# Publishing to HTML and PDF You can also publish any supported input format to HTML and PDF documents. !!! note Producing PDF output requires that you have XeLaTex installed and in your path. You can use a YAML header in the beginning of the input document delimited with `---` to set the document title, author and date, e.g.: ``` --- title : Weave example author : Matti Pastell date: 15th December 2016 --- ``` Here are sample input and outputs: - input (Julia markdown format): [`FIR_design_plots.jl`](../examples/FIR_design_plots.jl) - HTML output: [`FIR_design_plots.html`](../examples/FIR_design_plots.html) - PDF output: [`FIR_design_plots.pdf`](../examples/FIR_design_plots.pdf) They are generated as follows: ```julia weave(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Weave)), "../examples", "FIR_design_plots.jl")) # default to md2html output format weave(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Weave)), "../examples", "FIR_design_plots.jl"), doctype = "md2pdf") ``` !!! note `"md2html"` and `"md2pdf"` assume Julia markdown format as an input, while `pandoc2pdf` and `pandoc2html` assume Noweb input format (i.e. Pandoc markdown). ## Templates You can use a custom template with `md2html` and `md2pdf` formats with `template` keyword option, e.g.: `weave("FIR_design_plots.jl", template = "custom.tpl"`. As starting point, you can use the existing templates: - HTML (`md2html`): [julia_html.tpl](https://github.com/mpastell/Weave.jl/blob/master/templates/julia_html.tpl) - LaTex (`md2pdf`): [julia_tex.tpl](https://github.com/mpastell/Weave.jl/blob/master/templates/julia_tex.tpl) Templates are rendered using [Mustache.jl](https://github.com/jverzani/Mustache.jl). ## Supported Markdown syntax The markdown variant used by Weave is [Julia markdown](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/stdlib/Markdown/#). In addition Weave supports few additional Markdown features: ### Comments You can add comments using html syntax: `` ### Multiline equations You can add multiline equations using: ``` $$ x^2 = x*x $$ ```