# Release notes for Weave.jl ### v0.4.1 * Disable precompilation due to warnings from depencies * Fix deprecation warnings for Julia 0.6 * Fix PyPlot for Julia 0.6 * Support citations in `pandoc2html` and `pandoc2pdf` output * Fix extra whitespace when `term=true` * Fix mime type priority for `md2html` ### V0.4.0 * Support passing arguments to document using `args` option * Add `include_weave` for including code from Weave documents * Add support for inline code chunks * Remove generated figure files when publishing to html and pdf ### v0.3.0 * Add support for YAML title block * Use Julia markdown for publishing to pdf and html * Add `template`, `highlight_theme`, `latex_cmd` and `css` option to `weave` for customizing html and pdf output * Bug fixes * Fix plotting on Windows * Fix extra whitespace from code chunk output * Improved GR and GLVisualize support with Plots ### v0.2.2 * Add IJulia notebook as input format * Add `convert_doc` method to convert between input formats ### v0.2.1 * Fix critical hanging on Windows using proper handling of redirect_stdout * Add support for Plots.jl plotly and plotlyjs backends for including javascipt output in published HTML documents. * Fix semicolons for `term=true` ### v0.2 * Move to Julia 0.5 only * New `display` and `prompt` chunk options by @gragusa * Implemented fig_width and fig_height chunk option for Plots.jl * Added pre and post chunk hooks, only used internally for now * Automatic detection of plotting library, `:auto` is the new default options * Support for displaying general multimedia objects e.g. Plots.jl and Images.jl now work with weave. * Support for including html, latex and markdown output from objects * New logic for displaying output in script chunks, output is shown by default for: - Writing to stdout - Calling display - Gadfly plots - Variables on their own - If the last line of a chunk is a function call that returns output e.g. plot(1:10) * Bug fixes - Fix parsing of lone variables from chunks - Fix error with md2html formatter and dates #38 ### v0.1.2 27th April 2016 * Fix a bug with `out_path` for md2html and md2pdf * Fix md2html and md2pdf on Windows * Improve doctype autodetection * Improved regex for parsing markdown input format ### v0.1.1 * Change pandoc output to use inline images if there is no caption. * Use Documenter.jl for documentation. * Add chunk option `hold`, replaces results = "hold". This way you can use e.g. `hold = true, results=raw`. * Methods for setting and restoring default chunk options for documents. * New output options `md2pdf` and `md2html`, both use pandoc to output pdf and html files directly with own templates. * Restored and improved Winston support. * New input format: scripts with markup in comments * New output format: MultiMarkdown * Added support for figure width in Pandoc * Autodetect input and output formats based on filename * Allow `out_path` be a file or directory. ### v0.1.0 19th April 2016 * Updated for Julia 0.4x, drop 0.3x support * Each document is executed in separate sandbox module instead of redefining the same one. Fixes warnings and occasional segfaults. * Change the output of chunks: - Output will be added to the output directly where they are created (default). - Use results = "hold" to push all output after the chunk. * New chunk option: `line_width`. * Winston support is not implemented yet for this version. * Bug fix in wrapping output lines. * Internal changes - Chunks are now represented with their own type. Allows multiple dispatch and easier implementation of new chunks. ### 0.0.4 4th January 2015 * Added AsciiDoc formatter * Default plotting library changed to Gadfly * New option: `out_path` for controlling where weaved documents and figures are saved * Command line script `bin/weave.jl` for calling weave from command line ### 0.0.3 9th December 2014 * Sandbox module for running code is cleared between documents * Fixed Latex figure handling (with contributions from @wildart) * Changed "tex" format: separate environment for term chunks * Improved test coverage * Fixed a bug with eval=false chunk option. ### 0.0.2 7th December 2014 * First release * Noweb and markdown input formats * Support for Gadfly, Winston and PyPlot figures * Term and script chunks * Support for markdown, tex and rst output