using JSON, YAML """ read_doc(source::AbstractString, format = :auto) -> WeaveDoc Read the input document from `source` and parse it into [`WeaveDoc`](@ref). """ function read_doc(source::AbstractString, format = :auto) document = replace(read(source, String), "\r\n" => "\n") # fix line ending format === :auto && (format = detect_informat(source)) chunks = parse_doc(document, format) header = parse_header(first(chunks)) doc = WeaveDoc(source, chunks, header) haskey(header, "options") && header_chunk_defaults!(doc) # TODO: rename `options` => `weave_options` return doc end """ detect_informat(source::AbstractString) Detect Weave input format based on file extension of `source`. """ function detect_informat(source::AbstractString) ext = lowercase(last(splitext(source))) ext == ".jl" && return "script" ext == ".jmd" && return "markdown" ext == ".ipynb" && return "notebook" return "noweb" end function parse_doc(document, format) return if format == "markdown" parse_markdown(document) elseif format == "noweb" parse_markdown(document, true) elseif format == "script" parse_script(document) elseif format == "notebook" parse_notebook(document) else error("unsupported format given: $(format)") end end function pushopt(options::Dict, expr::Expr) if Base.Meta.isexpr(expr, :(=)) options[expr.args[1]] = expr.args[2] end end # inline # ------ function DocChunk(text::AbstractString, number, start_line; notebook = false) # don't parse inline code in notebook content = notebook ? parse_inline(text) : parse_inlines(text) return DocChunk(content, number, start_line) end const INLINE_REGEX = r"`j\s+(.*?)`|^!\s(.*)$"m function parse_inlines(text)::Vector{Inline} occursin(INLINE_REGEX, text) || return parse_inline(text) inline_chunks = eachmatch(INLINE_REGEX, text) s = 1 e = 1 res = Inline[] textno = 1 codeno = 1 for ic in inline_chunks s = ic.offset doc = InlineText(text[e:(s-1)], e, s - 1, textno) textno += 1 push!(res, doc) e = s + lastindex(ic.match) ic.captures[1] !== nothing && (ctype = :inline) ic.captures[2] !== nothing && (ctype = :line) cap = filter(x -> x !== nothing, ic.captures)[1] push!(res, InlineCode(cap, s, e, codeno, ctype)) codeno += 1 end push!(res, InlineText(text[e:end], e, length(text), textno)) return res end parse_inline(text) = Inline[InlineText(text, 1, length(text), 1)] # headers # ------- parse_header(chunk::CodeChunk) = Dict() const HEADER_REGEX = r"^---$(?
((?!---).)+)^---$"ms function parse_header(chunk::DocChunk) m = match(HEADER_REGEX, chunk.content[1].content) if m !== nothing header = YAML.load(string(m[:header])) else header = Dict() end return header end include("markdown.jl") include("script.jl") include("notebook.jl")