build based on ceedf6a

zeptodoctor 2020-05-23 12:01:39 +00:00
parent c85d60fc2c
commit 6786a18903
30 changed files with 18040 additions and 0 deletions

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// (c) Steven Levithan <>
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
title: FIR filter design with Julia
author: Matti Pastell
date: 21th April 2016
# Introduction
This an example of a julia script that can be published using
The script can be executed normally using Julia
or published to HTML or pdf with Weave.
Text is written in markdown in lines starting with "`#'` " and code
is executed and results are included in the published document.
Notice that you don't need to define chunk options, but you can using
`#+`. just before code e.g. `#+ term=True, caption='Fancy plots.'`.
If you're viewing the published version have a look at the
[source](FIR_design_plots.jl) to see the markup.
<!-- this setup dependencies, but doesn't appear in the generated document -->
```julia; echo = false; results = "hidden"
using Pkg
"Plots" ∉ keys(Pkg.project().dependencies) && Pkg.add("Plots")
"DSP" ∉ keys(Pkg.project().dependencies) && Pkg.add("DSP")
# FIR Filter Design
We'll implement lowpass, highpass and ' bandpass FIR filters. If
you want to read more about DSP I highly recommend [The Scientist
and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal
Processing]( which is freely available
## Calculating frequency response
DSP.jl package doesn't (yet) have a method to calculate the
the frequency response of a FIR filter so we define it:
using Plots, DSP
function FIRfreqz(b::Array, w = range(0, stop=π, length=1024))
n = length(w)
h = Array{ComplexF32}(undef, n)
sw = 0
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:length(b)
sw += b[j]*exp(-im*w[i])^-j
h[i] = sw
sw = 0
return h
## Design Lowpass FIR filter
Designing a lowpass FIR filter is very simple to do with DSP.jl, all you
need to do is to define the window length, cut off frequency and the
window. We will define a lowpass filter with cut off frequency at 5Hz for a signal
sampled at 20 Hz.
We will use the Hamming window, which is defined as:
$w(n) = \alpha - \beta\cos\frac{2\pi n}{N-1}$, where $\alpha=0.54$ and $\beta=0.46$
fs = 20
f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(5, fs = fs), FIRWindow(hamming(61)))
w = range(0, stop=pi, length=1024)
h = FIRfreqz(f, w)
## Plot the frequency and impulse response
The next code chunk is executed in term mode, see the [script](FIR_design.jl) for syntax.
```julia; term=true
h_db = log10.(abs.(h));
ws = w/pi*(fs/2)
plot(ws, h_db,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Magnitude (db)")
And again with default options
h_phase = unwrap(-atan.(imag.(h),real.(h)))
plot(ws, h_phase,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Phase (radians)")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# Introduction
This an example of a julia script that can be published using
The script can be executed normally using Julia
or published to HTML or pdf with Weave.
Text is written in markdown in lines starting with "`#'` " and code
is executed and results are included in the published document.
Notice that you don't need to define chunk options, but you can using
`#+`. just before code e.g. `#+ term=True, caption='Fancy plots.'`.
If you're viewing the published version have a look at the
[source](FIR_design_plots.jl) to see the markup.
<!-- this setup dependencies, but doesn't appear in the generated document -->
# FIR Filter Design
We'll implement lowpass, highpass and ' bandpass FIR filters. If
you want to read more about DSP I highly recommend [The Scientist
and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal
Processing]( which is freely available
## Calculating frequency response
DSP.jl package doesn't (yet) have a method to calculate the
the frequency response of a FIR filter so we define it:
using Plots, DSP
function FIRfreqz(b::Array, w = range(0, stop=π, length=1024))
n = length(w)
h = Array{ComplexF32}(undef, n)
sw = 0
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:length(b)
sw += b[j]*exp(-im*w[i])^-j
h[i] = sw
sw = 0
return h
FIRfreqz (generic function with 2 methods)
## Design Lowpass FIR filter
Designing a lowpass FIR filter is very simple to do with DSP.jl, all you
need to do is to define the window length, cut off frequency and the
window. We will define a lowpass filter with cut off frequency at 5Hz for a signal
sampled at 20 Hz.
We will use the Hamming window, which is defined as:
$w(n) = \alpha - \beta\cos\frac{2\pi n}{N-1}$, where $\alpha=0.54$ and $\beta=0.46$
fs = 20
f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(5, fs = fs), FIRWindow(hamming(61)))
w = range(0, stop=pi, length=1024)
h = FIRfreqz(f, w)
1024-element Array{Complex{Float32},1}:
1.0f0 + 0.0f0im
0.99546844f0 + 0.095055714f0im
0.98191506f0 + 0.1892486f0im
0.95946306f0 + 0.28172377f0im
0.9283168f0 + 0.37164196f0im
0.8887594f0 + 0.45818728f0im
0.84115064f0 + 0.54057467f0im
0.7859234f0 + 0.618057f0im
0.72357976f0 + 0.6899319f0im
0.65468615f0 + 0.7555481f0im
0.00043952762f0 - 0.00041908873f0im
0.0005152718f0 - 0.00040521423f0im
0.0005873293f0 - 0.00037745363f0im
0.0006531789f0 - 0.0003367371f0im
0.0007105166f0 - 0.00028444792f0im
0.0007573364f0 - 0.00022237403f0im
0.0007920005f0 - 0.00015264557f0im
0.0008132961f0 - 7.766036f-5im
0.0008204784f0 - 3.1148685f-18im
## Plot the frequency and impulse response
The next code chunk is executed in term mode, see the [script](FIR_design.jl) for syntax.
julia> h_db = log10.(abs.(h));
1024-element Array{Float32,1}:
julia> ws = w/pi*(fs/2)
plot(ws, h_db,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Magnitude (db)")
And again with default options
h_phase = unwrap(-atan.(imag.(h),real.(h)))
plot(ws, h_phase,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Phase (radians)")

