refactor /reader/

Shuhei Kadowaki 2020-05-24 21:21:15 +09:00
parent 819079c0f6
commit 976d822f58
5 changed files with 72 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -49,29 +49,24 @@ end
function parse_markdown_body(document_body, code_start, code_end, offset)
lines = split(document_body, '\n')
state = "doc"
docno = 1
codeno = 1
state = :doc
doc_no = 0
code_no = 0
content = ""
start_line = offset
options = Dict()
optionString = ""
option_string = ""
chunks = WeaveChunk[]
for (lineno, line) in enumerate(lines)
for (line_no, line) in enumerate(lines)
m = match(code_start, line)
if !isnothing(m) && state == "doc"
state = "code"
if m.captures[1] == nothing
optionString = ""
optionString = strip(m.captures[1])
if !isnothing(m) && state === :doc
state = :code
option_string = isnothing(m[:options]) ? "" : strip(m[:options])
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
if length(optionString) > 0
expr = Meta.parse(optionString)
if !isempty(option_string)
expr = Meta.parse(option_string)
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr, :(=)) && (options[expr.args[1]] = expr.args[2])
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr, :toplevel) &&
map(pushopt, fill(options, length(expr.args)), expr.args)
@ -79,42 +74,27 @@ function parse_markdown_body(document_body, code_start, code_end, offset)
haskey(options, :label) && (options[:name] = options[:label])
haskey(options, :name) || (options[:name] = nothing)
if !isempty(strip(content))
chunk = DocChunk(content, docno, start_line)
docno += 1
push!(chunks, chunk)
isempty(strip(content)) || push!(chunks, DocChunk(content, doc_no += 1, start_line))
start_line = line_no + offset
content = ""
start_line = lineno + offset
if occursin(code_end, line) && state == "code"
chunk = CodeChunk(content, codeno, start_line, optionString, options)
if occursin(code_end, line) && state === :code
push!(chunks, CodeChunk(content, code_no += 1, start_line, option_string, options))
codeno += 1
start_line = lineno + offset
start_line = line_no + offset
content = ""
state = "doc"
push!(chunks, chunk)
state = :doc
if lineno == 1
content *= line
content *= "\n" * line
content *= isone(line_no) ? line : string('\n', line)
# Remember the last chunk
if strip(content) != ""
chunk = DocChunk(content, docno, start_line)
# chunk = Dict{Symbol,Any}(:type => "doc", :content => content,
# :number => docno, :start_line => start_line)
push!(chunks, chunk)
isempty(strip(content)) || push!(chunks, DocChunk(content, doc_no += 1, start_line))
return chunks

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
using JSON
function parse_notebook(document_body)
nb = JSON.parse(document_body)
chunks = WeaveChunk[]
code_no = 0
doc_no = 0
# TODO: handle some of options ?
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
opt_string = ""
docno = 1
codeno = 1
for cell in nb["cells"]
srctext = "\n" * join(cell["source"], "")
if cell["cell_type"] == "code"
chunk = CodeChunk(rstrip(srctext), codeno, 0, opt_string, options)
push!(chunks, chunk)
codeno += 1
chunks = map(nb["cells"]) do cell
text = string('\n', join(cell["source"]), '\n')
return if cell["cell_type"] == "code"
CodeChunk(text, code_no += 1, 0, opt_string, options)
chunk = DocChunk(srctext * "\n", docno, 0; notebook = true)
push!(chunks, chunk)
docno += 1
DocChunk(text, doc_no += 1, 0; notebook = true)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using JSON, YAML
using YAML
function WeaveDoc(source, informat = nothing)

