# Weave.jl - Scientific Reports Using Julia This is the documentation of [Weave.jl](http://github.com/mpastell/weave.jl). Weave is a scientific report generator/literate programming tool for Julia. It resembles [Pweave](http://mpastell.com/pweave), [knitr](https://yihui.org/knitr/), [R Markdown](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/), and [Sweave](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/utils/doc/Sweave.pdf). **Current features** * Markdown, script of Noweb syntax for input documents * Publish markdown directly to html and pdf using Julia or Pandoc markdown * Execute code as terminal or "script" chunks * Capture Plots.jl or Gadfly.jl figures * Supports LaTex, Pandoc, GitHub markdown, MultiMarkdown, Asciidoc and reStructuredText output * Simple caching of results * Convert to and from IJulia notebooks ![Weave in Juno demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40514306/76081328-32f41900-5fec-11ea-958a-375f77f642a2.png) ## Contents ```@contents Pages = ["getting_started.md", "usage.md", "publish.md", "chunk_options.md", "notebooks.md", "function_index.md"] ```