type Tex description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const tex = Tex("Latex with custom code environments", Dict{Symbol,Any}(:codestart => "\\begin{juliacode}", :codeend => "\\end{juliacode}", :outputstart => "\\begin{juliaout}", :outputend => "\\end{juliaout}", :termstart => "\\begin{juliaterm}", :termend => "\\end{juliaterm}", :fig_ext => ".pdf", :extension =>"tex", :out_width=> "\\linewidth", :fig_env=> "figure", :fig_pos => "htpb", :doctype => "tex", :mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"] )) const texminted = Tex("Latex using minted for highlighting", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "\\begin{minted}[mathescape, fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em]{julia}", :codeend => "\\end{minted}", :outputstart => "\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\small, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape, frame = leftline]{text}", :outputend => "\\end{minted}", :termstart=> "\\begin{minted}[fontsize=\\footnotesize, xleftmargin=0.5em, mathescape]{julia}", :termend => "\\end{minted}", :fig_ext => ".pdf", :extension =>"tex", :out_width => "\\linewidth", :fig_env=> "figure", :fig_pos => "htpb", :doctype => "texminted", :mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "text/latex", "text/plain"] )) type Pandoc description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const pandoc = Pandoc("Pandoc markdown", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "~~~~{.julia}", :codeend=>"~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n", :outputstart=>"~~~~", :outputend=>"~~~~\n\n", :fig_ext=>".png", :out_width=>nothing, :extension=>"md", #Prefer png figures for markdown conversion, svg doesn't work with latex :mimetypes => ["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/svg+xml", "text/markdown", "text/plain"], :doctype=>"pandoc" )) const pdoc2html = Pandoc("Markdown to HTML (requires Pandoc)", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "````julia", :codeend=> "````\n\n", :outputstart=> "````", :outputend=> "````\n\n", :fig_ext=> ".svg", :extension=> "md", :mimetypes => ["image/svg+xml", "image/png", "image/jpg", "text/html", "text/markdown", "text/plain"], :doctype=> "md2html")) type Markdown description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const github = Markdown("Github markdown", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "````julia", :codeend=> "````\n\n", :outputstart=> "````", :outputend=> "````\n\n", :fig_ext=> ".png", :extension=> "md", :doctype=> "github" )) #Julia markdown type JMarkdown2HTML description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const md2html = JMarkdown2HTML("Julia markdown to html", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "\n", :codeend=> "\n", :outputstart=> "
        :outputend=> "
\n", :fig_ext=> ".png", :mimetypes => ["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/svg+xml", "text/latex", "text/plain"], :extension=> "html", :doctype=> "md2html")) #Julia markdown type JMarkdown2tex description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const md2tex = JMarkdown2tex("Julia markdown to latex", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "", :codeend=> "", :outputstart=> "\\begin{lstlisting}", :outputend=> "\\end{lstlisting}\n", :fig_ext=> ".pdf", :extension=> "tex", :mimetypes => ["application/pdf", "image/png", "image/jpg", "text/latex", "text/plain"], :doctype=> "md2tex")) type MultiMarkdown description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end function img_to_base64(fig, ext, cwd) f = open(joinpath(cwd, fig), "r") raw = read(f) close(f) if ext == ".png" return "data:image/png;base64," * stringmime(MIME("image/png"), raw) elseif ext == ".svg" return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," * stringmime(MIME("image/svg+xml"), raw) else return(fig) end end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2HTML) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] f_pos = chunk.options[:fig_pos] f_env = chunk.options[:fig_env] result = "" figstring = "" #Set size attribs = "" width == nothing || (attribs = "width=\"$width\"") (attribs != "" && height != nothing ) && (attribs *= ",") height == nothing || (attribs *= " height=\"$height\" ") if caption != nothing result *= """
\n""" end for fig = fignames ext = splitext(fig)[2] if ext == ".png" || ext == ".svg" fig = img_to_base64(fig, ext, docformat.formatdict[:cwd]) end figstring *= """\n""" end result *= figstring if caption != nothing result *= """
""" end if caption != nothing result *= "
\n" end return result end const multimarkdown = MultiMarkdown("MultiMarkdown", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "````julia", :codeend=> "````\n\n", :outputstart=> "````", :outputend=> "````\n\n", :fig_ext=> ".png", :extension=> "md", :doctype=> "github" )) type Rest description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end const rst = Rest("reStructuredText and Sphinx", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => ".. code-block:: julia\n", :codeend => "\n\n", :outputstart => "::\n", :outputend => "\n\n", :indent=> 4, :fig_ext => ".png", :extension => "rst", :out_width => "15 cm", :doctype => "rst" )) type AsciiDoc description::AbstractString formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} end #asciidoc -b html5 -a source-highlighter=pygments ... const adoc = AsciiDoc("AsciiDoc", Dict{Symbol,Any}( :codestart => "[source,julia]\n--------------------------------------", :codeend => "--------------------------------------\n\n", :outputstart => "--------------------------------------", :outputend => "--------------------------------------\n\n", :fig_ext => ".png", :extension => "txt", :out_width => "600", :doctype => "asciidoc" )) function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Tex) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] f_pos = chunk.options[:fig_pos] f_env = chunk.options[:fig_env] if f_env == nothing && caption != nothing f_env = "figure" end f_pos == nothing && (f_pos = "!h") result = "" figstring = "" #Set size attribs = "" width == nothing || (attribs = "width=$width") (attribs != "" && height != nothing ) && (attribs *= ",") height == nothing || (attribs *= "height=$height") if f_env != nothing result *= """\\begin{$f_env}[$f_pos]\n""" end for fig = fignames if splitext(fig)[2] == ".tex" #Tikz figures figstring *= "\\resizebox{$width}{!}{\\input{$fig}}\n" else figstring *= "\\includegraphics[$attribs]{$fig}\n" end end # Figure environment if caption != nothing result *= string("\\center\n", "$figstring", "\\caption{$caption}\n") else result *= figstring end if chunk.options[:name] != nothing && f_env !=nothing label = chunk.options[:name] result *= "\\label{fig:$label}\n" end if f_env != nothing result *= "\\end{$f_env}\n" end return result end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::JMarkdown2tex) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] f_pos = chunk.options[:fig_pos] f_env = chunk.options[:fig_env] result = "" figstring = "" if f_env == nothing && caption != nothing f_env = "figure" end f_pos == nothing && (f_pos = "!h") #Set size attribs = "" width == nothing || (attribs = "width=$width") (attribs != "" && height != nothing ) && (attribs *= ",") height == nothing || (attribs *= "height=$height") if f_env != nothing result *= """\\begin{$f_env}[$f_pos]\n""" end for fig = fignames if splitext(fig)[2] == ".tex" #Tikz figures figstring *= "\\resizebox{$width}{!}{\\input{$fig}}\n" else if isempty(attribs) figstring *= "\\includegraphics{$fig}\n" else figstring *= "\\includegraphics[$attribs]{$fig}\n" end end end # Figure environment if caption != nothing result *= string("\\center\n", "$figstring", "\\caption{$caption}\n") else result *= figstring end if chunk.options[:name] != nothing && f_env !=nothing label = chunk.options[:name] result *= "\\label{fig:$label}\n" end if f_env != nothing result *= "\\end{$f_env}\n" end return result end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Pandoc) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] result = "" figstring = "" attribs = "" width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] #Build figure attibutes width == nothing || (attribs = "width=$width") (attribs ≠ "" && height ≠ nothing ) && (attribs *= " ") height == nothing || (attribs *= "height=$height") attribs == "" || (attribs = "{$attribs}") length(fignames) > 0 || (return "") if caption != nothing result *= "![$caption]($(fignames[1]))$attribs\n" for fig = fignames[2:end] result *= "![]($fig)$attribs\n" println("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n") end else for fig in fignames result *= "![]($fig)$attribs\\ \n\n" end end return result end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Markdown) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] result = "" figstring = "" length(fignames) > 0 || (return "") if caption != nothing result *= "![$caption]($(fignames[1]))\n" for fig = fignames[2:end] result *= "![]($fig)\n" println("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n") end else for fig in fignames result *= "![]($fig)\n" end end return result end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::MultiMarkdown) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] result = "" figstring = "" if chunk.options[:out_width] == nothing width = "" else width = "width=$(chunk.options[:out_width])" end length(fignames) > 0 || (return "") if caption != nothing result *= "![$caption][$(fignames[1])]\n\n" result *= "[$(fignames[1])]: $(fignames[1]) $width\n" for fig = fignames[2:end] result *= "![][$fig]\n\n" result *= "[$fig]: $fig $width\n" println("Warning, only the first figure gets a caption\n") end else for fig in fignames result *= "![][$fig]\n\n" result *= "[$fig]: $fig $width\n" end end return result end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::Rest) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] result = "" figstring = "" for fig=fignames figstring *= @sprintf(".. image:: %s\n :width: %s\n\n", fig, width) end if caption != nothing result *= string(".. figure:: $(fignames[1])\n", " :width: $width\n\n", " $caption\n\n") else result *= figstring return result end end function formatfigures(chunk, docformat::AsciiDoc) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] result = "" figstring = "" for fig=fignames figstring *= @sprintf("image::%s[width=%s]\n", fig, width) end if caption != nothing result *= string("image::$(fignames[1])", "[width=$width,", "title=\"$caption\"]") else result *= figstring return result end end #Add new supported formats here const formats = Dict{AbstractString, Any}("tex" => tex, "texminted" => texminted, "pandoc" => pandoc, "pandoc2html" => pdoc2html, "pandoc2pdf" => pandoc, "md2pdf" => md2tex, "github" => github, "multimarkdown" => multimarkdown, "rst" => rst, "asciidoc" => adoc, "md2html" => md2html, "md2tex" => md2tex )