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
# Introduction
This an example of a julia script that can be published using
The script can be executed normally using Julia
or published to HTML or pdf with Weave.
Text is written in markdown in lines starting with "`#'` " and code
is executed and results are included in the published document.
Notice that you don't need to define chunk options, but you can using
`#+`. just before code e.g. `#+ term=True, caption='Fancy plots.'`.
If you're viewing the published version have a look at the
[source](FIR_design_plots.jl) to see the markup.
<!-- this setup dependencies, but doesn't appear in the generated document -->
# FIR Filter Design
We'll implement lowpass, highpass and ' bandpass FIR filters. If
you want to read more about DSP I highly recommend [The Scientist
and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal
Processing]( which is freely available
## Calculating frequency response
DSP.jl package doesn't (yet) have a method to calculate the
the frequency response of a FIR filter so we define it:
using Plots, DSP
function FIRfreqz(b::Array, w = range(0, stop=π, length=1024))
n = length(w)
h = Array{ComplexF32}(undef, n)
sw = 0
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:length(b)
sw += b[j]*exp(-im*w[i])^-j
h[i] = sw
sw = 0
return h
FIRfreqz (generic function with 2 methods)
## Design Lowpass FIR filter
Designing a lowpass FIR filter is very simple to do with DSP.jl, all you
need to do is to define the window length, cut off frequency and the
window. We will define a lowpass filter with cut off frequency at 5Hz for a signal
sampled at 20 Hz.
We will use the Hamming window, which is defined as:
$w(n) = \alpha - \beta\cos\frac{2\pi n}{N-1}$, where $\alpha=0.54$ and $\beta=0.46$
fs = 20
f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(5, fs = fs), FIRWindow(hamming(61)))
w = range(0, stop=pi, length=1024)
h = FIRfreqz(f, w)
1024-element Array{Complex{Float32},1}:
1.0f0 + 0.0f0im
0.99546844f0 + 0.095055714f0im
0.98191506f0 + 0.1892486f0im
0.95946306f0 + 0.28172377f0im
0.9283168f0 + 0.37164196f0im
0.8887594f0 + 0.45818728f0im
0.84115064f0 + 0.54057467f0im
0.7859234f0 + 0.618057f0im
0.72357976f0 + 0.6899319f0im
0.65468615f0 + 0.7555481f0im
0.00043952762f0 - 0.00041908873f0im
0.0005152718f0 - 0.00040521423f0im
0.0005873293f0 - 0.00037745363f0im
0.0006531789f0 - 0.0003367371f0im
0.0007105166f0 - 0.00028444792f0im
0.0007573364f0 - 0.00022237403f0im
0.0007920005f0 - 0.00015264557f0im
0.0008132961f0 - 7.766036f-5im
0.0008204784f0 - 3.1148685f-18im
## Plot the frequency and impulse response
The next code chunk is executed in term mode, see the [script](FIR_design.jl) for syntax.
julia> h_db = log10.(abs.(h));
1024-element Array{Float32,1}:
julia> ws = w/pi*(fs/2)
plot(ws, h_db,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Magnitude (db)")
And again with default options
h_phase = unwrap(-atan.(imag.(h),real.(h)))
plot(ws, h_phase,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Phase (radians)")

