# HTML # ---- abstract type HTMLFormat <: WeaveFormat end render_code(docformat::HTMLFormat, code) = highlight_code(MIME("text/html"), code, docformat.highlight_theme) render_termchunk(docformat::HTMLFormat, chunk) = should_render(chunk) ? highlight_term(MIME("text/html"), chunk.output, docformat.highlight_theme) : "" # Julia markdown # -------------- Base.@kwdef mutable struct WeaveHTML <: HTMLFormat description = "Weave-style HTML" extension = "html" codestart = '\n' codeend = '\n' termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = "
    outputend = "
\n" mimetypes = ["image/png", "image/jpg", "image/svg+xml", "text/html", "text/markdown", "text/plain"] fig_ext = ".png" out_width = nothing out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials template = nothing stylesheet = nothing highlight_theme = nothing end register_format!("md2html", WeaveHTML()) function set_format_options!(docformat::WeaveHTML; template = nothing, css = nothing, highlight_theme = nothing, _kwargs...) template_path = isnothing(template) ? normpath(TEMPLATE_DIR, "md2html.tpl") : template docformat.template = get_mustache_template(template_path) stylesheet_path = isnothing(css) ? normpath(STYLESHEET_DIR, "skeleton.css") : css docformat.stylesheet = read(stylesheet_path, String) docformat.highlight_theme = get_highlight_theme(highlight_theme) end # very similar to tex version of function function render_chunk(docformat::WeaveHTML, chunk::DocChunk) out = IOBuffer() io = IOBuffer() for inline in chunk.content if isa(inline, InlineText) write(io, inline.content) elseif !isempty(inline.rich_output) clear_buffer_and_format!(io, out, WeaveMarkdown.html) write(out, addlines(inline.rich_output, inline)) elseif !isempty(inline.figures) write(io, inline.figures[end]) elseif !isempty(inline.output) write(io, addlines(inline.output, inline)) end end clear_buffer_and_format!(io, out, WeaveMarkdown.html) return take2string!(out) end render_output(docformat::WeaveHTML, output) = Markdown.htmlesc(output) function render_figures(docformat::WeaveHTML, chunk) fignames = chunk.figures caption = chunk.options[:fig_cap] width = chunk.options[:out_width] height = chunk.options[:out_height] f_pos = chunk.options[:fig_pos] f_env = chunk.options[:fig_env] result = "" figstring = "" # Set size attribs = "" isnothing(width) || (attribs = "width=\"$width\"") (!isempty(attribs) && !isnothing(height)) && (attribs *= ",") isnothing(height) || (attribs *= " height=\"$height\" ") if !isnothing(caption) result *= """
\n""" end for fig in fignames figstring *= """\n""" end result *= figstring if !isnothing(caption) result *= """
""" end if !isnothing(caption) result *= "
\n" end return result end function render_doc(docformat::WeaveHTML, body, doc; css = nothing) _, weave_source = splitdir(abspath(doc.source)) weave_version, weave_date = weave_info() return Mustache.render( docformat.template; body = body, stylesheet = docformat.stylesheet, highlight_stylesheet = get_highlight_stylesheet(MIME("text/html"), docformat.highlight_theme), header_script = doc.header_script, weave_source = weave_source, weave_version = weave_version, weave_date = weave_date, [Pair(Symbol(k), v) for (k, v) in doc.header]..., ) end # Pandoc # ------ Base.@kwdef mutable struct Pandoc2HTML <: HTMLFormat description = "HTML via intermediate Pandoc Markdown (requires Pandoc 2)" extension = "md" codestart = '\n' codeend = '\n' termstart = codestart termend = codeend outputstart = '\n' outputend = '\n' mimetypes = ["image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/jpg", "text/html", "text/markdown", "text/plain"] fig_ext = ".png" out_width = nothing out_height = nothing fig_pos = nothing fig_env = nothing # specials preserve_header = true template_path = nothing stylesheet_path = nothing highlight_theme = nothing pandoc_options = String[] end register_format!("pandoc2html", Pandoc2HTML()) function set_format_options!(docformat::Pandoc2HTML; template = nothing, css = nothing, highlight_theme = nothing, pandoc_options = String[], _kwargs...) docformat.template_path = isnothing(template) ? normpath(TEMPLATE_DIR, "pandoc2html.html") : template docformat.stylesheet_path = isnothing(css) ? normpath(STYLESHEET_DIR, "pandoc2html_skeleton.css") : css docformat.highlight_theme = get_highlight_theme(highlight_theme) docformat.pandoc_options = pandoc_options end render_figures(docformat::Pandoc2HTML, chunk) = render_figures(Pandoc(), chunk)