# Tex # --- abstract type TexFormat <: WeaveFormat end function set_format_options!(docformat::TexFormat; keep_unicode = false, template=nothing, _kwargs...) docformat.keep_unicode |= keep_unicode docformat.template = get_tex_template(template) end get_tex_template(::Nothing) = get_mustache_template(normpath(TEMPLATE_DIR, "md2pdf.tpl")) get_tex_template(x) = get_mustache_template(x) # very similar to export to html function format_chunk(chunk::DocChunk, docformat::TexFormat) out = IOBuffer() io = IOBuffer() for inline in chunk.content if isa(inline, InlineText) write(io, inline.content) elseif !isempty(inline.rich_output) clear_buffer_and_format!(io, out, WeaveMarkdown.latex) write(out, addlines(inline.rich_output, inline)) elseif !isempty(inline.figures) write(io, inline.figures[end], inline) elseif !isempty(inline.output) write(io, addlines(inline.output, inline)) end end clear_buffer_and_format!(io, out, WeaveMarkdown.latex) out = take2string!(out) return unicode2latex(docformat, out) end format_termchunk(chunk, docformat::TexFormat) = string(docformat.termstart, chunk.output, docformat.termend, "\n") format_output(result, docformat::TexFormat) = unicode2latex(docformat, result, true) format_code(code, docformat::TexFormat) = unicode2latex(docformat, code, true) # from julia symbols (e.g. "\bfhoge") to valid latex const UNICODE2LATEX = let function texify(s) return if occursin(r"^\\bf[A-Z]$", s) replace(s, "\\bf" => "\\bm{\\mathrm{") * "}}" elseif startswith(s, "\\bfrak") replace(s, "\\bfrak" => "\\bm{\\mathfrak{") * "}}" elseif startswith(s, "\\bf") replace(s, "\\bf" => "\\bm{\\") * "}" elseif startswith(s, "\\frak") replace(s, "\\frak" => "\\mathfrak{") * "}" else s end end Dict(unicode => texify(sym) for (sym, unicode) in REPL.REPLCompletions.latex_symbols) end function unicode2latex(docformat::TexFormat, s, escape = false) # Check whether to convert at all and return input if not docformat.keep_unicode && return s for (unicode, latex) in UNICODE2LATEX body = "\\ensuremath{$(latex)}" target = escape ? string(docformat.escape_starter, body, docformat.escape_closer) : body s = replace(s, unicode => target) end return s end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::TexFormat) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] f_pos = chunk.options[:fig_pos] f_env = chunk.options[:fig_env] result = "" figstring = "" if isnothing(f_env) && !isnothing(caption) f_env = "figure" end (isnothing(f_pos)) && (f_pos = "!h") # Set size attribs = "" isnothing(width) || (attribs = "width=$(md_length_to_latex(width,"\\linewidth"))") (!isempty(attribs) && !isnothing(height)) && (attribs *= ",") isnothing(height) || (attribs *= "height=$(md_length_to_latex(height,"\\paperheight"))") if !isnothing(f_env) result *= "\\begin{$f_env}" (!isempty(f_pos)) && (result *= "[$f_pos]") result *= "\n" end for fig in fignames if splitext(fig)[2] == ".tex" # Tikz figures figstring *= "\\resizebox{$width}{!}{\\input{$fig}}\n" else if isempty(attribs) figstring *= "\\includegraphics{$fig}\n" else figstring *= "\\includegraphics[$attribs]{$fig}\n" end end end # Figure environment if !isnothing(caption) result *= string("\\center\n", "$figstring", "\\caption{$caption}\n") else result *= figstring end if !isnothing(chunk.options[:label]) && !isnothing(f_env) label = chunk.options[:label] result *= "\\label{fig:$label}\n" end if !isnothing(f_env) result *= "\\end{$f_env}\n" end return result end function md_length_to_latex(def, reference) if occursin("%", def) _def = tryparse(Float64, replace(def, "%" => "")) isnothing(_def) && return def perc = round(_def / 100, digits = 2) return "$perc$reference" end return def end function render_doc(docformat::TexFormat, body, doc) return Mustache.render( docformat.template; body = body, highlight = "", tex_deps = docformat.tex_deps, [Pair(Symbol(k), v) for (k, v) in doc.header]..., ) end # minted Tex # ---------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct TexMinted <: TexFormat description = "Latex using minted for highlighting" extension = "tex" codestart = "\\begin{minted}[escapeinside=||, mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em]{julia}" codeend = "\\end{minted}" termstart = "\\begin{minted}[escapeinside=||, mathescape, fontsize=\\footnotesize, xleftmargin=0.5em]{jlcon}" termend = "\\end{minted}" outputstart = "\\begin{minted}[escapeinside=||, mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em, frame = leftline]{text}" outputend = "\\end{minted}" mimetypes = ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"] fig_ext = ".pdf" out_width = "\\linewidth" out_height = nothing fig_pos = "htpb" fig_env = "figure" # specials keep_unicode = false template = nothing tex_deps = "\\usepackage{minted}" # how to escape latex in verbatim/code environment escape_starter = "|\$" escape_closer = reverse(escape_starter) end register_format!("texminted", TexMinted()) # Tex (directly to PDF) # --------------------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct JMarkdown2PDF <: TexFormat description = "Julia markdown to latex" extension = "tex" codestart = "" codeend = "" termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "\\begin{lstlisting}" outputend = "\\end{lstlisting}\n" mimetypes = ["application/pdf", "image/png", "image/jpg", "text/latex", "text/markdown", "text/plain"] fig_ext = ".pdf" out_width = "\\linewidth" out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials highlight_theme = nothing template = nothing keep_unicode = false tex_deps = "" # how to escape latex in verbatim/code environment escape_starter = "(*@" escape_closer = reverse(escape_starter) end register_format!("md2tex", JMarkdown2PDF()) register_format!("md2pdf", JMarkdown2PDF()) function set_format_options!(docformat::JMarkdown2PDF; template = nothing, highlight_theme = nothing, keep_unicode = false, _kwargs...) docformat.template = get_tex_template(template) docformat.highlight_theme = get_highlight_theme(highlight_theme) docformat.keep_unicode |= keep_unicode end function render_doc(docformat::JMarkdown2PDF, body, doc) return Mustache.render( docformat.template; body = body, highlight = get_highlight_stylesheet(MIME("text/latex"), docformat.highlight_theme), tex_deps = docformat.tex_deps, [Pair(Symbol(k), v) for (k, v) in doc.header]..., ) end function format_output(result, docformat::JMarkdown2PDF) # Highligts has some extra escaping defined, eg of $, ", ... result_escaped = sprint( (io, x) -> Highlights.Format.escape(io, MIME("text/latex"), x, charescape = true), result, ) return unicode2latex(docformat, result_escaped, true) end function format_code(code, docformat::JMarkdown2PDF) ret = highlight_code(MIME("text/latex"), code, docformat.highlight_theme) unicode2latex(docformat, ret, false) end format_termchunk(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2PDF) = should_render(chunk) ? highlight_term(MIME("text/latex"), chunk.output, docformat.highlight_theme) : ""