import Plots """Pre-execute hooks to set the plot size for the chunk """ function plots_set_size(chunk) w = chunk.options[:fig_width] * chunk.options[:dpi] h = chunk.options[:fig_height] * chunk.options[:dpi] Plots.default(size = (w,h)) return chunk end push_preexecute_hook(plots_set_size) #PNG or SVG is not working, output html function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", data::Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend})# #Remove extra spaces from start of line for pandoc s = reprmime(MIME("text/html"), data) splitted = split(s, "\n") start = split(splitted[1], r"(?=" report.first_plot = false end report.rich_output *= "\n" * div * "\n" * plot end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/png", data::Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyBackend})# display(report, MIME("image/svg+xml"), data) end #PNG or SVG is not working, output html function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", plot::Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyJSBackend}) body = Plots.PlotlyJS.html_body(plot.o.plot) if report.first_plot report.header_script *= "" report.first_plot = false end report.rich_output *= "\n" * body end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/png", plot::Plots.Plot{Plots.PlotlyJSBackend}) display(report, MIME("image/svg+xml"), data) end """Add saved figure name to results and return the name""" function add_plots_figure(report::Report, plot::Plots.Plot, ext) chunk = report.cur_chunk full_name, rel_name = get_figname(report, chunk, ext = ext) Plots.savefig(plot, full_name) push!(report.figures, rel_name) report.fignum += 1 return full_name end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"application/pdf", plot::Plots.Plot) add_plots_figure(report, plot, ".pdf") end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/png", plot::Plots.Plot) add_plots_figure(report, plot, ".png") end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", plot::Plots.Plot) add_plots_figure(report, plot, ".svg") end