Added setting and restoring chunk options

Matti Pastell 2016-04-20 11:16:50 +03:00
parent f7e18f45a3
commit a1de2c64e2
3 changed files with 55 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function Base.display(doc::Report, data)
List supported output formats
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ end
tangle(source ; out_path=:doc, informat="noweb")
`tangle(source ; out_path=:doc, informat="noweb")`
Tangle source code from input document to .jl file.
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ function tangle(source ; out_path=:doc, informat="noweb")
weave(source ; doctype = "pandoc", plotlib="Gadfly",
informat="noweb", out_path=:doc, fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing)
`weave(source ; doctype = "pandoc", plotlib="Gadfly",
informat="noweb", out_path=:doc, fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing)`
Weave an input document to output file.
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function weave(source ; doctype = "pandoc", plotlib="Gadfly",
informat="noweb", out_path=:doc, fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing,
cache_path = "cache", cache=:off)
doc = read_doc(source, informat) #Reader toimii, muuten kesken...
doc = read_doc(source, informat)
doc = run(doc, doctype = doctype, plotlib=plotlib,
informat = informat, out_path=out_path,
fig_path = fig_path, fig_ext = fig_ext, cache_path = cache_path, cache=cache)
@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ function weave(doc::AbstractString, doctype::AbstractString)
weave(doc, doctype=doctype)
export weave, list_out_formats, tangle
export weave, list_out_formats, tangle,
set_chunk_defaults, get_chunk_defaults, restore_chunk_defaults

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
const rcParams =
#Default options
const defaultParams =
@compat Dict{Symbol,Any}(:plotlib => "Gadfly",
:storeresults => false,
:doc_number => 0,
@ -32,51 +34,50 @@ const rcParams =
:out_height=> nothing,
#This one can be changed at runtime, initially a copy of defaults
const rcParams = deepcopy(defaultParams)
#Parameters set per document
const docParams =Dict{Symbol,Any}(
:fig_path=> nothing,
:fig_ext => nothing,
`set_chunk_defaults(opts::Dict{Symbol, Any})`
# Working towards Knitr compatible options, implemented options are
# added to defaultoptions dictionary above and work in progress stays here,
# options from
# If you need a particular options, consider implementing it and making a
# pull request.
Set default options for code chunks, use get_chunk_defaults
to see the current values.
#tidy = FALSE,
#tidy.opts = NULL,
#collapse = FALSE
#prompt = FALSE
#highlight = TRUE
#strip.white = TRUE
#size = 'normalsize'
#background = '#F7F7F7',
#cache = FALSE
#cache.path = 'cache/'
#cache.vars = NULL
#cache.lazy = TRUE,
#dependson = NULL
#autodep = FALSE,
#fig.keep = 'high' = 'asis'
#fig.align = 'default'
#dev = NULL
#dev.args = NULL
#fig.ext = NULL
#fig.scap = NULL
#fig.lp = 'fig:'
#fig.subcap = NULL,
#out.extra = NULL
#fig.retina = 1,
#external = TRUE
#sanitize = FALSE
#interval = 1
#aniopts = 'controls,loop',
#warning = TRUE
#error = TRUE
#message = TRUE,
#render = NULL,
#ref.label = NULL
#child = NULL
#split = FALSE
#purl = TRUE
e.g. set default dpi to 200 and fig_width to 8
julia> set_chunk_defaults(Dict{Symbol, Any}(:dpi => 200, fig_width => 8))
function set_chunk_defaults(opts::Dict{Symbol, Any})
merge!(rcParams[:chunk_defaults], opts)
Get default options used for code chunks.
function get_chunk_defaults()
Restore Weave.jl default chunk options
function restore_chunk_defaults()
rcParams[:chunk_defaults] = defaultParams[:chunk_defaults]
merge!(rcParams[:chunk_defaults], docParams)
return nothing

View File

@ -248,10 +248,13 @@ end
function set_rc_params(formatdict, fig_path, fig_ext)
if fig_ext == nothing
rcParams[:chunk_defaults][:fig_ext] = formatdict[:fig_ext]
docParams[:fig_ext] = formatdict[:fig_ext]
rcParams[:chunk_defaults][:fig_ext] = fig_ext
docParams[:fig_ext] = fig_ext
rcParams[:chunk_defaults][:fig_path] = fig_path
rcParams[:chunk_defaults][:fig_path] = fig_path
docParams[:fig_path] = fig_path
return nothing