# Test for Gadfly with different chunk options and figure formatsusing Weave using Gadfly, Cairo function test_gadfly(doctype, fig_ext) out = weave( joinpath(@__DIR__ , "documents/gadfly_formats_test.jnw"), doctype = doctype, fig_ext = fig_ext ) result = read(out, String) # cp(out, out*fig_ext*"."*doctype, force=true) # Used when adding new tests ref = read(out*fig_ext*"."*doctype, String) @test result == ref rm(out) end test_gadfly("github", ".png") test_gadfly("github", ".pdf") test_gadfly("github", ".svg") test_gadfly("pandoc", ".png") test_gadfly("pandoc", ".js.svg") test_gadfly("tex", ".pdf") test_gadfly("tex", ".png") test_gadfly("tex", ".ps") test_gadfly("tex", ".tex") p = Gadfly.plot(x=1:10, y=1:10) @test showable(MIME"application/pdf"(), p) == true @test showable(MIME"application/png"(), p) == true