import JLD function write_cache(doc::WeaveDoc, cache_path) cache_dir = "$(doc.cwd)/$cache_path" isdir(cache_dir) || mkpath(cache_dir)"$cache_dir/$(doc.basename).jld", Dict("doc" => doc)) return nothing end function read_cache(doc::WeaveDoc, cache_path) name = "$(doc.cwd)/$cache_path/$(doc.basename).jld" isfile(name) || return nothing return JLD.load(name)["doc"] end function restore_chunk(chunk::CodeChunk, cached) chunks = filter(x -> x.number == chunk.number && string(typeof(x)) == "Weave.CodeChunk", cached.chunks) #Chunk types, don't match after loading. Fix by constructing chunks #from loaded content new_chunks = Any[] for c in chunks newc = CodeChunk(c.content, c.number, c.start_line, c.optionstring, c.options) newc.result_no = c.result_no newc.figures = c.figures newc.result = c.result newc.output = c.output newc.rich_output = c.rich_output push!(new_chunks, newc) end return new_chunks end #Could be used to restore inline code in future function restore_chunk(chunk::DocChunk, cached) return chunk end