module Weave using Compat using Docile @docstrings(manual = ["../doc/"]) #Contains report global properties type Report <: Display cwd::String basename::String formatdict::Dict{Symbol,Any} pending_code::String cur_result::String fignum::Int figures::Array{String} term_state::Symbol cur_chunk function Report(cwd, basename, formatdict) new(cwd, basename, formatdict, "", "", 1, String[], :text, nothing) end end #const report = Report() const supported_mime_types = [MIME"image/png", MIME"text/plain"] function Base.display(doc::Report, data) for m in supported_mime_types if mimewritable(m(), data) display(doc, m(), data) brea end end end @doc "List supported output formats" -> function list_out_formats() for format = keys(formats) println(string(format,": ", formats[format].description)) end end @doc md""" Tangle source code from input document to .jl file. **parameters:** ```julia tangle(source ; out_path=:doc, informat="noweb") ``` * `informat`: `"noweb"` of `"markdown"` * `out_path`: Path where the output is generated. Can be: `:doc`: Path of the source document, `:pwd`: Julia working directory, `"somepath"`: Path as a string e.g `"/home/mpastell/weaveout"` """-> function tangle(source ; out_path=:doc, informat="noweb") doc = read_doc(source, informat) cwd = get_cwd(doc, out_path) outname = "$(cwd)/$(doc.basename).jl" open(outname, "w") do io for chunk in doc.chunks if typeof(chunk) == CodeChunk write(io, chunk.content*"\n") end end end info("Writing to file $(doc.basename).jl") end @doc md""" Weave an input document to output file. **parameters:** ```julia weave(source ; doctype = "pandoc", plotlib="Gadfly", informat="noweb", out_path=:doc, fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing) ``` * `doctype`: see `list_out_formats()` * `plotlib`: `"PyPlot"`, `"Gadfly"`, or `"Winston"` * `informat`: `"noweb"` of `"markdown"` * `out_path`: Path where the output is generated. Can be: `:doc`: Path of the source document, `:pwd`: Julia working directory, `"somepath"`: Path as a string e.g `"/home/mpastell/weaveout"` * `fig_path`: where figures will be generated, relative to out_path * `fig_ext`: Extension for saved figures e.g. `".pdf"`, `".png"`. Default setting depends on `doctype`. * `cache_path`: where of cached output will be saved. * `cache`: controls caching of code: `:off` = no caching, `:all` = cache everything, `:user` = cache based on chunk options, `:refresh`, run all code chunks and save new cache. **Note:** Run Weave from terminal and not using IJulia, Juno or ESS, they tend to mess with capturing output. """ -> function weave(source ; doctype = "pandoc", plotlib="Gadfly", informat="noweb", out_path=:doc, fig_path = "figures", fig_ext = nothing, cache_path = "cache", cache=:off) doc = read_doc(source, informat) #Reader toimii, muuten kesken... doc = run(doc, doctype = doctype, plotlib=plotlib, informat = informat, out_path=out_path, fig_path = fig_path, fig_ext = fig_ext, cache_path = cache_path, cache=cache) formatted = format(doc) outname = "$(doc.cwd)/$(doc.basename).$(doc.format.formatdict[:extension])" open(outname, "w") do io write(io, join(formatted, "\n")) end info("Report weaved to $(doc.basename).$(doc.format.formatdict[:extension])") end function Base.display(report::Report, m::MIME"text/plain", data) if report.term_state == :fig #Catch Winston plot command output report.cur_result *= "\n" * report.formatdict[:codestart] * "\n" end s = reprmime(m, data) haskey(report.formatdict, :indent) && (s = indent(s, report.formatdict[:indent])) report.cur_result *= s * "\n" if report.term_state == :fig #Catch Winston plot command output report.cur_result *= "\n" * report.formatdict[:codeend] * "\n" end end export weave, list_out_formats, tangle include("config.jl") include("chunks.jl") include("readers.jl") include("run.jl") include("cache.jl") include("formatters.jl") end