descriptions for RMarkdown style chunk option specs

Shuhei Kadowaki 2020-05-25 02:05:34 +09:00
parent bb4ebb105e
commit e43a2843af
1 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions

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# Chunk Options
# [Chunk Options](@id chunk-options)
I've mostly followed [Knitr]('s naming for chunk options, but not all options are implemented.
Options are separated using ";" and need to be valid Julia expressions. Example: markdown code chunk that saves and displays a 12 cm wide image and hides the source code:
`julia; out_width="12cm"; echo=false`
Weave currently supports the following chunk options with the following defaults:
You can use chunk options to configure how each chunk is evaluated, rendered, etc.
Most of the ideas came from [chunk options in RMarkdown](
## Options for Code
## Syntax
Chunk options come after at the top of [code chunk](@ref code-chunks).
There are two (slightly) different syntax to write them:
- (Julia's toplevel expression) options are separated by semicolon (`;`)
- (RMarkdown style) options are separated by comma (`,`)
Let's take a look at examples. All the following code chunk header are valid,
and so configured to hide the source code from generated output (`echo = false`)
and displays figures with 12cm width (`out_width = "12cm"`):
```julia; echo = false; out_width = "12cm"
```{julia; echo = false; out_width = "12cm"}
```julia, echo = false, out_width = "12cm"
```{julia, echo = false, out_width = "12cm"}
## Weave Chunk Options
Weave currently supports the following chunk options:
we've mostly followed [RMarkdown's namings](, but not all options are implemented.
### Evaluation
- `eval = true`: Evaluate the code chunk. If `false` the chunk wont be executed.
- `cache = false`: Cache results, depending on `cache` parameter on [`weave`](@ref) function.
- `tangle = true`: Set tangle to `false` to exclude chunk from tangled code.
### Rendering
- `echo = true`: Echo the code in the output document. If `false` the source code will be hidden.
- `results = "markup"`: The output format of the printed results. `"markup"` for literal block, `"hidden"` for hidden results, or anything else for raw output (I tend to use `"tex"` for Latex and `"rst"` for rest). Raw output is useful if you want to e.g. create tables from code chunks.
- `eval = true`: Evaluate the code chunk. If `false` the chunk wont be executed.
- `term = false`: If `true` the output emulates a REPL session. Otherwise only stdout and figures will be included in output.
- `label = nothing`: Chunk label, will be used for figure labels in Latex as `fig:label`.
- `wrap = true`: Wrap long lines from output.
- `line_width = 75`: Line width for wrapped lines.
- `cache = false`: Cache results, depending on `cache` parameter on `weave` function.
- `hold = false`: Hold all results until the end of the chunk.
- `tangle = true`: Set tangle to `false` to exclude chunk from tangled code.
### Figures
## Options for Figures
- `label = nothing`: Chunk label, will be used for figure labels in Latex as `fig:label`.
- `fig_width = 6`: Figure width passed to plotting library.
- `fig_height = 4`: Figure height passed to plotting library.
- `out_width`: Width of saved figure in output markup e.g. `"50%"`, `"12cm"`, `0.5\linewidth`
- `out_height`: Height of saved figure in output markup
- `dpi = 96`: Resolution of saved figures.
- `fig_cap`: Figure caption.
- `label`: Chunk label, will be used for figure labels in Latex as fig:label
- `fig_ext`: File extension (format) of saved figures.
- `fig_pos = "!h"`: Figure position in Latex, e.g.: `"ht"`.
- `fig_env = "figure"`: Figure environment in Latex.
## Set Default Chunk Options
## Default Chunk Options
You can set the default chunk options (and `weave` arguments) for a document using `weave_options` key in YAML [Header Configuration](@ref).
E.g. to set the default `out_width` of all figures you can use: