# This module extends the julia markdown parser to improve compatibility with Jupyter, Pandoc etc. module WeaveMarkdown using Markdown import Markdown: @trigger, @breaking, Code, MD, withstream, startswith, LaTeX function __init__() # NOTE: **overwrite** `Markdown.latex` function Markdown.eval(quote function latex(io::IO, tex::Markdown.LaTeX) math_envs = ["align", "equation", "eqnarray"] use_dollars = !any([occursin("\\begin{$me", tex.formula) for me in math_envs]) use_dollars && write(io, "\\[") write(io, string("\n", tex.formula, "\n")) use_dollars && write(io, "\\]\n") end end) end mutable struct Comment text::String end @breaking true -> function dollarmath(stream::IO, block::MD) withstream(stream) do str = Markdown.startswith(stream, r"^\$\$$"m) isempty(str) && return false trailing = strip(readline(stream)) buffer = IOBuffer() while !eof(stream) line_start = position(stream) estr = Markdown.startswith(stream, r"^\$\$$"m) if !isempty(estr) estr = Markdown.startswith(stream, r"^\$\$$"m) if isempty(estr) push!(block, LaTeX(String(take!(buffer)) |> chomp)) end return true else seek(stream, line_start) end write(buffer, readline(stream, keep=true)) end return false end end @breaking true -> function topcomment(stream::IO, block::MD) buffer = IOBuffer() withstream(stream) do str = Markdown.startswith(stream, r"^$", line) s = replace(String(take!(buffer)) |> chomp, r"-->$" => "") push!(block, Comment(s)) return true end end return false end end @trigger '<' -> function comment(stream::IO, md::MD) withstream(stream) do Markdown.startswith(stream, "") text ≡ nothing && return return Comment(text) end end # Create own flavor and copy all the features from julia flavor Markdown.@flavor weavemd [dollarmath, comment, topcomment] weavemd.breaking = [weavemd.breaking; Markdown.julia.breaking] weavemd.regular = [weavemd.regular; Markdown.julia.regular] for key in keys(Markdown.julia.inner) if haskey(weavemd.inner, key) weavemd.inner[key] = [weavemd.inner[key]; Markdown.julia.inner[key]] else weavemd.inner[key] = Markdown.julia.inner[key] end end include("html.jl") include("latex.jl") end