</figcaption>\n</figure>\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "md2html") == "<figure>\n<img src=\"figs/figures_plot1.png\" width=\"100%\" />\n<figcaption>Nice plot</figcaption>\n</figure>\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.rst) == ".. figure:: figs/figures_plot1.png\n :width: 100%\n\n Nice plot\n\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "rst") == ".. figure:: figs/figures_plot1.png\n :width: 100%\n\n Nice plot\n\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.multimarkdown) == "![Nice plot][figs/figures_plot1.png]\n\n[figs/figures_plot1.png]: figs/figures_plot1.png width=100%\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "multimarkdown") == "![Nice plot][figs/figures_plot1.png]\n\n[figs/figures_plot1.png]: figs/figures_plot1.png width=100%\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.adoc) == "image::figs/figures_plot1.png[width=100%,title=\"Nice plot\"]" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "asciidoc") == "image::figs/figures_plot1.png[width=100%,title=\"Nice plot\"]"
chunk.options[:label] = "somefig" chunk.options[:label] = "somefig"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.pandoc) == "![Nice plot](figs/figures_plot1.png){width=100% #fig:somefig}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "pandoc") == "![Nice plot](figs/figures_plot1.png){width=100% #fig:somefig}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\label{fig:somefig}\n\\end{figure}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\center\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\caption{Nice plot}\n\\label{fig:somefig}\n\\end{figure}\n"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.md2tex)
chunk.options[:label] = nothing chunk.options[:label] = nothing
chunk.options[:fig_cap] = nothing chunk.options[:fig_cap] = nothing
chunk.options[:fig_env] = "center" chunk.options[:fig_env] = "center"
chunk.options[:fig_pos] = "" chunk.options[:fig_pos] = ""
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\linewidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n"
chunk.options[:out_width] = "50%" chunk.options[:out_width] = "50%"
chunk.options[:out_height] = "75 %" chunk.options[:out_height] = "75 %"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.5\\linewidth,height=0.75\\paperheight]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=0.5\\linewidth,height=0.75\\paperheight]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n"
chunk.options[:out_width] = "A%" chunk.options[:out_width] = "A%"
chunk.options[:out_height] = "0.5\\textwidth" chunk.options[:out_height] = "0.5\\textwidth"
@test Weave.formatfigures(chunk, Weave.tex) == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=A%,height=0.5\\textwidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n" @test test_formatfigures(chunk, "tex") == "\\begin{center}\n\\includegraphics[width=A%,height=0.5\\textwidth]{figs/figures_plot1.png}\n\\end{center}\n"

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Test rendering \$\alpha\$
dchunk = Weave.DocChunk(content, 1, 1) dchunk = Weave.DocChunk(content, 1, 1)
pformat = Weave.formats["github"] pformat = Weave.FORMATS["github"]
f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, pformat) f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, pformat)
@test f == content @test f == content
docformat = Weave.formats["md2html"] docformat = Weave.FORMATS["md2html"]
f_check = "<h1>Test chunk</h1>\n<p>Test rendering <span class=\"math\">\$\alpha\$</span></p>\n" f_check = "<h1>Test chunk</h1>\n<p>Test rendering <span class=\"math\">\$\alpha\$</span></p>\n"
f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, docformat) f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, docformat)
@test f_check == f @test f_check == f
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ content = """
α α
""" """
chunk = Weave.DocChunk(content, 1, 1) chunk = Weave.DocChunk(content, 1, 1)
fmt = deepcopy(Weave.formats["md2tex"]) fmt = deepcopy(Weave.FORMATS["md2tex"])
f = Weave.format_chunk(chunk, fmt) f = Weave.format_chunk(chunk, fmt)
@test f == "\\section{Test chunk}\n\\ensuremath{\\alpha}\n\n" @test f == "\\section{Test chunk}\n\\ensuremath{\\alpha}\n\n"