using Weave using Test s1= """ ```julia using NonExisting ``` ```julia x = ``` ```julia;term=true plot(x) y = 10 print(y ``` """ p1 = Weave.parse_doc(s1, "markdown") doc = Weave.WeaveDoc("dummy1.jmd", p1, Dict()) doc1 =, doctype = "pandoc") doc1.chunks[1].output @test doc1.chunks[1].output == "Error: ArgumentError: Package NonExisting not found in current path:\n- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add(\"NonExisting\")` to install the NonExisting package.\n\n" @test doc1.chunks[2].output == "Error: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n" @test doc1.chunks[3].output == "\njulia> plot(x)\nError: UndefVarError: plot not defined\n\njulia> y = 10\n10\n\njulia> print(y\nError: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n" @test_throws ArgumentError, doctype = "pandoc", throw_errors = true) doc = Weave.WeaveDoc("dummy1.jmd", p1, Dict()) doc3 =, doctype = "md2html") @test doc3.chunks[1].rich_output == "
\nERROR: ArgumentError: Package NonExisting not found in current path:\n- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("NonExisting")` to install the NonExisting package.\n\n
\n" @test doc3.chunks[2].rich_output == "
\nERROR: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n
\n" @test doc3.chunks[3].output == "\njulia> plot(x)\nError: UndefVarError: plot not defined\n\njulia> y = 10\n10\n\njulia> print(y\nError: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n" @test doc3.chunks[3].rich_output == ""