rm unncessary `Symbol` spec:

- change `informat` and `doctype` options to 
Shuhei Kadowaki 2020-05-10 13:20:44 +09:00
parent 4b6fc2d913
commit e89d5da250
9 changed files with 38 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ ap = ArgParseSettings("Weave Julia documents using Weave.jl",
help = "source document(s)"
required = true
default = :auto
default = nothing
help = "output format"
arg_type = String
default = "Gadfly"
help = "output format"
default = :auto
default = nothing
help = "output format"
arg_type = String
@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ args_col = []
#Check for special values of out_path
#args["informat"] == ":auto" && (args["informat"] = :auto)
#args["doctype"] == ":auto" && (args["informat"] = :auto)
if args["out_path"] == ":doc"
args["out_path"] = :doc
elseif args["out_path"] == ":pwd"

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Tangle source code from input document to .jl file.
## Keyword options
- `informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto`: Input document format. `:auto` will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also specify either of `"script"`, `"markdown"`, `"notebook"`, or `"noweb"`
- `informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing`: Input document format. By default (i.e. given `nothing`), Weave will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also specify either of `"script"`, `"markdown"`, `"notebook"`, or `"noweb"`
- `out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc`: Path where the output is generated can be either of:
* `:doc`: Path of the source document (default)
* `:pwd`: Julia working directory
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ Tangle source code from input document to .jl file.
function tangle(
out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc,
informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto,
informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
doc = read_doc(source, informat)
doc = WeaveDoc(source, informat)
doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path)
outname = get_outname(out_path, doc, ext = "jl")
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ Weave an input document to output file.
## Keyword options
- `doctype::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto`: Output document format. `:auto` will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also manually specify it; see [`list_out_formats()`](@ref) for the supported formats
- `informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto`: Input document format. `:auto` will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also specify either of `"script"`, `"markdown"`, `"notebook"`, or `"noweb"`
- `doctype::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing`: Output document format. By default (i.e. given `nothing`), Weave will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also manually specify it; see [`list_out_formats()`](@ref) for the supported formats
- `informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing`: Input document format. By default (i.e. given `nothing`), Weave will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also specify either of `"script"`, `"markdown"`, `"notebook"`, or `"noweb"`
- `out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc`: Path where the output is generated can be either of:
* `:doc`: Path of the source document (default)
* `:pwd`: Julia working directory
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ Weave an input document to output file.
function weave(
doctype::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto,
informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto,
doctype::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc,
args::Dict = Dict(),
mod::Union{Module,Nothing} = nothing,
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ function weave(
latex_cmd::AbstractString = "xelatex",
latex_keep_unicode::Bool = false,
doc = read_doc(source, informat)
doctype == :auto && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
doc = WeaveDoc(source, informat)
isnothing(doctype) && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
doc.doctype = doctype
# Read args from document header, overrides command line args
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ function notebook(
nbconvert_options::AbstractString = "",
jupyter_path::AbstractString = "jupyter",
doc = read_doc(source)
doc = WeaveDoc(source)
converted = convert_doc(doc, NotebookOutput())
doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path)
outfile = get_outname(out_path, doc, ext = "ipynb")
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ function notebook(
include_weave(source::AbstractString, informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto)
include_weave(m::Module, source::AbstractString, informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto)
include_weave(source::AbstractString, informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
include_weave(m::Module, source::AbstractString, informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
Include code from Weave document calling `include_string` on all code from doc.
Code is run in the path of the include document.
@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ Code is run in the path of the include document.
function include_weave(
informat::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto,
informat::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
old_path = pwd()
doc = read_doc(source, informat)
doc = WeaveDoc(source, informat)
code = join(
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ function include_weave(
include_weave(source, informat = :auto) = include_weave(Main, source, informat)
include_weave(source, informat = nothing) = include_weave(Main, source, informat)
# Hooks to run before and after chunks, this is form IJulia,
# but note that Weave hooks take the chunk as input

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function header_args(
args = get(doc.header, WEAVE_OPTION_NAME, Dict())
doctype = get(args, "doctype", doc.doctype)
args = combine_args(args, doctype)
informat = get(args, "informat", :auto)
informat = get(args, "informat", nothing)
out_path = get(args, "out_path", out_path)
out_path == ":pwd" && (out_path = :pwd)
isa(out_path, Symbol) || (out_path = joinpath(dirname(doc.source), out_path))

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ function strip_header!(docchunk::DocChunk, doctype)
strip_header!(codechunk::CodeChunk, doctype) = nothing
strip_header!(codechunk::CodeChunk, doctype) = return
function format_chunk(chunk::DocChunk, formatdict, docformat)
return join([format_inline(c) for c in chunk.content], "")

View File

@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
using JSON, YAML
read_doc(source, format = :auto)
Read the input document from `source` and parse it into [`WeaveDoc`](@ref).
function read_doc(source, format = :auto)
document = replace(read(source, String), "\r\n" => "\n") # fix line ending
format === :auto && (format = detect_informat(source))
function WeaveDoc(source, format::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing)
document = replace(read(source, String), "\r\n" => "\n") # normalize line ending
isnothing(format) && (format = detect_informat(source))
chunks = parse_doc(document, format)
return WeaveDoc(source, chunks)
function WeaveDoc(source, chunks)
function WeaveDoc(source, chunks::Vector{WeaveChunk})
path, fname = splitdir(abspath(source))
basename = splitext(fname)[1]