View File

@ -1,59 +1,47 @@
function parse_script(document_body)
lines = split(document_body, "\n")
lines = split(document_body, '\n')
doc_line = r"(^#'.*)|(^#%%.*)|(^# %%.*)"
doc_start = r"(^#')|(^#%%)|(^# %%)"
opt_line = r"(^#\+.*$)|(^#%%\+.*$)|(^# %%\+.*$)"
opt_start = r"(^#\+)|(^#%%\+)|(^# %%\+)"
read = ""
docno = 1
codeno = 1
content = ""
state = :code
doc_no = 0
code_no = 0
start_line = 1
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
optionString = ""
option_string = ""
chunks = WeaveChunk[]
state = "code"
for lineno = 1:length(lines)
line = lines[lineno]
if (m = match(doc_line, line)) != nothing && (m = match(opt_line, line)) == nothing
for (line_no, line) in enumerate(lines)
if (m = match(doc_line, line)) !== nothing && (m = match(opt_line, line)) === nothing
line = replace(line, doc_start => "", count = 1)
if startswith(line, " ")
line = replace(line, " " => "", count = 1)
startswith(line, ' ') && (line = line[2:end])
if state === :code && !isempty(strip(content))
push!(chunks, CodeChunk(string('\n', strip(content)), code_no += 1, start_line, option_string, options))
content = ""
start_line = line_no
if state == "code" && strip(read) != ""
chunk =
CodeChunk("\n" * strip(read), codeno, start_line, optionString, options)
push!(chunks, chunk)
codeno += 1
read = ""
start_line = lineno
state = :doc
elseif (m = match(opt_line, line)) !== nothing
start_line = line_no
if state === :code && !isempty(strip(content))
push!(chunks, CodeChunk(string('\n', strip(content)), code_no += 1, start_line, option_string, options))
content = ""
state = "doc"
elseif (m = match(opt_line, line)) != nothing
start_line = lineno
if state == "code" && strip(read) != ""
chunk =
CodeChunk("\n" * strip(read), codeno, start_line, optionString, options)
push!(chunks, chunk)
read = ""
codeno += 1
if state == "doc" && strip(read) != ""
(docno > 1) && (read = "\n" * read) # Add whitespace to doc chunk. Needed for markdown output
chunk = DocChunk(read, docno, start_line)
push!(chunks, chunk)
read = ""
docno += 1
if state === :doc && !isempty(strip(content))
iszero(doc_no) || (content = string('\n', content)) # Add whitespace to doc chunk. Needed for markdown output
push!(chunks, DocChunk(content, doc_no += 1, start_line))
content = ""
optionString = replace(line, opt_start => "", count = 1)
# Get options
option_string = replace(line, opt_start => "", count = 1)
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
if length(optionString) > 0
expr = Meta.parse(optionString)
if !isempty(option_string)
expr = Meta.parse(option_string)
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr, :(=)) && (options[expr.args[1]] = expr.args[2])
Base.Meta.isexpr(expr, :toplevel) &&
map(pushopt, fill(options, length(expr.args)), expr.args)
@ -61,29 +49,25 @@ function parse_script(document_body)
haskey(options, :label) && (options[:name] = options[:label])
haskey(options, :name) || (options[:name] = nothing)
state = "code"
state = :code
elseif state == "doc" # && strip(line) != "" && strip(read) != ""
state = "code"
(docno > 1) && (read = "\n" * read) # Add whitespace to doc chunk. Needed for markdown output
chunk = DocChunk(read, docno, start_line)
push!(chunks, chunk)
elseif state === :doc # && strip(line) != "" && strip(content) != ""
state = :code
iszero(doc_no) || (content = string('\n', content)) # Add whitespace to doc chunk. Needed for markdown output
push!(chunks, DocChunk(content, doc_no += 1, start_line))
content = ""
options = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
start_line = lineno
read = ""
docno += 1
start_line = line_no
read *= line * "\n"
content *= string(line, '\n')
# Handle the last chunk
if state == "code"
chunk = CodeChunk("\n" * strip(read), codeno, start_line, optionString, options)
chunk = state === :code ?
CodeChunk(string('\n', strip(content)), code_no, start_line, option_string, options) :
DocChunk(content, doc_no, start_line)
push!(chunks, chunk)
chunk = DocChunk(read, docno, start_line)
push!(chunks, chunk)
return Dict(), chunks

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ mutable struct CodeChunk <: WeaveChunk
function CodeChunk(content, number, start_line, optionstring, options)
rstrip(content) * "\n",
string(rstrip(content), '\n'), # normalize end of chunk