using Weave using Test @testset "Weave" begin @testset "Chunk options" begin @info("Test: Chunk options") include("chunk_options.jl") end @testset "Error handling " begin @info("Testing error handling") include("errors_test.jl") end @testset "Eval in module" begin include("sandbox_test.jl") end @testset "Conversions" begin @info("Test: Converting") include("convert_test.jl") end @testset "Formatters" begin @info("Testing formatters") include("formatter_test.jl") include("markdown_test.jl") @info("Testing figure formatters") include("figureformatter_test.jl") end @testset "Rich output" begin @info("Testing rich output") include("rich_output.jl") end @testset "Plots" begin info("Test: Weaving with Plots.jl") include("plotsjl_test.jl") end #@testset "Caching" begin # @info("Test: Caching") # include("cache_test.jl") #end end #@info("Test: Chunk options with Gadfly") #include("chunk_opts_gadfly.jl") #@info("Test: Weaving with Plots.jl") #include("plotsjl_test.jl") #include("publish_test.jl")