using Gadfly Gadfly.set_default_plot_format(:svg) #Gadfly doesn't call the default display methods, this catches #all Gadfly plots function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", p::Plot) chunk = report.cur_chunk full_name, rel_name = get_figname(report, chunk) docformat = formats[report.formatdict[:doctype]] push!(report.figures, rel_name) report.fignum += 1 w = chunk.options[:fig_width]inch h = chunk.options[:fig_height]inch format = chunk.options[:fig_ext] dpi = chunk.options[:dpi] #This is probably not the correct way to handle different formats, but it works. if format == ".png" try draw(PNG(full_name, w, h, dpi=dpi), p) catch draw(PNG(full_name, w, h), p) #Compose < 0.3.1, Gadfly < 0.3.1 end elseif format == ".pdf" draw(PDF(full_name, w, h), p) elseif format == ".ps" draw(PS(full_name, w, h), p) elseif format == ".svg" draw(SVG(full_name, w, h), p) elseif format == ".js.svg" draw(SVGJS(full_name, w, h), p) elseif format == ".tex" draw(PGF(full_name, w, h, true ), p) else: warn("Can't save figure. Unsupported format") end end