import .WeaveMarkdown """ `pandoc2html(formatted::AbstractString, doc::WeaveDoc)` Convert output from pandoc markdown to html using Weave.jl template """ function pandoc2html(formatted::AbstractString, doc::WeaveDoc, outname::AbstractString, pandoc_options) weavedir = dirname(@__FILE__) html_template = joinpath(weavedir, "../templates/pandoc_skeleton.html") css_template = joinpath(weavedir, "../templates/pandoc_skeleton.css") css = stylesheet(MIME("text/html"), doc.highlight_theme) path, wsource = splitdir(abspath(doc.source)) #wversion = string(Pkg.installed("Weave")) wversion = "" wtime = string(Date(now())) #Header is inserted from displayed plots header_script = doc.header_script self_contained = (header_script ≠ "") ? [] : "--self-contained" if haskey(doc.header, "bibliography") filt = "--filter" citeproc = "pandoc-citeproc" else filt = [] citeproc = [] end #Change path for pandoc old_wd = pwd() cd(doc.cwd) html ="" outname = basename(outname) open("", "w") do io println(io, formatted) end try cmd = `pandoc -f markdown+raw_html -s --mathjax="" $filt $citeproc $pandoc_options --template $html_template -H $css_template $self_contained -V wversion=$wversion -V wtime=$wtime -V wsource=$wsource -V highlightcss=$css -V headerscript=$header_script -o $outname` proc = open(cmd, "r+") println(, formatted) close( proc_output = read(proc.out, String) cd(old_wd) catch e cd(old_wd) @warn("Error converting document to HTML") throw(e) end end """ `pandoc2pdf(formatted::AbstractString, doc::WeaveDoc)` Convert output from pandoc markdown to pdf using Weave.jl template """ function pandoc2pdf(formatted::AbstractString, doc::WeaveDoc, outname::AbstractString, pandoc_options) weavedir = dirname(@__FILE__) header_template = joinpath(weavedir, "../templates/pandoc_header.txt") path, wsource = splitdir(abspath(doc.source)) #wversion = string(Pkg.installed("Weave")) wversion = "" wtime = Date(now()) outname = basename(outname) #Change path for pandoc old_wd = pwd() cd(doc.cwd) html ="" if haskey(doc.header, "bibliography") filt = "--filter" citeproc = "pandoc-citeproc" else filt = [] citeproc = [] end @info("Done executing code. Running xelatex") try cmd = `pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -s --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=tango $filt $citeproc $pandoc_options --include-in-header=$header_template -V fontsize=12pt -o $outname` proc = open(cmd, "r+") println(, formatted) close( proc_output = read(proc.out, String) cd(old_wd) catch e cd(old_wd) @warn("Error converting document to pdf") throw(e) end end function run_latex(doc::WeaveDoc, outname, latex_cmd = "xelatex") old_wd = pwd() cd(doc.cwd) xname = basename(outname) bibname = splitext(xname)[1] @info("Weaved code to $outname. Running $latex_cmd") textmp = mktempdir(".") try out = read(`$latex_cmd -shell-escape $xname -aux-directory $textmp -include-directory $(doc.cwd)`, String) if !isempty(WeaveMarkdown.CITATIONS[:references]) cd(textmp) out = read(`bibtex $bibname`, String) cd("..") out = read(`$latex_cmd -shell-escape $xname -aux-directory $textmp -include-directory $(doc.cwd)`, String) end out = read(`$latex_cmd -shell-escape $xname -aux-directory $textmp -include-directory $(doc.cwd)`, String) out = read(`$latex_cmd -shell-escape $xname -aux-directory $textmp -include-directory $(doc.cwd)`, String) rm(xname) rm(textmp, recursive=true) cd(old_wd) return true catch e @info(e) @warn("Error converting document to pdf. Try running with md2tex format and using latex manually") rm(xname) rm(textmp, recursive=true) cd(old_wd) return false end end