Updates to gadfly sample

Matti Pastell 2016-04-20 21:31:55 +03:00
parent 54a9a79e98
commit 92a5a372c4
2 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -2,23 +2,52 @@
% Matti Pastell
% 20th April 2016
# Introduction
This a sample [Julia](http://julialang.org/) noweb document that can
be executed using [Weave.jl](https://github.com/mpastell/Weave.jl).
The code is delimited from docs using `<<>>=` and `@` markup which can be seen
looking at the source document [gadfly_sample.mdw] in the examples directory
of the package. The source document can be executed and the results with Gadfly
plots are captured in the resulting file.
You can create markdown output or pdf and HTML directly (with Pandoc) using
the weave command as follows:
using Weave
weave(Pkg.dir("Weave","examples","gadfly_sample.mdw"), out_path = :pwd)
out_path = :pwd, doctype = "pandoc")
out_path = :pwd, doctype = "md2html")
out_path = :pwd, doctype = "md2pdf")
*The documents will be written to the Julia working directory when you
use the `out_path = :pwd`.*
# Capturing code
The basic code chunk will be run with default options and the code and
output will be captured.
Using Gadfly
x = linspace(0, 2*pi)
plot(x = x, y = sin(x))
using Gadfly
x = linspace(0, 2π, 200)
plot(x=x, y = sin(x), Geom.line)
y = 20
plot(x=x, y = cos(x), Geom.line)
x = linspace(0, 200)

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@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ function parse_doc(document::AbstractString, format="noweb"::AbstractString)
start_line = 0
options = Dict()
optionAbstractString = ""
optionString = ""
parsed = Any[]
for lineno in 1:length(lines)
line = lines[lineno]
if (m = match(codestart, line)) != nothing && state=="doc"
state = "code"
if m.captures[1] == nothing
optionAbstractString = ""
optionString = ""
#@show optionAbstractString
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
if length(optionAbstractString) > 0
expr = parse(optionAbstractString)
if length(optionString) > 0
expr = parse(optionString)
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr,:(=)) && (options[expr.args[1]] = expr.args[2])
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr,:toplevel) && map(pushopt,fill(options,length(expr.args)),expr.args)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function parse_doc(document::AbstractString, format="noweb"::AbstractString)
if ismatch(codeend, line) && state=="code"
chunk = CodeChunk(content, codeno, start_line, optionAbstractString, options)
chunk = CodeChunk(content, codeno, start_line, optionString, options)
#chunk = @compat Dict{Symbol,Any}(:type => "code", :content => content,
# :number => codeno, :options => options,
# :optionAbstractString => optionAbstractString,