using Markdown, .WeaveMarkdown # Contains report global properties mutable struct Report <: AbstractDisplay cwd::String basename::String format::WeaveFormat rich_output::String fignum::Int figures::Vector{String} cur_chunk::Union{Nothing,CodeChunk} mimetypes::Vector{String} first_plot::Bool header_script::String end Report(cwd, basename, format, mimetypes) = Report(cwd, basename, format, "", 1, String[], nothing, mimetypes, true, "") # Default mimetypes in order, can be overridden for some inside `run method` formats const default_mime_types = ["image/svg+xml", "image/png", "text/html", "text/plain"] # const default_mime_types = ["image/png", "image/svg+xml", "text/html", "text/plain"] # From IJulia as a reminder # const supported_mime_types = [ "text/html", "text/latex", "image/svg+xml", "image/png", "image/jpeg", "text/plain", "text/markdown" ] const mimetype_ext = Dict( ".png" => "image/png", ".jpg" => "image/jpeg", ".jpeg" => "image/jpeg", ".svg" => "image/svg+xml", ".js.svg" => "image/svg+xml", ".pdf" => "application/pdf", ".ps" => "application/postscript", ".tex" => "text/latex", ) function Base.display(report::Report, data) # Set preferred mimetypes for report based on format fig_ext = report.cur_chunk.options[:fig_ext] for m in unique([mimetype_ext[fig_ext]; report.mimetypes]) if Base.invokelatest(showable, m, data) try if !istextmime(m) Base.invokelatest(display, report, m, data) elseif report.cur_chunk.options[:term] Base.invokelatest(display, report, "text/plain", data) else Base.invokelatest(display, report, m, data) end catch e throw(e) @warn("Failed to display data in \"$m\" format") continue end break end end end Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/png", data) = add_figure(report, data, m, ".png") Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", data) = add_figure(report, data, m, ".svg") Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"application/pdf", data) = add_figure(report, data, m, ".pdf") # Text is written to stdout, called from "term" mode chunks function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/plain", data) io = PipeBuffer() show(IOContext(io, :limit => true), m, data) flush(io) s = read(io, String) close(io) println(s) end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/plain", data::Exception) println("Error: " * sprint(showerror, data)) end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/html", data::Exception) report.rich_output = sprint(show, m, data) end function, m::MIME"text/html", data::Exception) println(io, "
    println(io, Markdown.htmlesc("ERROR: " * sprint(showerror, data)))
    println(io, "
") end # Catch "rich_output" function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/html", data) io = IOBuffer() show(IOContext(io, :limit => true), m, data) report.rich_output *= string('\n', take2string!(io)) end # Catch "rich_output" function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/markdown", data) s = repr(m, data) # Convert to "richer" type of possible for m in report.mimetypes if m == "text/html" || m == "text/latex" display(Markdown.parse(s, flavor = WeaveMarkdown.weavemd)) break elseif m == "text/markdown" report.rich_output *= "\n" * s break end end end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/latex", data) s = repr(m, data) report.rich_output *= string('\n', s) end """Add saved figure name to results and return the name""" function add_figure(report::Report, data, m, ext) chunk = report.cur_chunk full_name, rel_name = get_figname(report, chunk, ext = ext) open(full_name, "w") do io if ext == ".pdf" write(io, repr(m, data)) else show(io, m, data) end end push!(report.figures, rel_name) report.fignum += 1 return full_name end