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Run code chunks and capture output from the parsed document.
## Keyword options
- `doctype::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto`: Output document format. `:auto` will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also manually specify it; see [`list_out_formats()`](@ref) for the supported formats
- `doctype::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing`: Output document format. By default (i.e. given `nothing`), Weave will set it automatically based on file extension. You can also manually specify it; see [`list_out_formats()`](@ref) for the supported formats
- `out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc`: Path where the output is generated can be either of:
* `:doc`: Path of the source document (default)
* `:pwd`: Julia working directory
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Run code chunks and capture output from the parsed document.
function run_doc(
doctype::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :auto,
doctype::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
out_path::Union{Symbol,AbstractString} = :doc,
args::Dict = Dict(),
mod::Union{Module,Nothing} = nothing,
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function run_doc(
doc.cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path)
# doctype detection is unnecessary here, but existing unit test requires this.
doctype === :auto && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
isnothing(doctype) && (doctype = detect_doctype(doc.source))
doc.doctype = doctype
doc.format = formats[doctype]
@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ function run_doc(
Detect the output format based on file extension.
function detect_doctype(path::AbstractString)
_, ext = lowercase.(splitext(path))
function detect_doctype(pathname::AbstractString)
_, ext = lowercase.(splitext(pathname))
match(r"^\.(jl|.?md|ipynb)", ext) !== nothing && return "md2html"
ext == ".rst" && return "rst"

View File

@ -40,19 +40,15 @@ function convert_doc(
format::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
doc = read_doc(infile)
doc = WeaveDoc(infile)
if format == nothing
format = detect_outformat(outfile)
isnothing(format) && (format = detect_outformat(outfile))
converted = convert_doc(doc, output_formats[format])
open(outfile, "w") do f
write(f, converted)
return nothing
"""Convert Weave document to Jupyter notebook format"""

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ convert_test("chunk_options.jl")
convert_test("chunk_options_nb.mdw", "documents/chunk_options.ipynb")
# Separate test for notebook (output depends on julia version)
# Separate test for notebook (output depends on julia version)
function contents(chunk::Weave.DocChunk)
return join([strip(c.content) for c in chunk.content], "")
@ -31,12 +31,10 @@ end
outfile = "documents/convert/chunk_options.ipynb"
infile = "documents/chunk_options.noweb"
convert_doc(infile, outfile)
input = contents(Weave.read_doc(infile))
output = contents(Weave.read_doc(outfile))
input = contents(Weave.WeaveDoc(infile))
output = contents(Weave.WeaveDoc(outfile))
@test input == output
# Test script reader
@test contents(
Weave.read_doc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")) == contents(
@test contents(Weave.WeaveDoc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")) == contents(Weave.WeaveDoc("documents/chunk_options.jl"))

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ f = Weave.format_chunk(dchunk, docformat.formatdict, docformat)
# Test with actual doc
parsed = Weave.read_doc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")
parsed = Weave.WeaveDoc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")
doc = run_doc(parsed, doctype = "md2html")
c_check = "<pre class='hljl'>\n<span class='hljl-n'>x</span><span class='hljl-t'> </span><span class='hljl-oB'>=</span><span class='hljl-t'> </span><span class='hljl-p'>[</span><span class='hljl-ni'>12</span><span class='hljl-p'>,</span><span class='hljl-t'> </span><span class='hljl-ni'>10</span><span class='hljl-p'>]</span><span class='hljl-t'>\n</span><span class='hljl-nf'>println</span><span class='hljl-p'>(</span><span class='hljl-n'>y</span><span class='hljl-p'>)</span>\n</pre>\n"
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ rendered = Weave.render_doc("Hello", doc, doc.format)
@test rendered == "\nHello\n"
# Tex format
parsed = Weave.read_doc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")
parsed = Weave.WeaveDoc("documents/chunk_options.noweb")
doc = run_doc(parsed, doctype = "md2tex")
c_check = "\\begin{lstlisting}\n(*@\\HLJLnf{println}@*)(*@\\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\\HLJLp{)}@*)\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ tfied = "\\ensuremath{\\bm{\\mathrm{L}}} \\ensuremath{\\bm{\\mathfrak{F}}} \\ens
@test Weave.uc2tex("𝐋 𝕱 𝛊 𝔄 𝚹") == tfied
# Test markdown output from chunks
parsed = Weave.read_doc("documents/markdown_output.jmd")
parsed = Weave.WeaveDoc("documents/markdown_output.jmd")
doc = run_doc(parsed, doctype = "md2html")
@test doc.chunks[1].rich_output == "\n<div class=\"markdown\"><h3>Small markdown sample</h3>\n<p><strong>Hello</strong> from <code>code</code> block.</p>\n</div>"
@test doc.chunks[2].rich_output == "\n<div class=\"markdown\"><ul>\n<li><p>one</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>two</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>three</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>"