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#' ---
#' title: FIR filter design with Julia
#' author: Matti Pastell
#' date: 21th April 2016
#' ---
#' # Introduction
#' This an example of a julia script that can be published using
#' [Weave](
#' The script can be executed normally using Julia
#' or published to HTML or pdf with Weave.
#' Text is written in markdown in lines starting with "`#'` " and code
#' is executed and results are included in the published document.
#' Notice that you don't need to define chunk options, but you can using
#' `#+`. just before code e.g. `#+ term=True, caption='Fancy plots.'`.
#' If you're viewing the published version have a look at the
#' [source](FIR_design_plots.jl) to see the markup.
#' # FIR Filter Design
#' We'll implement lowpass, highpass and ' bandpass FIR filters. If
#' you want to read more about DSP I highly recommend [The Scientist
#' and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal
#' Processing]( which is freely available
#' online.
#' ## Calculating frequency response
#' DSP.jl package doesn't (yet) have a method to calculate the
#' the frequency response of a FIR filter so we define it:
using Plots, DSP
function FIRfreqz(b::Array, w = range(0, stop=π, length=1024))
n = length(w)
h = Array{ComplexF32}(undef, n)
sw = 0
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:length(b)
sw += b[j]*exp(-im*w[i])^-j
h[i] = sw
sw = 0
return h
#' ## Design Lowpass FIR filter
#' Designing a lowpass FIR filter is very simple to do with DSP.jl, all you
#' need to do is to define the window length, cut off frequency and the
#' window. We will define a lowpass filter with cut off frequency at 5Hz for a signal
#' sampled at 20 Hz.
#' We will use the Hamming window, which is defined as:
#' $w(n) = \alpha - \beta\cos\frac{2\pi n}{N-1}$, where $\alpha=0.54$ and $\beta=0.46$
fs = 20
f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(5, fs = fs), FIRWindow(hamming(61)))
w = range(0, stop=pi, length=1024)
h = FIRfreqz(f, w)
#' ## Plot the frequency and impulse response
#' The next code chunk is executed in term mode, see the [script](FIR_design.jl) for syntax.
#+ term=true
h_db = log10.(abs.(h));
ws = w/pi*(fs/2)
plot(ws, h_db,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Magnitude (db)")
#' And again with default options
h_phase = unwrap(-atan.(imag.(h),real.(h)))
plot(ws, h_phase,
xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)", ylabel = "Phase (radians)")

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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filename = normpath(Weave.EXAMPLE_FOLDER, &quot;FIR_design.jmd&quot;)
# Julia markdown to HTML
weave(filename; doctype = &quot;md2html&quot;, out_path = :pwd)
# Julia markdown to PDF
weave(filename; doctype = &quot;md2pdf&quot;, out_path = :pwd)
# Julia markdown to Pandoc markdown
weave(filename; doctype = &quot;pandoc&quot;, out_path = :pwd)</code></pre><div class="admonition is-category-tips"><header class="admonition-header">Tips</header><div class="admonition-body"><p><code>Weave.EXAMPLE_FOLDER</code> points to <a href="">the <code>examples</code> directory</a>.</p></div></div></article><nav class="docs-footer"><a class="docs-footer-prevpage" href="../">« Weave.jl - Scientific Reports Using Julia</a><a class="docs-footer-nextpage" href="../usage/">Using Weave »</a></nav></div><div class="modal" id="documenter-settings"><div class="modal-background"></div><div class="modal-card"><header class="modal-card-head"><p class="modal-card-title">Settings</p><button class="delete"></button></header><section class="modal-card-body"><p><label class="label">Theme</label><div class="select"><select id="documenter-themepicker"><option value="documenter-light">documenter-light</option><option value="documenter-dark">documenter-dark</option></select></div></p><hr/><p>This document was generated with <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> on <span class="colophon-date" title="Saturday 23 May 2020 11:57">Saturday 23 May 2020</span>. Using Julia version 1.4.1.</p></section><footer class="modal-card-foot"></footer></div></div></div></body></html>

