# TODO: # - 1. Improve argument handling # - 2. Update code to use UnPack.jl to make it more readable # - 3. Export new interface # - 4. Document Interface using Mustache, Highlights, .WeaveMarkdown, Markdown, Dates, Printf const FORMATS = Dict{String,WeaveFormat}() # TODO: do some assertion for necessary fields of `format` register_format!(format_name::AbstractString, format::WeaveFormat) = push!(FORMATS, format_name => format) register_format!(_, format) = error("Format needs to be a subtype of WeaveFormat.") set_format_options!(doc; kwargs...) = set_format_options!(doc.format; kwargs...) function render_doc(doc::WeaveDoc) restore_header!(doc) docformat = doc.format body = joinlines(render_chunk.(Ref(docformat), copy(doc.chunks))) return render_doc(docformat, body, doc) end include("common.jl") include("htmlformats.jl") include("texformats.jl") include("variousformats.jl") include("markdownformats.jl")