function write_doc(docformat::Pandoc2HTML, doc, rendered, out_path) _, weave_source = splitdir(abspath(doc.source)) weave_version, weave_date = weave_info() # Header is inserted from displayed plots header_script = doc.header_script self_contained = (header_script ≠ "") ? [] : "--self-contained" if haskey(doc.header, "bibliography") filt = "--filter" citeproc = "pandoc-citeproc" else filt = [] citeproc = [] end out_path = get_out_path(doc, out_path, "html") cd_back = let d = pwd(); () -> cd(d); end cd(dirname(out_path)) try out = basename(out_path) highlight_stylesheet = get_highlight_stylesheet(MIME("text/html"), docformat.highlight_theme) cmd = `pandoc -f markdown+raw_html -s --mathjax="" $filt $citeproc $(docformat.pandoc_options) --template $(docformat.template_path) -H $(docformat.stylesheet_path) $(self_contained) -V highlight_stylesheet=$(highlight_stylesheet) -V weave_version=$(weave_version) -V weave_date=$(weave_date) -V weave_source=$(weave_source) -V headerscript=$(header_script) -o $(out)` proc = open(cmd, "r+") println(, rendered) close( proc_output = read(proc.out, String) catch rethrow() # TODO: just show error content instead of rethrow the err finally cd_back() end return out_path end function write_doc(docformat::Pandoc2PDF, doc, rendered, out_path) if haskey(doc.header, "bibliography") filt = "--filter" citeproc = "pandoc-citeproc" else filt = [] citeproc = [] end out_path = get_out_path(doc, out_path, "pdf") cd_back = let d = pwd(); () -> cd(d); end cd(dirname(out_path)) try out = basename(out_path) cmd = `pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -s --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=tango $filt $citeproc $(docformat.pandoc_options) --include-in-header=$(docformat.header_template) -V fontsize=12pt -o $(out)` proc = open(cmd, "r+") println(, rendered) close( proc_output = read(proc.out, String) catch rethrow() finally cd_back() end return out_path end