# GitHub markdown # --------------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct GitHubMarkdown <: WeaveFormat description = "GitHub Markdown" extension = "md" codestart = "````julia" codeend = "````\n\n" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "````" outputend = "````\n\n" fig_ext = ".png" mimetypes = ["image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/jpg", "text/markdown", "text/plain"] out_width = nothing out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials preserve_header = true end register_format!("github", GitHubMarkdown()) function render_figures(docformat::GitHubMarkdown, chunk) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] result = "" figstring = "" length(fignames) > 0 || (return "") if !isnothing(caption) result *= "![$caption]($(fignames[1]))\n" for fig in fignames[2:end] result *= "![]($fig)\n" println("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n") end else for fig in fignames result *= "![]($fig)\n" end end return result end # Hugo markdown # ------------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct Hugo <: WeaveFormat description = "Hugo Markdown (using shortcodes)" extension = "md" codestart = "````julia" codeend = "````\n\n" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "````" outputend = "````\n\n" mimetypes = default_mime_types fig_ext = ".png" out_width = nothing out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials preserve_header = true uglyURLs = false # if `false`, prepend figure path by `..` end register_format!("hugo", Hugo()) function render_figures(docformat::Hugo, chunk) relpath = docformat.uglyURLs ? "" : ".." mapreduce(*, enumerate(chunk.figures), init = "") do (index, fig) if index > 1 @warn("Only the first figure gets a caption.") title_spec = "" else caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] title_spec = isnothing(caption) ? "" : "title=\"$(caption)\" " end "{{< figure src=\"$(joinpath(relpath, fig))\" $(title_spec) >}}" end end # multi language markdown # ----------------------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct MultiMarkdown <: WeaveFormat description = "MultiMarkdown" extension = "md" codestart = "````julia" codeend = "````\n\n" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "````" outputend = "````\n\n" mimetypes = default_mime_types fig_ext = ".png" out_width = nothing out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials preserve_header = true end register_format!("multimarkdown", MultiMarkdown()) function render_figures(docformat::MultiMarkdown, chunk) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] result = "" figstring = "" if chunk.options[:out_width] == nothing width = "" else width = "width=$(chunk.options[:out_width])" end length(fignames) > 0 || (return "") if !isnothing(caption) result *= "![$caption][$(fignames[1])]\n\n" result *= "[$(fignames[1])]: $(fignames[1]) $width\n" for fig in fignames[2:end] result *= "![][$fig]\n\n" result *= "[$fig]: $fig $width\n" println("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n") end else for fig in fignames result *= "![][$fig]\n\n" result *= "[$fig]: $fig $width\n" end end return result end # Rest # ---- Base.@kwdef mutable struct Rest <: WeaveFormat description = "reStructuredText and Sphinx" extension = "rst" codestart = ".. code-block:: julia\n" codeend = "\n\n" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "::\n" outputend = "\n\n" mimetypes = default_mime_types fig_ext = ".png" out_width = "15 cm" out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials indent = 4 end register_format!("rst", Rest()) function render_figures(docformat::Rest, chunk) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] result = "" figstring = "" for fig in fignames figstring *= @sprintf(".. image:: %s\n :width: %s\n\n", fig, width) end if !isnothing(caption) result *= string( ".. figure:: $(fignames[1])\n", " :width: $width\n\n", " $caption\n\n", ) else result *= figstring return result end end # Ansii # ----- # asciidoc -b html5 -a source-highlighter=pygments ... Base.@kwdef mutable struct AsciiDoc <: WeaveFormat description = "AsciiDoc" extension = "txt" codestart = "[source,julia]\n--------------------------------------" codeend = "--------------------------------------\n\n" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "--------------------------------------" outputend = "--------------------------------------\n\n" mimetypes = default_mime_types fig_ext = ".png" out_width = "600" out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing end register_format!("asciidoc", AsciiDoc()) function render_figures(docformat::AsciiDoc, chunk) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] result = "" figstring = "" for fig in fignames figstring *= @sprintf("image::%s[width=%s]\n", fig, width) end if !isnothing(caption) result *= string("image::$(fignames[1])", "[width=$width,", "title=\"$caption\"]") else result *= figstring return result end end