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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title : Weave example
author : Matti Pastell
date: 15th December 2016
---</code></pre><p>Here are sample input and outputs:</p><ul><li>input (Julia markdown format): <a href="../examples/FIR_design_plots.jl"><code>FIR_design_plots.jl</code></a> (its path is bound to <code>Weave.SAMPLE_JL_DOC</code>)</li><li>HTML output: <a href="../examples/FIR_design_plots.html"><code>FIR_design_plots.html</code></a></li><li>PDF output: <a href="../examples/FIR_design_plots.pdf"><code>FIR_design_plots.pdf</code></a></li></ul><p>They are generated as follows:</p><pre><code class="language-julia">weave(Weave.SAMPLE_JL_DOC)) # default to md2html output format
weave(Weave.SAMPLE_JL_DOC; doctype = &quot;md2pdf&quot;)</code></pre><div class="admonition is-category-tips"><header class="admonition-header">Tips</header><div class="admonition-body"><p><code>Weave.SAMPLE_JL_DOC</code> is the path of <a href="../examples/FIR_design.jl">FIR_design.jl</a>.</p></div></div><div class="admonition is-info"><header class="admonition-header">Note</header><div class="admonition-body"><p><code>&quot;md2html&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;md2pdf&quot;</code> assume Julia markdown format as an input, while <code>pandoc2pdf</code> and <code>pandoc2html</code> assume Noweb input format (i.e. Pandoc markdown).</p></div></div><h2 id="Templates-1"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Templates-1">Templates</a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Templates-1" title="Permalink"></a></h2><p>You can use a custom template with <code>md2html</code> and <code>md2pdf</code> formats with <code>template</code> keyword option, e.g.: <code>weave(&quot;FIR_design_plots.jl&quot;, template = &quot;custom.tpl&quot;</code>.</p><p>As starting point, you can use the existing templates:</p><ul><li>HTML (<code>md2html</code>): <a href="">julia_html.tpl</a></li><li>LaTex (<code>md2pdf</code>): <a href="">julia_tex.tpl</a></li></ul><p>Templates are rendered using <a href="">Mustache.jl</a>.</p><h2 id="Supported-Markdown-syntax-1"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Supported-Markdown-syntax-1">Supported Markdown syntax</a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Supported-Markdown-syntax-1" title="Permalink"></a></h2><p>The markdown variant used by Weave is <a href="">Julia markdown</a>. In addition Weave supports few additional Markdown features:</p><h3 id="Comments-1"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Comments-1">Comments</a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Comments-1" title="Permalink"></a></h3><p>You can add comments using html syntax: <code>&lt;!-- --&gt;</code></p><h3 id="Multiline-equations-1"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Multiline-equations-1">Multiline equations</a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Multiline-equations-1" title="Permalink"></a></h3><p>You can add multiline equations using:</p><pre><code class="language-none">$$
x^2 = x*x
$$</code></pre></article><nav class="docs-footer"><a class="docs-footer-prevpage" href="../usage/">« Using Weave</a><a class="docs-footer-nextpage" href="../header/">Header Configuration »</a></nav></div><div class="modal" id="documenter-settings"><div class="modal-background"></div><div class="modal-card"><header class="modal-card-head"><p class="modal-card-title">Settings</p><button class="delete"></button></header><section class="modal-card-body"><p><label class="label">Theme</label><div class="select"><select id="documenter-themepicker"><option value="documenter-light">documenter-light</option><option value="documenter-dark">documenter-dark</option></select></div></p><hr/><p>This document was generated with <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> on <span class="colophon-date" title="Saturday 23 May 2020 11:57">Saturday 23 May 2020</span>. Using Julia version 1.4.1.</p></section><footer class="modal-card-foot"></footer></div></div></div></body></html>

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