# NOTE # this file keeps old end2end tests, which are very fragile # - they are being gradually replaced with unit tests, that are much more maintainable and # much more helpful for detecting bugs # - the purpose of this file is to temporarily keep the old end2end tests in a way that # they're allowed to fail tpl = mt""" {{{ :body }}} """ out = weave(joinpath(@__DIR__, "documents", "markdown_beamer.jmd"), doctype="md2html", template=tpl) @test read(out, String) == read(out*".ref", String) rm(out) out = weave(joinpath(@__DIR__, "documents", "markdown_beamer.jmd"), doctype="md2tex", template=tpl) @test read(out, String) == read(out*".ref", String) rm(out) @testset "chunk options" begin result = read("documents/chunk_options.md", String) ref = read("documents/chunk_options_ref.md", String) @test result == ref tangle("documents/chunk_options.noweb", out_path = "documents/tangle") result = read("documents/tangle/chunk_options.jl", String) ref = read("documents/tangle/chunk_options.jl.ref", String) @test ref == result end